What kind of scene will Clem have?
Both in The Walking Dead Season 1 and The Wolf Among Us both Lee and Bigby have a scene were they let out their pent up anger.(Lee fights through a herd of zombies to save Clem and Bigby going into his true form to take down Bloody Mary and The Crooked Man) So what type of scene will Clem get?
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mayb shout at people 4 expectin 2 much of her bein a kid tht has been a theme
spoilers for TWAU
Probably in episode 5, she would save Kenny (or any other character) by fighting through a herd of walkers( Just like how Lee saved Clementine.)
Please use English.
The best scenes/badass scenes don't always have to be in the 5th episode. I thought that Clem sewing her own arm up in Ep. 1 was an amazingly gruesome scene, as well as Bigby's transformation whilst walking into Dee and Dum's bullets in Ep. 3. But if there is an ultimate scene in Ep. 5, I'll still enjoy it nonetheless.
I think Clementine will find an army jeep with a machine gun mounted to it. Then she'll go all Rambo on hundreds of walkers.
TBH, I don't think Clem will get angry and do something like Lee/Bigby. But I do think she will let go of her emotions and start crying, she has been acting tough and she didn't let her emotions go this whole season. She will think of all the people that have died around her and how she could have stopped them from dying.
my english isnt good im on this forum to improve it and also there is no telltale forum in my language an i love to discuss theyre games so this is the only way i can do it sorry
Personally, I can see her engaging in a shoot-out against bandits in order to protect her group. Imagine:
In the middle of a blizzard, the group takes shelter in a rest stop. However, they are ambushed by bandits who have no qualms with shooting upon a little girl, a crippled woman (Christa), a sickly man (Kenny/Luke) and a crying baby. Clementine has learned from the last stand-off she's been in, and now takes on a group of bandits in a gun-fight on her own. Unfortunately, during the battle the male survivor is shot and killed. Your final words to the dead man can either be grieving or cold. With the group down to three people - Clem, Christa and the baby - a horde of corpses coming from the south forces them to push through.
hopefully knee-capping luke for being a screw up.
shooting someone 4 making a mistake they apologise for isnt fair
at least he apologises unlike kenny in 99% of playthroughs (hardly anyone stayed silent)
She'll bash the baby's head against the rocks.
Because it's 'badass' to hurt those weaker than you.
The gunfight when she kills everyone with Eddie, Nate and Lilly to help her
I think it's more likely it'd be something like this. I can't see her walking down a street with a meat cleaver in one hand and glass in the other killing loads of walkers like Lee did in episode 5.
Noooooo that would be horrible!
But it would be dark! And dramatic! Because babies are only a liability in The Zombie Apocalypse!
No, that would just be stupid. But in all honesty, I do hope that Clementine will eventually have to end up deliberately killing human beings in order to protect her 'family'. It's a logical extension from what she could have done to the Stranger.
Same as long as there's no baby killing. Maybe she'll get the choice to kill Arvo in the next episode. She'd have good reason too, especially since at least 1 person from our group will probably die in that shootout.
I think we'll have the chance to convince Kenny whether or not he should spare Arvo. At this point he seems to be the most ruthless member of the group, and even if Arvo was to survive (being a non-combatant) he'd likely take revenge.
It'd be like Walter's situation all over again, where you can decide whether or not to give Arvo (a defenseless man who regrets getting Clem in trouble and was being used by his bandit group) mercy.
Kenny didn't put the group in danger, unlike Luke, who did.
itll be fair. he almost got the whole group killed because he is a man child.
Well, they both fucked up.
She can't get angry and have a scene like Lee or Bigby. However, she can still do something equal to that. For example, she dies sacrificing herself to save someone important like the baby.
arguably by cutting himself off from all of them he was putting the group in danger as he could have been helping look for people/supplies
thats extreme, the walkers would have come regardless of him spotting them or not
his job was to 'secure the perimeter' right, well he couldnt have killed all those walkers alone an so coudl just give the group more warning but still it didnt change much as walkers would have got there anyway
Well did help Rebecca have the baby while Luke was supposed to be watching out for zombies, an Kenny's fuck ups come from trying to help the group but failing. Luke's fucked up because he was selfish, I don't hate Luke either.
I mean, yeah you can argue that Kenny did not help the group by feeling sorry for himself or that Luke messed up by giving to Jane's temptation. But in reality, they all have their reason why they did that makes it totally understandable. Kenny just lost his beloved girlfriend once more and he got almost beaten to death. That and he lost his family a long time ago just adds on to his pain. So, this triggers the five stages of grief that you can't stop, you can only help by letting him pour his emotions out. Now, Luke, okay fine he gave in to Jane and did it. Yes, he was supposed too help the group. But compared to the rest, he helpers the group out the most. Also, don't forget, he is human, so all this weight,losing a friend, and determinedly failing to save a fellow group member, just collapsed on him. So yeah, when Jane offered that offer, he needed something to relieved his wait. Both did not messed up, they made bad decisions.
Clem's badass scene will be her, taking revenge on Arvo. Killing him in the most badass way possible! (Maybe by using a crowbar, or a Saltlick?;)
Yeah I guess, they both messed up and shouldn't be compared I guess.
None, because Clementine is a 11 year old girl.
no he could have warned the group beforehand that way the herd could have ignored them completely. the only good thing that came of it was that sarah got trapped under the balcony when it collapsed.
Remember what Chuck said,in the ZA are surviviors. This is the problem here, a lot of people just see a little girl.....
I don't think Clem will have a scene where she displays physical rage. I can see Clementine snapping and lashing out. Imagine if we get to a point where things are going all wrong and Kenny and Luke have another childish argument that leads to fist fight/tumble. Clem and the group members (if any are still alive at this point) will try to break them up. Kenny and Luke say they are going separate ways and try to pull people with them (TellTale is teasing us by making it seem like this is the "pizza and ice cream" choice). The whole group has finally collapsed. To add to the shouting, the starving baby begins screaming. Clem's emotions have run over. After 2 years of death, starvation, and fear and hearing insane bickering for the past couple of weeks, Clementine has had enough. The camera pans on what will be the scariest and angriest Clementine face we have ever seen. As Clem's blood begins to boil over, the dialog options appear:
[ SHUT UP! ] [ ENOUGH! ] [ [Shoot in the air] ] [ ... ] The silent option will result in Clem letting out a ferocious scream
Clem will then let out all the emotions she has had stored up in her. The monologue will be accompanied by tears, foot stomps, and Clem's first use of the f-bomb. After her expulsion of emotions, everyone will try to comfort her, but she will shut them down. If Kenny tries to comfort Clem, she will quote his speech about how saying I'm sorry doesn't fix anything. If Luke tries to comfort Clem, she will remind him of how she is not a little girl and reference how she broke out of the shed. If anyone else that is alive tries anything, there will be appropriate dialogue for them. This moment not only changes Clem's character but also is the moment Kenny and Luke set aside their differences and work together.
Huuuh, wow a nice story
I really have wanted this to happen since the entire Kenny vs Luke shit has been going on. Nice work!
[Clem fires in to air.]
[Clem drops Cluster-F Bomb]
Kenny: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CLEMENTINE? You think just because you're a little girl, that you can waste people's ammo?! That because you're undergoing [air quotes] "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" that it don't matter?! I DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!
Any that was the day young Clementine said "fuck these guys" and set off on her own, toward an uncertain future. The end
[Roll Credits]
don't be a dick @bloop
I wasn't trying to be a dick, I guess I should have said "Please use proper grammer, I can't really understand you." my fault.
I don't think the baby is that important though. :P
I think that would be hilarious.
Clem: I coming for ya, Luke and Kenny! Hacks and slashes like the hash slinging slasher through a herd of zombies to save Luke and Kenny, finds a hotel and goes into a room
Arvo: Hello. I got us a joining rooms.
Clem: Hello.
Arvo: Put your weapons down.
Clem: Just be cool. * Puts her weapons down*
Arvo: Do I not seem cool? Go sit over there.
Both sit down That's all I could think of.
Zombies start attacking the whole group
Clementine Slashes through a herd of walkers like a boss!
Oh crap icecream vs pizza choice
Save Kenny or Save Kenny!
I choose save Kenny
Luke dies
Clementine carries Kenny through the herd of walkers and ta da!