Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • You guys voted for Sardines. I thought you guys were going to choose someone else.

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves. 4)say nothing NO PRO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??! IDSNFVI;KLDBLUVKNLMsEIHNKL Sardines. ;________;

  • edited July 2014

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    HINTS? You think this is a game playing with users lives Lee while we decide our fates ^

    . I mean, uh suuure. Whatever you guys choose...

    Oh you clever devil I see your hints now

  • There ya go, maybe next time.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    HINTS? You think this is a game playing with users lives Lee while we decide our fates ^ . I mean, uh suuure. Whatever you guys choose... Oh you clever devil I see your hints now

  • I like the you think, man. B]

    And I left it open for a day and a half, the votes stopped and the majority was for Sardines. I needed to close it so I could continue the next part.

    Well...that happened...Damnit Devyn !! I guess you've been wanting it ever since Tobi's torture chamber... You got your wish I suppose...

  • edited July 2014

    XD wat just seen the Joker meme didn't show up on my notifications

  • ;_; ribs in peas

    sardines posted: »

    it's okay ;u; I forgive you! I'm just glad it was me and not someone else.

  • edited July 2014

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    PRO. ME NO LIKE YOU. I dont want sardines to die/ ;_;

    You guys voted for Sardines. I thought you guys were going to choose someone else.

  • edited July 2014

    Ugh, I'm so stupid... I'm so sorry, sardines ;-; I really am. FUUUUU!!



    Sorry, on mobile. Don't feel like a typing it in. Plus, I'm mad. >:(

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • 2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    4) Say nothing.

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • Lol, that would have been too easy with the arm.

    PRO. ME NO LIKE YOU. I dont want sardines to die/ ;_;

  • Why would you want them to look for us?

    Ugh, I'm so stupid... I'm so sorry, sardines ;-; I really am. FUUUUU!! 1) 3) Sorry, on mobile. Don't feel like a typing it in. Plus, I'm mad. >:(

  • Wait nevermind, I choose the 2nd one.

    I know what it means when you start questioning people's votes, and so I'm changing it.

    Why would you want them to look for us?

  • Lmao, also I started watching the movie but I had to stop where the kid tries to dodge the train becuase I went somewhere. So far I liked it, going to try to watch it tomorrow. B]

    Wait nevermind, I choose the 2nd one. I know what it means when you start questioning people's votes, and so I'm changing it.

  • Loollollol, Teddy ^-^ what an idiot


    Lmao, also I started watching the movie but I had to stop where the kid tries to dodge the train becuase I went somewhere. So far I liked it, going to try to watch it tomorrow. B]

  • Lol, ah yes, so it's Chris, Gordy,, Teddy and I didn't catch the the name of the other kid.

    Or else what,WtW?

    Loollollol, Teddy ^-^ what an idiot WATCH THE REST OF IT PRO OR ELSE

  • VERN! Chris, Gordie, Teddy and VERN. Dafuq bro, how can you forget about Vern-o? ;-;

    Or else....... um......

    Alt text

    Lol, ah yes, so it's Chris, Gordy,, Teddy and I didn't catch the the name of the other kid. Or else what,WtW?

  • Because nobody likes Vern. Lol.

    Lol, WtW. No.

    VERN! Chris, Gordie, Teddy and VERN. Dafuq bro, how can you forget about Vern-o? ;-; Or else....... um......

  • I like Vern :( He brought the freaking comb.

    Yes, Pro. Yes.

    Because nobody likes Vern. Lol. Lol, WtW. No.

  • Who the hell are you? Jk, lol. I haven't watched it enough to know who they are.

    Ummmmmmmm, no.

    I like Vern He brought the freaking comb. Yes, Pro. Yes.

  • I'm Clementine's "dafuq luke i thought you were supposed to be watching for walkers" face.

    Stop arguing with me. It will always be yes.

    Who the hell are you? Jk, lol. I haven't watched it enough to know who they are. Ummmmmmmm, no.

  • Lol, you call this arguing? You won't do anything so, no. It will always be no.

    I'm Clementine's "dafuq luke i thought you were supposed to be watching for walkers" face. Stop arguing with me. It will always be yes.

  • If it isn't arguing, what is it?

    You don't know that. I could be on my way to New York right now and you wouldn't even know.

    Lol, you call this arguing? You won't do anything so, no. It will always be no.

  • Lol, it's simply joking around. I know that you're still in your room, sitting or laying down, probably in bed with your laptop. So uh yeah, no. B]

    If it isn't arguing, what is it? You don't know that. I could be on my way to New York right now and you wouldn't even know.

  • 0_0

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    r u psychic m8

    Lol, it's simply joking around. I know that you're still in your room, sitting or laying down, probably in bed with your laptop. So uh yeah, no. B]

  • Tell your cat I said hi. Mwuahahaha!

    0_0 r u psychic m8

  • Which one? There's two in my room with me right now, but only one that's laying on my bed. WHAT COLOUR IS IT?

    Tell your cat I said hi. Mwuahahaha!

  • Yeah, the black cat on your bed, duh!

    Which one? There's two in my room with me right now, but only one that's laying on my bed. WHAT COLOUR IS IT?

  • Holy shit dude.



    Yeah, the black cat on your bed, duh!

  • edited July 2014

    What happened to it's eye, though?

    Are we all human? Or are we dancers?


  • The black cat is Midnight. Maybelle is the one with the missing eye. She got scratched by another cat and it got infected and had to be removed. She's okay though, she doesn't even notice it, it seems.

    What happened to it's eye, though? Are we all human? Or are we dancers?

  • Ah, at least it's good.

    "Katjaa said that Maybelle could have her baby tonight!"

    The black cat is Midnight. Maybelle is the one with the missing eye. She got scratched by another cat and it got infected and had to be removed. She's okay though, she doesn't even notice it, it seems.


    I told you i'm a hipster, Pro.

    Ah, at least it's good. "Katjaa said that Maybelle could have her baby tonight!"

  • WtW the trendsetter. B]


  • 2) Wait a bit longer

    1) Shoot her, stop her from turning.


    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • New votes, disregard previous

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    3) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her.

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • Normally I'd post this in the Lounge, but since this is directly rrelated to this story...

    Music for my death scene.

  • Well, this was just downright stupid. I can't believe they didn't stab his brain when they still had the chance. I mean...Gary even MENTIONED it and they were all like "lolnope". Just...why...
    I just hope my character, who was second in line to get chosen, wouldn't have been as stupid. I know I wouldn't have been as irrational as to ignore a reanimating walker just because I knew the person from when he was still a survivor. Damnit, fellas.

    About the choices:

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves. - They will serve no purpose looking for everyone, seeing as Pro's group is further away and our group is fine, aside from the sardines situation which we can handle on our own. If they came our way, they would probably only find us and help us find the mansion. We can surely find it on our own. And even if we told them that Pro's group is in trouble, I hardly believe they would find them and only run into Tobi instead, which would only cause trouble. Better stay home and guard the base.

    1) We need to shoot her. Stop her from turning. - Sorry to say rthis, but her situation is hopeless. Bitten in the shoulder, there is no possibility to even amputate the bite. She basically got a death sentence on her. Taking her with us would only put everyone at risk and serve no purpose other than giving Salt a chance to say goodbye. IF he even makes it in time to actually see her or IF she even makes it to the mansion. Sorry, too much risk for a very little gain. Just put her out of her misery and avoid further casualties.

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    3) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her.

    Ribs in peas Honeybuns, now there will never be Gustavdines. ;____;


    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • 1)Let's leave. We should go look for them. In case the others run into some trouble, it's better if there are more there to help.

    3)We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her. At least we should give Salt an opportunity to see his friend one last time. If she turns, then they'll have to shoot her right away.

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • Broken got angry at Gary and wouldn't allow them to stab PAP in the head just yet, she thought that it wouldn't be right to stab him if he hadn't turned yet. They had just lost a good friend, Azlyn stopped him so they wouldn't start arguing. This was also the first time someone had turned that quickly, they weren't expecting that but now everyone knows that anyone could turn at any moment after they die. Every time something happens in the story and a character is there to witness it, they will remember from that point on. If something like this happens again, you can guarantee that Guilty will know what to do next time.

    Well, this was just downright stupid. I can't believe they didn't stab his brain when they still had the chance. I mean...Gary even MENTIONE

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