I would like it you model swap Bigby, The Woodsman, and Faith in the fight in Episode 1 of The Wolf Among Us(I really want to see Lee kick Carver's ass)
Bigby= Lee
The Woodsman= Carver
Faith= Carley since after the fight, Faith gets all flirty with Bigby
Also swap Bigby, The Woodsman, and Jersey Devil in the fight scene of Episode 4( I think most people want to see Clem kick Becca's ass)
New model swap video. If you actually care about my channel, you can read below, but if you don't care, then you can just watch the video or… more just carry on :P
So lately my videos have been lacking quality, so hell to it, i've brought back a model swap and really want to continue with this
Over the break I forgot how fun this was so for the hell of it, any requests?
Well guys, I got hit in the right eye AGAIN but this time it was with a baseball bat. Doctor said it wouldn't be better for 3 months.
Loo… moreks like I'm
Governor version 2.0
Kenny Plissken
until three months is over.
Playing episode 5, one eyed is going to be... Interesting.
Am I still gonna look pretty when this heals?
Nah, it's perfect like this.
OMG!!! >_< that gave me chills
Man, I cantelope with this.
Well guys, I got hit in the right eye AGAIN but this time it was with a baseball bat. Doctor said it wouldn't be better for 3 months.
Looks like I'm
Governor version 2.0
Kenny Plissken
until three months is over.
Playing episode 5, one eyed is going to be... Interesting.
Am I still gonna look pretty when this heals?
Lee voice: "Do you have a weapon?"
Carley voice: "I don't leave home without it." flips nerf gun cylinder back into place
Why no one smile? Also why no PETE!?
I love how terrified they look. I think they knew that was their last mistake. Lol
I would like it you model swap Bigby, The Woodsman, and Faith in the fight in Episode 1 of The Wolf Among Us(I really want to see Lee kick Carver's ass)
Bigby= Lee
The Woodsman= Carver
Faith= Carley since after the fight, Faith gets all flirty with Bigby
Also swap Bigby, The Woodsman, and Jersey Devil in the fight scene of Episode 4( I think most people want to see Clem kick Becca's ass)
Bigby= Clem
The Woodsman= Sarah
Jersey Devil= Becca
And finally, thank youif you do these requests
Nice, this is a great site for sore eyes. Well, sore EYE for me ( I have an eye patch until November)
Walking Dead trading card, Baby.
"We have a baby!", Effect: opponent skips their next turn.
Whose the Daddy?, Effect: Heal two other survivor cards by 25% health, or Rebecca/Carver by 50%
You have been given a second chance. Do not waste it.
Video embedding seems to have changed on me. Remind me how it's done??
What the fuck was that? Did you... Did you just change the map?
I thought he hanged himself lol
bring back the st johns
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what the fuck did you just rape my mind with!?!?
shitty music and the magic of the saint john dairy
Click on the globe and paste the video link in there.
I could imagine Danny eating the shit out of that Raccoon.
You should remake this video with Mark as the racoon!
Omid-tine strikes again.
Horny Mike is horny.
Aw, that's cute Mike.
Mickey Mouse never hung himself. If you're referring to Robin Williams, then reports indicate that he hung himself with a belt.
This is one of those awesome fake pictures. Have an upvote my friend.
I ship it. Team monnie. Or bike, haha.
Footage of Luke and Nick at Carver's camp working before they escaped
I didn't reference to Robin Williams. I realy like Robin poor guy
teh walcn ded
Mike is getting that puss tonight. Mike is getting that puss tonight.
Same here. I'm sad that he's dead. He made my childhood entertaining with movies like Aladdin, Flubber, Mrs. Doubtfire.
He also played in Hook right?
Troy was afraid of the urban powers of Lee!
So I got bored and I did this.
Question: is the eye patch on the same side as Kennys? :P
Its on the right eye, so no.