Unoffical Episode 5 Prediction Thread
Welcome to the Unoffical Prediction Thread for 'No Going Back' you might be confused on what this thread is. A couple days ago my older brother thought id really enjoy Reddit, ive never been on it before but knew what it was about. When he made me go on it, the first thing i typed was 'The Walking Dead Game Season Two'. The forums on there are a little similar to here out there is one big difference, the Reddit threads have a Release Date Discussion but they ALSO have a Prediction Thread. The thread was a really fun place to hang out that was relevant to TWD so it wasnt "moved".
I am seeing how it would do on here are 3 big differences between the Prediction Poll Thread, and the Release Date Discussion
1) Polls
Unlike the Release date discussion the Prediction Poll Thread has offical "polls" things that may or may not happen in episode 5 and you vote on it. After episode 5 is released i will show what the majority of voters voted for and who was right/wrong.
2) Context
Though on here the context of the Release Date Discussion is a little different than on reddit, The context of the Preidction Poll is to talk about what may or may not happen in episode 5. The context of Release Date Disscussion is about following all the latest news on the upcoming episode.
3) Owner
The Release Date Discussion HERE is runned by TTG Forum admins but this is ran by me, im a regular user. If this thread works out and does okay im hoping that in Season 3 a mod or admin will take over and make offical polls. I will edit anytime and etc. The fact its ran by a user will have some cons but also some pros.
Tell me in the comments
1) What you voted for
2) What questions i should put in it
3) What you think will happen in episode 5 and etc.
Help support this and see how it does my commenting and voting, thanks
Add to the polls 'Will Wellington Be Overran'
Aw nice idea, ill put it in there.
Two new poll questions are up
I voted:
Jane will return
Clementine will survive episode 5
Save kenny or luke
Wellington wont be all its lived up to
Clementine wont make it to wellington bit unsure on this one
We will see Lilly, christia and possible 400 days group.
And that Mike, Bonnie, possible Kenny or Luke will die
I think Kenny, Luke, Bonnie and Mike will die.
Here are my votes:
2 Perhaps you could add a question that goes something like this:
How do you think episode 5 will end?
-Everyone that survives will stay in Wellington.
-Clementine will end up alone again and has to fend for herself.
-Wellington is gone, Clementine + anyone left alive at that point will stay together and try to come up with a new plan.
-Wellington is real but is run by someone just like Carver, you can choose to stay or leave.
-Other describe in the comments.
3 Well someone from Clementie's group is going to die that much is clear, potential candidates are in order of probability: Bonnie, Luke, Mike, Kenny and the baby. It is possible that Clementine might sustain an injury during the episode however it isn't going to be fatal, also it is very much probable, assuming they both survive, that Kenny and Luke will have an argument and you will have to pick a side at that point, this could have serious consequences depending on who you choose to side with. Another thing that can happen is that one of the russians, probably Arvo, will survive the shootout and you will have the choice of either leaving him or shooting/killing him.
Okay that is all I can think for now, however feel free to elaborate on what I have said.
should i make a question that goes like
"Will the episode be called "Better To Sleep?"
Add Questions: Maybe you can add a question about whom you want to take over should Clementine die. I don't think I could handle it if Clem died, but the game is so good... I think some choices can be Clementine's group, the baby or a completely new character. Also you could ask a question about what we want the baby to be called. I think most people would choose Lee, but you never know.
Episode 5 prediction: Clementine might lose a finger or even a hand or a foot or something. Or someone else will be seriously injured. Bonnie might die. I can't say who survives in the end. I saw someone do a deep analysis of the music and thumbnail for each episode and they think by the end that Clementine will be completely changed and all alone. I've heard it might be her and the baby or her, the baby and Luke/Kenny, depending on whom you save or help or whatever the situation is. I want a moment also when we see how young Clementine really is. People talk to her like she's an adult and seem to forget that she's barely a teenager.
Will Clementine die in Episode 5? No. It would be too similar to Season 1 ending. Also, Lee died to protect Clem, for what could Clem die?
Will Jane return in Episode 5? No, but I could be wrong. They made Jane's character way too similar to Molly's, maybe they could bring Jane back to make them a lttle different, but not only for that, Jane could play some role in Episode 5.
What will be the "Pizza or Ice Cream" choice? None. Like I already said, I think the "Pizza or Ice Cream" choice is going to be connected to what Jane said: "Listen... when the shit hits the fan, 'cause it always does, remember that you can make it on your own. It's not an option for everyone... If things start heading south, don't let them drag you down with them. You don't owe them anything.". So I think this such discussed choice is gonna be "Stay with the group" or "Leave alone". Stick with the group might cause some more negative consequences, because you know, I think Jane's right. Maybe if you decide to leave you can also decide to bring the baby with you, or bring him anyway. Or maybe Telltale will make sure that Clem will end up alone anyway.
Will Wellington be all its lived up to be? No. I'm pretty sure Wellington will be a trap, that they lure to them more people as possible (remember what Matthew said? "You folks headed north just like anyone else? I see at least a group a day move trough here") so they use this "safe place" excuse (c'mon guys, there are not safe places) to use people as slaves or test subjects or I don't know.
Will Clementine make it to Wellington? Yes I answered, but I was VERY uncertain on this one, it was a fifty-fifty. Because the group is very far from Wellington right now, so they could reach it only with a time skip. Maybe the group will be caught in the end of the episode by some armed people and one of them says "Let's take 'em to Wellington" and then the episode ends with a badass cliffhanger? I could see this happening.
Will ANY Russians survive the shootout (Excluding Arvo)? No. I think Buricko and Vitali will die, I'm not sure about Maud (could she be Arvo's sister? Maybe they have even more people), she could either die or escape. Arvo could be killed or spared and let go or let him join the group.
Who will return in Episode 5? Christa I'm pretty sure she will return in Episode 5, but then she'll be killed soon after. You know, in Season 1 Clem wanted to find her parents, only to find out that they were dead. Here it could happen again, but in a slightly more different way, that she'll make an appearance alive but then she'll die. Maybe Eddie could appear too. I don't know about Lilly. I would really like to see 400 days group again, but that's a long shot, because everyone except Bonnie join Carver's group determinantly, it would be a too branched story. They could bypass this problem making ALL of them to appear, even who didn't join Carver's group, but that would leave a hole in the plot, how could the others who stayed behind catch up with Clem's group?
In Clementine's group, who will die in episode 5? Kenny, Mike and Luke, but I'm not sure about Luke, he could either die or be left with unknown status, Kenny will pretty surely die, Mike too (I think he'll die in the shootout, because he was set in an unfavourable position, if he won't die he could end up injured and die later), Bonnie could end up with unknown status (I don't think Telltale would kill her off), I don't know about Arvo, the baby will be alive or unknown, Clem surely alive.
In the end, I think there will also be a scene with Clem walking through a blizzard (maybe if you decided to leave the group) either alone or with only the baby with her. And maybe she passes out and wakes up at Wellington? That would also be a good ending, if Wellington isn't as bad as I think.
What about Alexandria Safe Zone, Hilltop or Kingdom? If thee are safe zones in the comics, why won't there be any in the game?
Over 125+ votes, thanks guys :$
Well, it could be, but I don't know how that's gonna work in the plot, after all Jane said (I don't think she just told all that for nothing, that's gonna matter somehow). I didn't read the comics, but if I understood something from the game, it's that communities fall apart.
I think that whichever character has the highest relationship with Clementine will go to Wellington with her and whoever has the lowest will leave the group?
Living in a community could make a great plot in Season 3. Communities like Wellington are big, strong, everyone there is tied firmly. The groups fall apart, not communities.
Communities fall apart too, remember Crawford and Carver's group? Anyway, I hope you're right, it would be beautiful to see a good-working community, too beautiful.
It would be interesting to see life in a community, maybe even Clem as a teenager. But I just think that they've done the whole "Peaceful community but something's not quite right" thing before. I concur that maybe they get to Wellington only to find that they lure people in to use them as test subjects, or it's another Crawford.
awesome thread
we already see wyatt
If you look at the Amid The Ruins slide, it's like Clementine is trying to pick a side.
Notice how Wyatt and Eddie are placed.
Vince and the two guys in the prison bus
Carly and Doug...
They're all in seperate sides. Like Wyatt is on the left, and Eddie is on the right. Doug on the left, Carly on the right.
I think Episode 5 will be all about siding with someone. Like I said in the previous thread, there will be a doug/carly choice with like Luke & Kenny and whoever stays with you will be determinant, like the 400 days characters
My fates prediction :
i am bumping this again.