If you want civilized discussion friend, then I shall give it to you. First off, you posted "Brase ursel urbankenny is cumin", which translated into proper English, is "Brace yourselves, urbankenny is ejaculating." It was about a picture with a semi sexual reference, admittedly , but it was quite unnecessary to go and say that, especially considering the porn epidemic of Clementine.
Also, who is the one calling other people cowards, posting Clem is love Cleem is life, and stalking other people for apologies for what you do? Does that ring a bell?
hey man I'm sorry for being rude and all, can you forgive me I've had a hard couple of days, and i always forget to not go on the internet when I'm angry, now let me clear some thinks up, first when i said brase urself urban kenny is cumin, i meant brace yourselves urbankenny is coming, like he was going somewhere,not like he was ejaculating, but yeah i can see why you would say that. moving on i "stalked him" because he called me a little pedoshit, because i was protecting zammey12, who made a post about him not caring about cluke, and we should just ignore it, he got massive hate for saying that because people misinterpreted him, as saying that he liked cluke, then a very angry guy joined (no need to say his name here) and started screaming like crazy, he had obviously not read a singe comment and only the headline. he called me a little pedoshit for sticking up for zammey (despite the flood of dislikes and mean comments).
i wouldn't just let the angry guy escape without giving me an apologi, so i "tracked" him down in various threads, and asked him for an apologi (which i didn't get). now to you, you also joined the cluke thread and instantly took the popular side, thereby labeling zammey as a pedo, sorry but i do find that cowardly, but yeah i overreacted, and now i ask for forgiveness, so can you forgive me, after reading all this
If you want civilized discussion friend, then I shall give it to you. First off, you posted "Brase ursel urbankenny is cumin", which transla… moreted into proper English, is "Brace yourselves, urbankenny is ejaculating." It was about a picture with a semi sexual reference, admittedly , but it was quite unnecessary to go and say that, especially considering the porn epidemic of Clementine.
Also, who is the one calling other people cowards, posting Clem is love Cleem is life, and stalking other people for apologies for what you do? Does that ring a bell?
hey man I'm sorry for being rude and all, can you forgive me I've had a hard couple of days, and i always forget to not go on the internet when I'm angry, now let me clear some thinks up, first when i said brase urself urban kenny is cumin, i meant brace yourselves urbankenny is coming, like he was going somewhere,not like he was ejaculating, but yeah i can see why you would say that. moving on i "stalked him" because he called me a little pedoshit, because i was protecting zammey12, who made a post about him not caring about cluke, and we should just ignore it, he got massive hate for saying that because people misinterpreted him, as saying that he liked cluke, then a very angry guy joined (no need to say his name here) and started screaming like crazy, he had obviously not read a singe comment and only the headline. he called me a little pedoshit for sticking up for zammey (despite the flood of dislikes and mean comments). i wouldn't just let the angry guy escape without giving me an apologi, so i "tracked" him down in various threads, and asked him for an apologi (which i didn't get). now to you, you also joined the cluke thread and instantly took the popular side, thereby labeling zammey as a pedo, sorry but i do find that cowardly, but yeah i overreacted, and now i ask for forgiveness, so can you forgive me, after reading all this
Well that was her hairstyle before Lee cut it.
Stand By Meeeeee
Pretty much sums up the episode 4 for me
If you want civilized discussion friend, then I shall give it to you. First off, you posted "Brase ursel urbankenny is cumin", which translated into proper English, is "Brace yourselves, urbankenny is ejaculating." It was about a picture with a semi sexual reference, admittedly , but it was quite unnecessary to go and say that, especially considering the porn epidemic of Clementine.
Also, who is the one calling other people cowards, posting Clem is love Cleem is life, and stalking other people for apologies for what you do? Does that ring a bell?
This is what happened when Alvin went to Carver's office in EP3
Another creation of mine. I think it's slightly better than the previous one.
Contains major spoilers.
hey man I'm sorry for being rude and all, can you forgive me I've had a hard couple of days, and i always forget to not go on the internet when I'm angry, now let me clear some thinks up, first when i said brase urself urban kenny is cumin, i meant brace yourselves urbankenny is coming, like he was going somewhere,not like he was ejaculating, but yeah i can see why you would say that. moving on i "stalked him" because he called me a little pedoshit, because i was protecting zammey12, who made a post about him not caring about cluke, and we should just ignore it, he got massive hate for saying that because people misinterpreted him, as saying that he liked cluke, then a very angry guy joined (no need to say his name here) and started screaming like crazy, he had obviously not read a singe comment and only the headline. he called me a little pedoshit for sticking up for zammey (despite the flood of dislikes and mean comments).
i wouldn't just let the angry guy escape without giving me an apologi, so i "tracked" him down in various threads, and asked him for an apologi (which i didn't get). now to you, you also joined the cluke thread and instantly took the popular side, thereby labeling zammey as a pedo, sorry but i do find that cowardly, but yeah i overreacted, and now i ask for forgiveness, so can you forgive me, after reading all this
Thank you, Blind Sniper, for another amazing Gif. Even if it meant my thread was closed.
but the thread isn't locked *mind blows
He owes me a few thousand $$$ for using my gif in his gif tho.
FAAAKE!those are California clementines.lol
Wise Luke:
To soon?

I'm sure we all know Winston's opinion on this sick shit.
hey man I'm sorry for being rude and all, can you forgive me I've had a hard couple of days, and i always forget to not go on the internet when I'm angry, now let me clear some thinks up, first when i said brase urself urban kenny is cumin, i meant brace yourselves urbankenny is coming, like he was going somewhere,not like he was ejaculating, but yeah i can see why you would say that. moving on i "stalked him" because he called me a little pedoshit, because i was protecting zammey12, who made a post about him not caring about cluke, and we should just ignore it, he got massive hate for saying that because people misinterpreted him, as saying that he liked cluke, then a very angry guy joined (no need to say his name here) and started screaming like crazy, he had obviously not read a singe comment and only the headline. he called me a little pedoshit for sticking up for zammey (despite the flood of dislikes and mean comments). i wouldn't just let the angry guy escape without giving me an apologi, so i "tracked" him down in various threads, and asked him for an apologi (which i didn't get). now to you, you also joined the cluke thread and instantly took the popular side, thereby labeling zammey as a pedo, sorry but i do find that cowardly, but yeah i overreacted, and now i ask for forgiveness, so can you forgive me, after reading all this
Can't say if it's too soon or not, but I laughed regardless, even though I saved Sarah.
Im dying XD
Also to note, the torturer is Michael Madsen, the voice actor of Carver! Telltale had to of been influenced from this movie.
That was the joke.
I know, but not everyone probably knew this.
There is gonna be a season 3. It was confirmed by Telltale at Comic-Con.
For me, it's a little bit too soon, but at the same time, I did get a laugh out of it.
Ha! It's literally Alvin and the chipmunks!
Not a meme, but this would have been nice to see...
As a luke fan I still upvote this.
Haha by episode 3 I'm sure Carlos regretted saying that.
The turtle kid looks like Doug!