MI:SE on the Old Telltale Website?
Hello everyone!
It's been a few years since I've been an active member on Telltale's website (I'm an old-timer, from the gone-by era of Wallace & Gromit and SBCG4AP), but I recently decided to revisit, namely because I finally upgraded computers and was looking to download/replay some old classics on my new computer.
Obviously, a lot has changed since I've left, most notably the games available on the store page. A few years back, LucasArts' Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition was available through this website's service, and it's through this website that I actually picked up my copy. However, now that I'm back, I notice there's not a trace of it in the store, or even under my receipts. I definitely remember downloading the game through this website, if I recall correctly I picked it up in the same purchase as the first individual episode of Hector (meaning this was probably back in about 2011)..
So, I'm sure there are dozens of threads identical to this that I've missed, but, is there anyway I'll be able to re-download Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition through this website, or will I have to repurchase the game through Steam? Was it yanked because of Disney's acquisition and closure of LucasArts? Or did Telltale's license for the game simply expire? I dunno, if anybody knows exactly how I might be able to access the game, I'd be very happy if you could drop me a hint!
Thanks so much!
Telltale no longer can sell the game through their store, but if you purchased the game through them already you should be able to re-download it. E-mail support@telltalegames.com and they should be able to sort things out for you.
Alright, I'll give it a shot. Thank you very much!