Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • lmao, "cut the shoulder off"

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves. 3) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt need

  • It would work... Probably.

    lmao, "cut the shoulder off"

  • Lolno. Sorry. I wanted Gustavdines to happen just as much as you did. :(

    It would work... Probably.

  • If you guys chose a certain character, they would had gotten bit in the hand and there would be an option to cut it off. I didn't think people were going to vote for Sardines, but you guys did and now that happened.

    It would work... Probably.

  • What's the goddamn deal? She's a little sick, but we can't just quit. It's a scratch! She's not like the others. Jesus, all ya'll are just makin' it worse.

    Lolno. Sorry. I wanted Gustavdines to happen just as much as you did.

  • Alt text

    If you guys chose a certain character, they would had gotten bit in the hand and there would be an option to cut it off. I didn't think people were going to vote for Sardines, but you guys did and now that happened.

  • That's good to know. At least the characters learn from their mistakes. This was still a very dumb way to die. :(

    Broken got angry at Gary and wouldn't allow them to stab PAP in the head just yet, she thought that it wouldn't be right to stab him if he h

  • Heh. Chapter 3 is almost done, right? Great, that means we will see what could have happened. Always cool to see what could have been.

    If you guys chose a certain character, they would had gotten bit in the hand and there would be an option to cut it off. I didn't think people were going to vote for Sardines, but you guys did and now that happened.

  • Here's the thing, Guilty. I wasn't expecting you guys to choose Sardines,if you guys voted for PAP to stay with Tali, this would have been avoidable. With 40 characters in the story, I'm going to need to start killing off characters, though. If you guys chose a certain someone instead of Sardines, they would have gotten their hand bit and there would be an option to cut it off. I can't reveal who just yet, but yeah. I have to continue the story with what you guys choose.

    That's good to know. At least the characters learn from their mistakes. This was still a very dumb way to die.

  • 2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    I teared up a little. :( I'm sorry, Dev. UGH i feel so bad for just staying there and ot doing anything useful!

    Ribs in peas. ;~;

    1) We need to shoot her. Stop her from turning.

    And i'm sorry, Salty, but i can't let Dev turn. I WON'T let her turn.

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • I decided to stay. It would be a safer bet. They sure can take care of themselves, and putting CSB and the others in danger just to find them wouldn't be wise, i think. They'll stay a little longer and then they'll go look for them.

    I'm curious... Why are some of you voting to leave and try to look for the others?

  • ;~;

    sardines posted: »

    Normally I'd post this in the Lounge, but since this is directly rrelated to this story... Music for my death scene.

  • ;_____; ribs in peas gustavdines

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves. 3) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt need

  • you're not dead yet, maybe, maybe, you'll live?

    sardines posted: »

    ;_____; ribs in peas gustavdines

  • "Gustav. I love me. But what you are saying, that I will not turn... is foolish."

    you're not dead yet, maybe, maybe, you'll live?

  • "What's the goddamn deal? You're a little sick, but we can't just quit. It's a scratch! You're not like the others. Jesus, all ya'll are just makin' it worse."

    sardines posted: »

    "Gustav. I love me. But what you are saying, that I will not turn... is foolish."

  • edited July 2014

    2) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    3)We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her.

    What the FUCK?? Devyn pls no ;-;

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • 1) Let's leave. We should go look for the.

    3) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her

    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai



    Dont_Look_Back I walked SweetPea into my room."Alright, it's getting late and the others might not show up tonight. If that's the case, t

  • edited July 2014

    I want to join, @LeeTheProfessional please pm me when you have openings.

  • edited July 2014




    CoolStoryBro I was outside, talking to Jon and Jewf. Jewf told us he couldn't sleep so he came out here to check on us. We were still wai

  • edited July 2014


    (!) We'll take them with us. They need to regroup with the others, just like us. Maybe they can prove themselves later on.

    Salt was looking at them."We'll take them with us. They need to regroup with the others, just like us. Maybe they can prove themselves later on." He finally spoke.

    "What? Really?!" Puncake asked.

    "Don't worry about it. We could use more people." I said to Pun.

    "Okay, it's settled then. We'll just keep an eye on them if we decide for them to stay with us. Deal?" Pro asked.

    "Definitely." Salt replied.

    "Deal." I said.

    "Okay, I ain't got a problem with that." Puncake said.

    "Alright, let's get out of here then. Salt, lead the way." Pro said.

    "Right." He turned back to the others."Everyone! We're leaving! Let's go, we need to get there quickly, come on!" Salt told them.

    "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Goust said to us.

    "Excellent. Now we can continue on our way." King said.

    "Come on, guys. Let's go." CiD told them while walking up to us.

    "Let's go, Shadow. We're not leaving anyone behind." Twistee told him.

    "Alright." He said and they both started walking towards us.

    Sheep and Rafoli did the same."Okay, then. We can still make it an about an hour, if we're quick. So no more fucking around. Follow me." Salt told us. He turned and started running, everyone else followed. It was finally time to get back to the mansion, back to the others...


    (!) We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her.

    Valky looked over at Sardines."We need to take her with us, we need to reach the mansion ASAP. Salt needs to see her." She told us.

    "I agree. Salt would want some closure." WtW said.

    "Here, put this around her shoulder." Shiina said while getting a small blanket out of the car."It should at least stop the bleeding..." She told WtW and handed it to her.

    "Yes, it should. Thanks." WtW replied and placed it on Sardines.

    "Come on, Gary. Help me get PAP out of the car. We need to get Sardines in there as quickly as we can, so we can get moving again. The sun is already starting to come up, I don't want the others to get worried." Fan told him.

    "Right. Let's do this." Gary replied and they both went over to the back of the trunk.

    I walked closer to everyone else. I was still shocked at what just happened. I couldn't believe someone could turn so quickly, and now we had a bite victim with us. I was hoping that Sardines wouldn't turn before we reached the mansion, but this time we would be prepared if anything."Who should... well, you know. If Sardines turns..." I said.

    "I uh... I don't know." WtW said.

    "I'll take care of it. If it comes to that..." Shiina told us.

    "Heh... don't talk like I'm not here, guys." Sardines said.

    "Sorry, it's just... we're worried." Broken told her.

    "Just try to stay alive for as long as possible, Sardines. Please." AC told her.

    "I'll give it my best shot, but you guys better get me back to the mansion soon." She replied.

    "You'll make in time, Sardines. Don't worry." Guilty told her.

    "That's right. Don't give up just yet. Hang in there." Valky told her.

    "Alright, that's good." Fan said while him and Gary placed PAP's corpse in the woods.

    "No time to mourn... let's get Sardines in the back and get out of here." WtW told us.

    Everyone excluding Valky, Guilty and Azlyn helped get Sardines in the back. After that, Azlyn and Gary helped get Guilty in the back passenger seat. Everyone got in the SUV."I hope the others haven't run into trouble." I said while looking down.

    "I miss my sister..." Azlyn said.

    "I miss her too. And SGK as well." I replied.

    "Okay, everyone. We should be there in about twenty minutes. I just hope the others reach us in time." Fan said, and started driving the car.

    Everyone was quiet. I was in the back with Shiina, Broken, and AC. Shiina had a knife close to Sardines's head and was prepared for the worst. Broken applied pressure to her wound and kept her calm."Here, guys." WtW said while reaching for something under her seat. She turned around and had a water bottle in her hand."Give some water to Sardines." She said and passed it to Azlyn, who then passed it to AC.

    "Thank you, WtW." AC told her and opened it."Here you go, Sardines. Drink up, you'll be okay."

    Sardines drank some water and then turned to look at us."I actually don't feel sick. I just... don't really feel much of anything anymore."

    "You're starting to look pale, but you still seem okay. Just keep fighting whatever is in you." Shiina told her.

    "Are you lightheaded? Feeling warm or anything?" Broken asked her.

    "No... not really." Sardines replied.

    Valky sighed while looking back at us."Just stay awake, Sardines. We're almost there." She said to her...

    17 minutes later.

    "Here, we go. Nearly there. How's Sardines doing?" Fan asked.

    "Still good. Looks like Salt might get the chance to actually say goodbye to her just yet." I told him.

    "I really hope so..." Azlyn said.

    "I'm starting to feel hot... sleepy..." Sardines told us.

    "Come on, Sardines. Almost there..." Ac told her.

    "Her skin is cold to the touch. We'll need to lie her down somewhere more comfortable." Shiina said.

    "Yeah, get Sardines to a bed or couch." Guilty told us.

    "There it is!" WtW Said to us.

    I looked up and saw a huge mansion, just like they said."Wow!..." It was the only word that could come out of my mouth...


    (!) Let's just wait a bit longer. They can handle themselves.

    We had been running for about forty to fifty minutes now. Everyone was exhausted, but there was no time to stop. Everything was back on track, no more arguing or fighting. We just proceeded with the plan to follow Salt so he could get us back to our other group members. If this was the old days, I probably would have joined Mark and killed all of them, but after seeing Tobi and what a monster he was, I wanted to make sure I wouldn't become like him. I had to leave my bad habits in the past. It was time to start doing some good, I wanted to prove to everyone that I wasn't just another bad guy."We should be there in approximately ten minutes." Salt told us.

    "Fuck... I really... hope so... I'm so tired." Goust said.

    "Pace yourself, old man. We'll be there in no time." I told him.

    "Easy... for you to say!" He replied.

    "Hehe, just tryin' to help." I said to him.

    "The others are more than likely to be there by now. We need to get to the mansion before they decide to go out and look for us." Pro told us.

    "Hell yeah! I hope they're still there." Puncake replied.

    "Hope your other group members are as cool as you guys. Thanks for all the help." Sheep told them.

    "Not a problem, but just keep going. Nearly there." Password told him.

    I hope you guys have food... I'm starving." Shadow told them.

    "Maybe we can give you some for the road if we decide not to keep you guys." Salt told them.

    "I really hope so. I'm starving, too." CiD said.

    "I just hope AC and Broken made it safely." Rafoli said.

    "Have faith, man. I'm sure they did." King told him.

    "Just beyond those trees! Come on, guys!" Salt shouted.

    We made our way over and we finally spotted the mansion."Holy shit! That mansion is huge! Look at it! Freaking beautiful!" Sheep said ecstatically.

    "Yeah! Can't wait to meet the others!" I shouted.

    "Look! That's your SUV, Pro!" Puncake said to him.

    "Yeah, looks like the others already made it, but why is no one guarding the front...?" Pro said with a concerned tone.

    "Finally... can't wait to get some rest. Yes, it seems strange that no one is outside..." Password said.

    We finally reached the front and we all stopped for a breather."Okay, guys... wait out here. Puncake and Password will keep an eye on you. Me and Salt will go in and tell the others that we're here." Pro told us.

    "Yeah, we'll be back in a minute." Salt said and then they both started making their way into the mansion...

    Gary-Oak- A while earlier

    "Look! It's Jon and Jewf!" Fan shouted.

    "Yeah, and I can see Wanderer and CSB in the back." WtW replied.

    Fan flashed the headlights while driving over. Two men that were standing outside in the front of the mansion waved their hands. Fan drove the car into the driveway and then parked it. He turned the car off and told us to get Sardines out and into the mansion. We got out and started getting ready."What the fuck?! Who are all these people?!" A young male around my age with a faded blue cap asked.

    "No time to explain! Help us get Sardines into the mansion!" WtW replied.

    "Shit! That's Sardines?! She was bit?!" An older male with glasses asked.

    "Yeah, now come on, help us!" Fan told him while carrying Sardines."Jewf, get the door opened." He asked the young male.

    "Shit, man! This is fucked!" He said while running towards the door to open it.

    "You're going to have to explain this to us when you guys get a chance." Jon told Fan and WtW.

    "Yes, but now is not the time." WtW replied. We made it into the mansion, everything seemed neat and brand new, as if no one had touched anything in years."Come on! put her on the couch! Noncy! Where are you?!" WtW shouted.

    "I'll go tell Wanderer and CSB about what's going on." Jewf said and then ran towards the back.

    Arf! Arf! I started hearing a dog barking."You guys have a dog?!" I asked.

    "Yes, she's my pet, her name is Angel." WtW replied.

    Sardines was placed on the couch. Everyone just stood there and watched, except for AC and Broken who were by her side."Sardines, we made it. Salt should be here any minute. Don't give up just yet." AC told her.

    Sardines opened her eyes and looked around."Wow... this place... it's very beautiful." She said with a smile.

    "Hang in there, Sardines." Broken told her.

    "Do you guys mind if Guilty sat down somewhere?" Valky asked, while we held him up.

    "Uh, sure. In the kitchen right over there." Jon told us.

    "Come on, Az. Let's give them a moment." I told her.

    She turned her head to look at me."Okay..." Me, Guilty, Valky, Azlyn, Shiina and Guetta all sat down on a huge kitchen table.

    "There we go... A little better. I just hope Salt gets here soon so he can see Sardines..." Guilty said.

    Arf! Arf! Angel's barks sounded closer and louder."WtW! Are you down here?!" We heard a female ask.

    "In the living room! Hurry!" WtW replied.

    I turned and saw a black and white Husky running up to WtW. She knelt down and hugged it. Two other females showed up as well."My God! What happened!" A young female around my age asked her.

    "ATR, this is Sardines. She was bit on our way back... we were being careless and..." WtW looked down.

    "Okay... don't worry about it." ATR told her.

    "Who are all these people? I thought you were supposed to only bring back Sardines and Joe?" The older female said.

    "Things got complicated, Noncy. We weren't expecting this many people to come back with us. We split up with the others, hopefully they get here soon." WtW explained.

    "People were shooting at us and there was no time to waste, we needed to get these people out of there and into a safe area. The others will be bringing more with them as well." Fan said.

    "Wait a minute, how many more exactly?!" Jon asked.

    "Don't know, we didn't have time to count. Quite a few of them." Fan replied.

    "Shit... hope you guys know what you're doing." Jon told him.

    Suddenly we heard the front door opening, I couldn't see who entered."Pro!" WtW shouted.

    "Come on, Salt! It's clear!" I heard Pro's voice.

    "Holy shit, they made it." Guilty said.

    "Salt and Pro! Come here quickly!" WtW said to them.

    "What happened?!" Pro asked.

    "It's Sardines!" Fan replied.

    "What?! What happened to her?!" I heard Salt's voice. I was looking over at the others and then I saw Salt and Pro enter the living room."Holy shit! No!" Salt started shaking his head.

    "She was bit..." Broken told him.

    "What the fuck?! How did this happen?!" Salt asked them.

    "PAP died on the way here... we were careless and well... Sardines got bit." WtW said with her head down.

    "Oh, no, no, no, no. Damn it!" Salt said while grabbing his head.

    Cough, cough."Salt... is that you...?" Sardines asked.

    "Sardines, I'm here." Salt replied.

    "So you did make it, heh..." She said to him.

    "Poor, Sardines..." Azlyn said to us.

    "I should be there..." Valky said.

    "Go on, Valky...." Guilty told her. Valky nodded her head and made her way over.

    "I feel really bad." Guetta said.

    "Yeah, but there's nothing we can do. If anyone should destroy the brain before she turns, it should be Salt." Shiina said.

    "Yeah... poor girl..." Guilty said.

    I could hear the others talking. Salt was knelt down next to Sardines. A few people were crying."Damn it... we should have brought you with us instead. Why did we even listen to that Mark guy?... Fuck!" Salt said while looking at Sardines.

    Pro walked in with the others. Another young female with glasses entered with what looked like to be another female in a sundress, but I couldn't get a good look at her, as she was behind a wall and she only stuck out partially. Pro looked at her with a confused look. Jon walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. They took the female with them and walked away. Sheep, King, Twistee and Goust were making there way to us."We heard what happened..." Sheep said as they reached us.

    "Yeah... it happened so fast. Damn..." I said and shook my head.

    "It's okay, man. At least you guys got her here. Salt will get a chance to say goodbye before she leaves this world." King said.

    Azlyn started crying."What's wrong, Azlyn?" Goust asked her.

    "This just... it reminds me of Phyre. I know we should be happy to be back together, but I can't stand this right now..." Azlyn replied.

    "Let it out, Az. It's okay..." Shiina told her.

    Guetta walked over to her and sat next to her. She gave Azlyn a hug."I'll cry with you..." She told her.

    "Sad day for us all... we may have escaped from Tobi's place. But at what cost...?" Guilty said.

    I Looked down and then at the others surrounding Salt and Sardines."At least she lasted a long time without giving up..." Twistee said with his arms crossed.

    I could hear what they were saying."I'm... fading... I can feel it. It's... almost time..." Sardines managed to say.

    "Damn... Sardines, I can't believe this." Shadow said.

    "At least I got to see you for one last time. Something that didn't happen with Joe..." Salt told her.

    "Heh... don't worry. I'm sure... he knew... that you were trying to save us..." Sardines told him.

    "Heh, to think that when I first met you guys... I risked my life to save the both of you. Then I try the same thing for a second time, but I was too late, and then this happens..." Salt said.

    "It's... okay, Salt. This was my fate... I'm just glad that it was me... and no one else." She replied.

    "You always thought that way..."He told her.

    "At least I'll be able to see Joe again... heh... owww..." Sardines said and then started moaning in pain. I could see that her skin was grayish, and that she was sweating.

    "No, Sardines... don't do this..." Salt said while looking at her.

    "No, Sardines!" Shadow shouted.

    I could see that Sardines was breathing heavily."No, no, Sardines..." Broken said and started crying.

    "It's okay... it's okay..." Rafoli told her.

    AC covered her face while she cried."Sardines can you hear me? Sardines..." Salt asked her but got no response. I saw her head move to the side, and then Salt checked for a pulse."... No... no!" Salt shouted and got up.

    "Fuck... she's gone." King said to us.

    Pro came back with Jon, but I didn't see the female from earlier. Pro walked over to Salt and placed his hand on his back."It's time, Salt. You know what to do..." He told him.

    Salt turned his head to him, and then back to Sardines. He pulled out a knife and leaned closer to her."I'm sorry, Sardines..." He said to her while he waited. Broken and AC were holding each other while they cried. WtW was wiping her tears away, while Angel and Noncy comforted her. Most people were looking away. I turned to see Azlyn and Guetta crying as they looked over at Salt and Sardines. I turned back to them. Salt held the knife up and was ready to strike."Come on, Sardines..." Salt waited. Soon Sardines's eyes opened and she turned her head to look at Salt. She started to lightly growl at him and without hesitation, Salt jabbed the knife on her forehead. He pulled the knife out, and Sardines stopped moving. Salt started breathing heavily and he looked shocked."Damn it!..." He shouted.

    "No..." Broken said and started crying more with AC.

    "That's pretty... pretty fucked up..." Shadow said and then looked away.

    "It's over... we can bury her now, Salt." Pro told him.

    Salt moved back and just kept looking at Sardines's corpse."Just... give me a minute..." He replied.

    "You got it. We'll start digging the grave, whenever you're ready, we'll bury her. Sorry it had to be this way..." Pro said.

    "Yeah..." Salt replied.

    "Damn..." I said and looked down. At that moment, I realized that at any point any of us could die. Why were we even trying to survive? Why were we even fighting off the walkers? Was it worth it? What was the point of trying to live in a world gone to hell? It seemed like we were just going through constant struggles. So many things were running through my mind...


    Two hours went by since Sardines passed away. We finished putting her in the grave that we dug next to Awesomeo's. I found out he was the person who saved WtW back at the apartments. SweetPea had stumbled upon the mansion and the others trusted her, Gary and Azlyn had met her before and they were catching up on what they missed. We managed to save Sardines, but she ended up getting bit on her way back, but at least she got to say goodbye to salt before she left us. Now we had a bunch of people with nowhere to go. I was outside with Jon, Puncake and Jewf. We were under the shade of a big tree."Too much people, man. I don't know about this." Jewf said to us.

    "Remember our ideas? We can expand this place. With more people to help, we'll get things done faster." Jon told him.

    "Hmm, you have a point, but can we trust 'em? They got in a fight earlier." Puncake asked.

    "A fight?! The fuck?" Jewf said with a confused look.

    "If they stay, we'll be keeping an eye on them. We didn't trust you guys in the beginning either, remember?" I told them.

    "Yeah, but it wasn't a lot of people. Not like this..." Jewf said while looking back at them.

    "I understand, but these people have nowhere to go." Jon told him.

    "Maybe we can just give 'em some food for the road." Puncake suggested.

    "Yeah, something like that, huh?" Jewf said.

    "Maybe, but I don't know. Sending them out there to fend for themselves against those walkers, it just doesn't seem right." Jon told them.

    "Well, c'mon, guys. We have to do something about 'em." Puncake said...

  • edited July 2014

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from there. This Tobi guy was keeping them as slave workers, I'm sure they just want to find a safe place to stay in." I said.

    "This Tobi guy sounds like a real asshole." Jewf said.

    "You still thinking about building that moat around the mansion? Clayton would like that..." Puncake asked me and then looked down.

    "Sure, we can build a moat. That will take a while, though. I saw that Tobi was planning to build a fence around that warehouse of his, maybe we could try the same, but we should expand the mansion first. Start looking for wood, metal, tools or anything that could help us." I said to them.

    "Salt mentioned a greenhouse as well. That would be good to have ." Puncake said.

    "So many ideas, but we'll need the manpower for this." Jon said.

    "Hmm, well what do you say, Pro? My only concern is putting our trust into these guys, and then getting stabbed in the back." Puncake said to me.

    "Uh, yeah..." Jewf said. I leaned against the tree and crossed my arms. I looked over at everyone standing outside, waiting for us to finish. I looked down at the grass and thought about it...

    1) There's too many of them. They're not staying.

    2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.


    PasswordSuck (!) We'll take them with us. They need to regroup with the others, just like us. Maybe they can prove themselves later on.

  • We will need the manpower to expand and improve the mansion, and the numbers if/when Tobi comes a knockin'. Some of the newer additions to the mansion group seem pretty unstable... I hope another Rich situation doesn't occur.

    2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    And RIP Sardines ;-; at least she got to go peacefully, and not by being devoured or tortured or anything.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • RIP Dev. :c And now I wonder how SweetPea will interact with Gary and Azlyn. :o

    2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that. I just hope Tobi doesn't find everyone at once.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • Lmao, oh shit. I completely forgot that Gary and Azlyn met SweetPea and Awesomeo, whoops. Going to fix some things in this part.

    RIP Dev. :c And now I wonder how SweetPea will interact with Gary and Azlyn. 2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that. I just hope Tobi doesn't find everyone at once.

  • 2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    R.I.P Sardines, she didn't deserve that.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • edited July 2014

    Lol! See, SweetPea is not the only one who forgets things. Maybe they could see each other later though if fixing will be hard. :o

    Lmao, oh shit. I completely forgot that Gary and Azlyn met SweetPea and Awesomeo, whoops. Going to fix some things in this part.

  • 2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • "It's... okay, Salt. This was my fate... I'm just glad that it was me... and no one else." She replied.

    "You always thought that way..."He told her.

    I might be dead but at least I was true to myself in your story, thank you Pro ;v;

    "That's pretty... pretty fucked up..." Shadow said and then looked away.


    ribs in peas me, i'm pretty sad about it but like story me said, i'm also glad it was me and not anyone else. ;v;

    2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • Lol, so many characters. Well, it's fixed, I just made it so he didn't see you well enough, but in Pro's part you, Azlyn and Gary are catching up on stuff and thaaaangs.

    Lol! See, SweetPea is not the only one who forgets things. Maybe they could see each other later though if fixing will be hard.

  • Since they picked you, I decided to add that option to take you back to the mansion, and the voting went as planned. R.I.P Sardines.

    sardines posted: »

    "It's... okay, Salt. This was my fate... I'm just glad that it was me... and no one else." She replied. "You always thought that way

  • Ribs in peas ;_;

    Since they picked you, I decided to add that option to take you back to the mansion, and the voting went as planned. R.I.P Sardines.

  • Kill them! I mean... yeah, so many. :o Lol, catching up on the tragedies. ;-;

    Lol, so many characters. Well, it's fixed, I just made it so he didn't see you well enough, but in Pro's part you, Azlyn and Gary are catching up on stuff and thaaaangs.


    Kill them! I mean... yeah, so many. Lol, catching up on the tragedies. ;-;


    You know I don't mean it Dev. ;-;

    sardines posted: »


  • 2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that

    I'm literally crying right now. Poor sardines ;~; <\3

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • edited July 2014

    hey woodbury, did you hear the Gustavdines duet in commemoration of my death?

    thought gustav would want you to hear it ;v; and i wanted u to hear it 2

    actually after this update, you could interpret Gustav's part as Salt instead of just a general random person xD

    2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that I'm literally crying right now. Poor sardines ;~; <\3

  • Alt text

    Lmao, well damn.

    Kill them! I mean... yeah, so many. Lol, catching up on the tragedies. ;-;

  • Alt text

    Lmao, well damn.

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