Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Taking Nick all the way to episode 4 he ends up getting shot leading to his downfall. It looks like it was Tavia who was the one who shoots him in the shoulder area. When it happens you can see her all the way in the back of the scene shooting her machine gun and she is the only one in the shot.

  • Mike is like, wtf

    G-Panda posted: »

    ...This happened.

  • Yeah, same reaction I had for sure!

    Mike is like, wtf

  • He sees the door, not Clementine, i don't think he really liked her in that moment ;)

    I just found something new (for me, at least) while replaying episode 1 again! When Clem is sneaking around the house trying to find supp

  • Says the man who's quickie almost got everyone killed. XD

    You can talk to Luke about Mike if you go with Mike and Bonnie first. Clem says that Mike thinks they don't like him and Luke says that Mike needs to earn acceptance.

  • Carlos says Clem's lucky she's not Sarah.

    Later on Sarah dies

  • I thought that too but I think it's the door Nick notices, not Clementine specifically. It wouldn't really make sense for him to let her roam around the house while he argues against letting her stay. He only starts warming up to her when its proven that it was just a dog bite and when Clementine accepts his apology.

    I just found something new (for me, at least) while replaying episode 1 again! When Clem is sneaking around the house trying to find supp

  • Something you might have forgotten: Kenny is terribly unforgiving.

    Alt text

  • The comics go to 4 years after the ZA... so Clem's problems either get a lot better by Season 3... or she dies... :(

    Bokor posted: »

    When looking at the poster in the observation deck, the visible text reads "Oh, when will this cruel war end?" Because the Civil War lasted four years, it might be a subtle reminder that the hell Clem is going through is not permanent.

  • Exactly! Mike is more than welcomed into this group lol

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Says the man who's quickie almost got everyone killed. XD

  • edited July 2014

    Something else you might have forgotten. If you did steal the food, Kenny insults Vernon and says "We wouldn't leave good people to rot!'

    Despite the fact that Kenny's entire plan was to fix the boat with Vernon's help, and then abandon him, his entire group, and Ben to die in walker-infested Savannah as he took off on the boat. Ah, you can always count on Kenneth for your daily dose of delicious hypocrisy :P

    fallandir posted: »

    Something you might have forgotten: Kenny is terribly unforgiving.

  • edited July 2014

    In S2 EP1, when Clementine has to appeal to someone after Pete suggests cutting her arm off, there's an overlooked option to choose Carlos while he's examining her arm at the bottom of the screen.

    If Telltale doesn't change the story, the Christmas story that Sarita told Sarah in EP2 about two people hiking in a snow storm may occur in EP5. Which also means that Clementine and Rebecca's baby could be the only survivors after EP4's ending.

  • Clementine is eleven.... in 2005. When the apocalypse happened, she was 8 then 9.subtract 8 from 2003, you get 1995. She was also born sometime in November or guess she was born between October 30th 1995 and November 20th 1995.

  • Kenny is terribly unforgiving? I thought that it's a detail no one will forget :P

    fallandir posted: »

    Something you might have forgotten: Kenny is terribly unforgiving.

  • Mike likes that vanilla.

    Alt text

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    In S2E1 This conversation can be heard between Luke and Nick.

    • Nick: You brought her back here, not me, you knew she was bit
    • Luke: What were we s'posed to do? huh? leave her out there to die...?
    • Nick: Better her than us
    • Pete: You'dve done the same Nick
    • Nick: It wasn't the brightest idea
    • Luke: Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh...? Next time we'll just put up a neon sign that says 'Lurkers Welcome'

    I shared this small chat because I thought it was funny how Luke made his comeback at Nick xD and its also pretty cute that although Nick is trying to act all tough, Pete knows that Nick would have been soft on Clementine if he found her, kinda like how he was soft when he didn't have the heart to shoot the buck

  • If you fail to hide in the cabin bathroom is S2E1, a conversation will start between Sarah and Rebecca that can be heard outside the door

    • Sarah: Oh hi Rebecca. What are you doing...?
    • Rebecca: I want to grab a towel to wash up
    • Sarah: They're in the kitchen I think
    • Rebecca: You think...?
    • Sarah: Yeah I'm pretty sure I saw them there
    • Rebecca: Okay thanks.

    Due to this conversation and it causing Rebecca to not go into the bathroom, players who had this particular instance wouldn't know about Rebecca possibly having Carvers baby until S2E2 when Rebecca tells Clem that the baby is not Alvins

  • This is also literally the only scene in S2E1 in which Rebecca is completely amiable. So... I guess foreshadowing that Rebecca was never really a bad person, considering how friendly she was with Sarah?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If you fail to hide in the cabin bathroom is S2E1, a conversation will start between Sarah and Rebecca that can be heard outside the door

  • In S2E1, when Sam attacks you, you can pick up the can and use it to help defend yourself against him.

    Sarah's last words in both her deaths will always be her calling out to her dad, which is really sad, hopefully they're reunited now.

  • William (Bill) Carver also disagrees

    Mothoth posted: »

    As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • edited July 2014

    Dog bites are a type of "dirty wound," and if you stitch them closed, the chance of infection is higher than if you let them heal with no stitches. In fact most times the doctor won't do anything other than disinfect it. -_- Sorry you didn't know about that, Clem....

    Also, Carlos was a crappy doctor.

  • Amid The Ruins is the only episode so far were NO new characters die.

  • Native Russians are able to notice that in S4E4 the bald tattooed guy from Arvo's group speaks Russian with strange accent while the others speak without it. Still cannot understand is it an interesting Telltale's idea, or it's just a problem to find one more actor speaks Russian. His accent sounds like in between of American, German and Bulgarian... :-)
    Also Arvo is not a Russian name, but anyway he speaks Russian without an accent.

  • edited July 2014

    The music in the credits of each episode seems to focus on certain characters.

    All That Remains / In The Water: Clem, regretting her actions that led to Lee and Omid’s death.

    We can never make amends for what we’ve done.

    Clem ran away to find the Stranger, leading to Lee's death. She left her gun unattended, leading to Omid's death. No matter how much she regrets it, she can't do anything to bring them back or fix her mistakes.

    His eyes are full of love. Forgive them. Release them.

    Clem has to determinately end Lee's life, the man who loved and protected her. Also, if you were an asshole to her in Season 1, I guess she'd have to forgive Lee :P ?

    A House Divided / In The Pines: Nick and his hardships, I guess? This one’s a little less clear.

    My Daddy was a Railroad man Killed a mile and a half from here. His head, was found, In a drivers wheel. His body was never found.

    Nick had a strained and distant relationship with his father, and rarely saw him.

    You've caused me to weep, you've caused me to mourn. You caused me to lose my home.

    The song is referring to the “little girl”. Initially, Nick blames Clem for Pete’s death if you decided to go with him.

    In Harm’s Way / Remember Me: Carlos and his love for Sarah.

    Remember me… but don’t let me hold you back from it all.

    Carlos wants Sarah to live on even after his death.

    Don’t pretend you’re in this alone.

    Carlos asks Clem to look out for Sarah because they’re friends while they're in the walker herd.

    She sees me inside you. She’s afraid that you won’t come home.

    Sarah sees Clem as a potential protector and teacher, much like she viewed her father, and is afraid that the people she cares about won’t come back to her (“When my dad gets here, we should all go back to the cabin. It’s safe there”). Note that Sarah specifically calls out for Clem and her father during her death scenes.

    Amid The Ruins / Salty Seas: Sarah and her relationship with Clem.

    I was so green, nothing could touch me. I'm not saying that this is good or bad

    Refers to how Sarah was sheltered and that, on some level, she knew that wasn’t a good thing. I feel like people don’t give Sarah enough credit, since she’s the one who asks Clem to teach her to defend herself, remember? “Everything is dangerous. I need to know sometimes.”

    I'm not saying that I wanna go

    Some people insist that Sarah gave up after her dad's death. But if you save her, she later begs for help when she's pinned under the deck. She was traumatized after her loss, but that didn't mean she wanted to die.

    the sudden ease when you arrive, and it's you that makes me try

    Clem is the only one who can snap Sarah out of her shock, and she escapes the trailer park and continues to live for Clem.

    “Just try. Can you do that?” – Clem.

  • edited July 2014

    It's right before dinner, when Alvin goes downstairs to find something for Rebecca to drink (when you have the option to feel Rebecca's belly and talk about her pregnancy).

    If you haven't given Clem's water to anyone yet, Alvin will find the water bottle in Clem's backpack and give it to Rebecca. If you have given the bandit or Pete the water, Alvin brings back water in a paper cup.

    hihitwd posted: »

    When can you give water to Rebecca? I didn't gave it to Victor and I went with Nick, but in Episode 2 I didn't see the choice.

  • And then TTG answered the question "what does Nick look like without his hat" in the worst way possible.

  • You mean episode four? Episode three's is right after Clem procures the radios, Kenny talks about his memories with Duck and his boundless energy.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Episode one: Clem looks at a painting of a duck and saying "Sigh Duck" Episode two: Kenny calls Clem Duck. Episode three: Kenny says "Duck, Katjaa, Sarita, no rest, no peace."

  • Might have stretched believability if that walker had Leland's license, but he was still one of my top NPC's from the DLC.

    fallandir posted: »

    Man, you always find some cool stuff, but I think you're wrong here. Look: Virginia Driver's License Sandusky, Jon

  • edited July 2014

    Killing off four long standing characters in a single episode...I agree with you on that. Feels like a waste, like a rush to just sweep them under the rug as place setting for Ep. 5.

    Maybe since every episode has different writers, each does their own take on the story and don't continue off of each other's work. Or Telltale just completely lost inspiration for Sarah and wanted her gone as soon as possible...

  • First time I saw that, I couldn't stop thinking how long her thumb is. It's very glaring.

    I just found this pic on Twitter. Could this mean Jane is double-jointed?

  • I find the hatred for Sarah quite confounding precisely because she's the product of a "smug son of a bitch". Do people not remember that Carlos never apologizes for the way he treated Clem? If he had been willing to listen and not seclude Sarah "for her own good", then she might have stood a chance at thriving.

    Lee listened to Chuck. Carlos didn't.

  • important characters from s1 and 2 have letter e in their names







  • edited July 2014

    It's S2 EP1.

    In S2 EP1, when Clementine has to appeal to someone after Pete suggests cutting her arm off, there's an overlooked option to choose Carlos w

  • edited July 2014

    Yes but this is only if you don't go to Sarah first asking for the supplies.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If you fail to hide in the cabin bathroom is S2E1, a conversation will start between Sarah and Rebecca that can be heard outside the door

  • This would make her about 18/19 by maybe those cluke fics are okay./obvioussarcasmisobvious.

    Clementine is eleven.... in 2005. When the apocalypse happened, she was 8 then 9.subtract 8 from 2003, you get 1995. She was also born sometime in November or guess she was born between October 30th 1995 and November 20th 1995.

  • There is one eating the flesh of a walker on the fence just before mark gets shot with an arrow


    quinnics posted: »

    The crows have been present before almost every death in the game. The ones I can remember off the top of my head were Katjaa and Duck's dea

  • You forgot Ben! HOW DARE YOU?!

    child123 posted: »

    important characters from s1 and 2 have letter e in their names Lee Clementine Kenny Carver Luke Maybelle

  • I ship it.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Mike likes that vanilla.

  • "Maybelle" has two "e"s so you know she's just as important as Lee!

    child123 posted: »

    important characters from s1 and 2 have letter e in their names Lee Clementine Kenny Carver Luke Maybelle

  • Clementine got 3, which is weird considering Maybelle is way more important.

    sialark posted: »

    "Maybelle" has two "e"s so you know she's just as important as Lee!

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