The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What part you at? :?

    From what I see here, yes

  • I said if I was her. And this is going bad places so lets stop talking about it, please?

    That's just dumb, lol. You let her kill zombies twice her size, but not a raccoon? And you'd let her starve to death too? Man...

  • Alt text

    Go. To. Sleep.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I haven't slept in three days. I'm tired. And sad.

  • I saw it. But i'm still sad and tired.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Azlyn, look at the post above you >:(

  • Nick........ ;-;

    Go. To. Sleep.

  • That's not food, not for humans at least, we're not herbivores, we need meat just like every other wild animal you are supposedly trying to protect.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    And when I say some shit, I never actually mean't shit. I mean't... just... random stuff. Fucking grass or leaves.

  • Alt text

    Go. To. Sleep.

  • I cried at the credits. ;~;

    Nick........ ;-;

  • Sure thing. I just don't understand, that's all.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I said if I was her. And this is going bad places so lets stop talking about it, please?

  • Hah. It would be funny if i knew what to do with myself right now.

    What the hell!?!?! I pull an allnighter and everyone flips out, but you can pull THREE and no one bats an eye??? WHY DON'T I HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE?

  • edited July 2014

    I was disappointed by his death, though. Such a lame way to go. Didn't even get to see him before he died.

    Nick........ ;-;

  • I could rant about how outrageous the lack of character development is in general, especially for Nick, but i'm too tired now. I think i'll go lay down for a while and listen to some sad music because i'm on my mood swing and it's bad.

  • That's not why she's an adult, she's seen too much to keep that "child's innocence" you're working so hard to keep, listen to her: "We can't be kids anymore".

    CodPatrol posted: »

    She is to me, just because she can kill walkers doesn't mean she's automatically an adult.

  • I'm going to go listen to some depressive songs and lay down on the bed. See ya.

  • edited July 2014

    Ugh, I know!!! Like, he got 5 lines last episode, and NO lines this episode, AND AN OFFSCREEN DEATH??

    I really thought Nick was gonna be...... better developed. :(

  • Can you please euthanize me?

    Azlyn posted: »


  • Did you order some sticky?

    Tried to send a pm for business arrangments... Said I don't have permission to do that....

  • boop :o

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm going to go listen to some depressive songs and lay down on the bed. See ya.

  • Ikr? And the fact that Luke cared more about Jane leaving than his own childhood friend dying is just... Ugh. At least Rebecca actually cared.

  • I know, it's not supposed to make you feel any better :/

    Azlyn posted: »

    I saw it. But i'm still sad and tired.

  • edited July 2014

    Choices don't matter anymore either, and I didn't even feel sad for Nick or Sarah's deaths. Sarah's felt like it was thrown in there for emotional purposes, but when Jane tried to save her and she still died, I was like, well... saved her for no reason then... great.

    When I saw Nick I was like "What?! No, really?" I just felt... idk, disappointed, like I expected him to go out a better way.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I could rant about how outrageous the lack of character development is in general, especially for Nick, but i'm too tired now. I think i'll go lay down for a while and listen to some sad music because i'm on my mood swing and it's bad.

  • U ded boy.

    Go. To. Sleep.

  • "Peace off. BOOP!"

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm going to go listen to some depressive songs and lay down on the bed. See ya.

  • Believe me, I tried.

    What the hell!?!?! I pull an allnighter and everyone flips out, but you can pull THREE and no one bats an eye??? WHY DON'T I HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE?

  • That's one thing that I questioned. I thought Luke was going to care more, since they were childhood friends, but he seemed to just shake it off and go on like he never existed. The deaths seemed to just be added for emotional purposes in this episode. I didn't even feel sad, I was just surprised that people were dying the way they were.

    Twistee posted: »

    Ikr? And the fact that Luke cared more about Jane leaving than his own childhood friend dying is just... Ugh. At least Rebecca actually cared.

  • One last thing before i go:

    Alt text

  • I'm 'bout to serve it up for for all you boys and girls.

    Good kids, bad and even Da Kurlzz!

    We were chilling at home and decking the halls.

    So I checked my phone and Santa had called!

    He said he'd swing by at a quarter to twelve.

    He said that his jolly ass needed some help.

    He said "Christmas ain't a gang but a way of life"

    "If you guide my sleigh, I'll let you fuck my wife!"

    So we jumped in his sleigh and it started to jingle,

    Funnier than fuck you can ask Chris Kringle.

    So we all took flight but something was fishy.

    He asked for road head and started to kiss me!

    Underneath his suit was just a bunch of pillows.

    Instead of bags of presents, he had bags of dildo's.

    I pulled down his beard and it was a monster.

    It wasn't Saint Nick, it was a fucking imposter!

    When we found out he started to pout.

    I took my bandanna and I choked him out!

    I pulled off his beard and I fucked his mouth.

    Hijacked his sleigh and headed down south.

    I had a lot of wild nights but tonight was the craziest,

    Met a lot of Jeff's but this one was shadiest.

    When it comes to cheer that motherfuckers a Grinch,

    So if you don't like Christmas, FUCK YOU BITCH!!!

  • I was hoping that he could make it this season, just a slight chance, but nope. He dies on a fence and we didn't get to say goodbye properly. I was just like...

    Alt text

    Ugh, I know!!! Like, he got 5 lines last episode, and NO lines this episode, AND AN OFFSCREEN DEATH?? I really thought Nick was gonna be...... better developed.

  • [imitates Scooby] "Sticky? Where?"

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Did you order some sticky?

  • I KNOW


    Twistee posted: »

    Ikr? And the fact that Luke cared more about Jane leaving than his own childhood friend dying is just... Ugh. At least Rebecca actually cared.

  • OR EDDIE?!

    I know right?! I saved Sarah just so she could die later on in the same episode, like dafuq? And staying or leaving didn't matter, stealing

  • (?) Clementine will remember what you said

    I'm 'bout to serve it up for for all you boys and girls. Good kids, bad and even Da Kurlzz! We were chilling at home and decking the h

  • When someone is determinant, he's dead, I got that just when I found out Carley/Doug die anyway.

    I was hoping that he could make it this season, just a slight chance, but nope. He dies on a fence and we didn't get to say goodbye properly. I was just like...

    edited July 2014

    Yeah, you can add me if you want, same name.

    Is this Skype?

  • Yeah, wtf?! Did telltale completely scrap episode 4 or something? What happened to that weird ritual thing where Clem was putting blood or war paint on her face? That never happened, it was the reason why I was excited to play this episode.

    OR EDDIE?!

  • edited July 2014


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "Peace off. BOOP!"

  • Sleep tight.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm going to go listen to some depressive songs and lay down on the bed. See ya.

  • In TWAU they lived, so I was hoping that maybe there was a chance in TWDG, but guess not. Not going to keep my hopes up anymore, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    When someone is determinant, he's dead, I got that just when I found out Carley/Doug die anyway.

  • edited July 2014

    And i'm like 500% done with Luke now, after what he did. He was screwing around with Jane when he was SUPPOSED TO BE KEEPING WATCH >:( Kenny was starting to piss me off too, after he basically told Clem to fuck off.

    Almost everyone made me mad this episode. I didn't even cry, partly because I was trying to hide my feels from my cousins, and also because I was just too mad to cry. The only people who didn't piss me off were Sarah (well, sort of.. i just wanted her to snap the hell out of it and move on already), Rebecca, and Jane. Oh, and Mike.

    I was hoping that he could make it this season, just a slight chance, but nope. He dies on a fence and we didn't get to say goodbye properly. I was just like...

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