The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • But why Rachelle? ATR is your sister, makes more sense.

    umm maybe someone in the story says says to someone else" shoot woodbury" so while they are in the process of aiming their gun i get in front of her and take the bullet. Thats possible, right? I think...

  • edited August 2014

    You mean like the one we wanted for nick

    sry if i keep comparing you to him but the comparison is sooo acurate think about it

    You both were mentioned by your groups to a new member before showing up

    You both lost "family" in your first story (Even if Pete dies in EP 2 EP1 is the last time they saw each other alive)

    You both of you did something you thought right but someone (someones in you're case) tried to kill you for it

    You both were "just there" at one point (especialy when WTD died)

    You both left alone with a friend in the woods afther a crisis

    Neither of you got well developed afther chapter 2

    And of course both deaths were compleatly out of nowhere, pointless and not deserved (Tell me did you see that coming just gettig shot for drama ,development and shock value)

    But don't misunderstand Nick was my favorite Character in season2 (besides clem and kenny) im comparing you as a complement to you're character

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sorry, I misunderstood your question. A death with a meaning, dying standing up, fighting for something.

  • I understand, Pro is evil.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    You mean like the one we wanted for nick sry if i keep comparing you to him but the comparison is sooo acurate think about it You bot

  • Alt text

    Not my fault Pro created the character like that ;)

  • Wait... they blocked your SKYPE? Shit just got real.

    I would go on Skype to see your reaction to the game, but I can't...Microsoft decided to be pricks and blocked my email and Skype once again... -____________________________________________________________________________________________-

  • Yeah, I also should get more SNK\AOT(whatevs) Manga, Anime wasn't enough lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You should, it's a great work of literature (graphic literature whateva).

  • I'm waiting for the next season, the experience just isn't as good with the manga, it's great, but the color, sounds and animation just add a whole new dimension to it.

    It's the equivalent of having sex.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Yeah, I also should get more SNK\AOT(whatevs) Manga, Anime wasn't enough lol.

  • Habla espanol

    im actualy latin

    estupido elefante ;>

  • Wow bien para ti.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Habla espanol im actualy latin

  • It was just an example, I said a random name. :P

    But why Rachelle? ATR is your sister, makes more sense.

  • edited August 2014

    la familia de mi padre vive en México.

    Habla español suficiente para salir adelante.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Habla espanol im actualy latin


    I love you guys and your fast talk.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Habla espanol im actualy latin

  • ok i guees..................... that was weird

    I would like to die the most fucked up way possible, if I was in the story, but I don't feel like being in it :P

  • This mofo has a point.

    But why Rachelle? ATR is your sister, makes more sense.

  • edited August 2014

    Besh weh YEAH.

    lmao you'd be to late to push me out of the way anyways. I already would have been shot.

    Besh weht NO There is no way I'm letting you take a bullet for me. I'm shovin yo ass out of the damn way.

  • But i thought in the story she actualy says she WANTS TO KILL YOU in fact she's the only one who still wants to

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I would happy fully die saving or protecting Sweetpea my evil partner the only person who wanted to be on my team she must live kill the res

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    So far as a villain I can arrange all these deaths just make sure there realistic pls :)

    Jumping in front of a bullet to save someone.

  • Teach me your secrets master.

    la familia de mi padre vive en México. Habla español suficiente para salir adelante.

  • edited August 2014


    I jump out from cover so they know know I'm there until its too late and im already hot..


    Edit: lmao *already shot

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Only if they have the instincts of a table xD You could take the bullet if they weren't looking what they're shooting at, but I don't think anyone's stupid enough to shoot someone without looking at him.

  • You better not do something stupid like that >:I

    Besh weh YEAH. lmao you'd be to late to push me out of the way anyways. I already would have been shot.

  • Thank you, mofo.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This mofo has a point.

  • Ay mexico es muy bonito alli la gente es muy amable

    Ok can we talk in english again................................. sry so many things saying typing error

    la familia de mi padre vive en México. Habla español suficiente para salir adelante.

  • Hey, I read your bio a while back. Wasn't your character suppose to make awesome one liners before killing someone?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So far as a villain I can arrange all these deaths just make sure there realistic pls

  • LEL

    It's not funny >.>

  • edited August 2014

    They blocked my Skype and email...they keep saying "sorry if we're being overprotective.." no shit...

    More like annoying as hell and tedious to deal with...getting real tired of your shit Microsoft -_-

    Can't believe anyone still trusts them as a company after everything they've done...

    Rafoli posted: »

    Wait... they blocked your SKYPE? Shit just got real.

  • Not many people speak English in Mexico, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Teach me your secrets master.

  • I've only read past Annie in the Manga, that's the whole reason why I got it... Because I didn't want to wait for the next season. And as far as I know, the anime has been almost spot on with the manga in terms of events. So I'd say the anime is a bit better!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm waiting for the next season, the experience just isn't as good with the manga, it's great, but the color, sounds and animation just add a whole new dimension to it. It's the equivalent of having sex.

  • That's not stupid.

    What would be stupid is me standing there and watching you get shot. <That's not gonna happen.

    You better not do something stupid like that >:I

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    XD Negotiations with Lee are ongoing for Sweetpea to join the darkside turned out the good guys corrupted her mind if she remains with them cowards she will die they are all Tobi's slaves we can avenge Angel together it's the only way :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    But i thought in the story she actualy says she WANTS TO KILL YOU in fact she's the only one who still wants to

  • Lol, sure. :p

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ay mexico es muy bonito alli la gente es muy amable Ok can we talk in english again................................. sry so many things saying typing error

  • We'll trade עברית for español.

    Not many people speak English in Mexico, lol.

  • Fear not my friend, Jaden will guide me to the afterlife.

    If Jaden wills it so, it is so. ;-;

    That's not stupid. What would be stupid is me standing there and watching you get shot. <That's not gonna happen.

  • I'll punch your eyes

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Yes I wrote that I love cheesy one-liners hopefully that happens :)

    Hey, I read your bio a while back. Wasn't your character suppose to make awesome one liners before killing someone?

  • That's what I think, I looked a little on the internet at the manga, you don't need to actually buy it, I can give you some sites if you want to save money.

    AGentlman posted: »

    I've only read past Annie in the Manga, that's the whole reason why I got it... Because I didn't want to wait for the next season. And as fa

  • edited August 2014

    Where I am a lot of people from the US vacation there, so I do meet some english speakers-

    Not many people speak English in Mexico, lol.

  • If Jaden wills it

    I see what you did there.

    Fear not my friend, Jaden will guide me to the afterlife. If Jaden wills it so, it is so. ;-;

  • edited August 2014

    Tobi my biatch no mind him :p

    Alt text


    Twistee posted: »

    I'd rather have Mark kill me, I'm not dying by Tobi! F that!

  • El Hebreo es para nubs.... los mexicanos son la raza superior.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We'll trade עברית for español.

    edited August 2014

    I'm not using Google Translate, but I can tell you're saying that Hebrew is for nubs. And I think that you said that Mexicans are the master race.

    I guess Hebrew is just 2spooky4u.

    El Hebreo es para nubs.... los mexicanos son la raza superior.

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