How about a Lee dlc?
That takes place right before his marriage.
And continues up the point he's in the squad car at the beginning of season 1.
A timeline which would include, his time in Athens, (which is where he met his wife), his time as a teacher, his murder of the man who was sleeping with his wife, and the subsequent trial.
Imagine all the dialogue options, and action choices we could have with such a game!
Plus, it would give a final closure to Lee's character.
Plus it would help us define who Lee was, in the fullest extent, before TWD.
And possibly have it's contents spill over into the next season.
Example: Having a new pc character, who new Lee from before, being introduced into the story, and become part of the group.
The affect such a character could have on, particularly Clementine and Kenny, could be highly interesting.
Now I realize some may be thinking: "There wouldn't be enough action in it."
However, their could still be good emotional drama, aside from where Lee commits murder and stands trial.
Example: When speaking to Katja at Herschel's, When Katja says something about the way things before, Lee can mention that the in the world before, the way people treated each other, was not to much different from how the zombies do things now.
So armed with that information, Lee could be in a teaching position, but the environment is less than ideal.
Having to deal with disrespectful students, a boss who's a real jerk, and long hours on the job, which are now taking a toll on his marriage.
And how Lee responds to each of these scenarios, and individuals, is totally up to the player.
it would be nice,if it wasnt so sad..
That would be pretty cool but some people probably wouldn't like it because there wouldn't be much action.
Very nice idea. I'd definitely buy this if it were released because it'd be interesting as hell to see Lee before the apocalypse. I think it'd have enough action due to the fight scene with the senator as well as the tension of court.
How about instead it could be during the time skip where they find Mark and stuff :P
I would rather have it as Lee during the 3 month time skip between ep.1 and ep.2
But there would be no walkers so whats the point?
But there wouldn't be any walkers. I wouldn't want to play The Walking Dead episode which doesn't have walkers, because the threat of walkers is integral part of the zombie apocalypse experience that The Walking Dead is. The franchise has always skipped pre-apocalypse events very quickly, because in the end it usually doesn't matter much who you were before the ZA happened.
GLaDOS is that you?
I like the idea, would play it for sure. But then, there wouldnt be any walkers. That's not The Walking Dead. Still, its a pretty good idea.
Good point, I mean what would they even call the DLC if there weren't any zombies in it? The Walking Alive? Before the Walking Dead?
The Dead Dead
Hm, I prefer The Living Alive
The running dead! Then we're all fucked
I don't think they would make that since The walking dead is about a zombie world but it would be awesome
Sounds pretty boring to be honest. He led a normal life until he killed some dude in a fit of rage. What more is there to show?
Sorry Double Post!
I think that dlc should end with Lee in the police car as it was in season 1. But at the end it zooms into a car coming by which was the strangers car. You see him and hear him say something along the lines as "I wonder who that guy is in the police car" and then it zooms back to Lee.
Even though this isn't something I envision as being realistic, I'd love to see it.
I know I've said this on many other threads, but fuck it, I'll say it again: How come the fans are more creative than the company itself?
I know what you mean, when he came in at episode 2, i was like who is this guy. Other than him having a big mouth and getting Lee into trouble. I never cared for him.
How about, perhaps, a Lee dlc that discloses what happened during the 3 months between episode 1 and 2, of season 1?
I still stand by my original concept.
I'm just asking your opinion on a possible alternative.
Thank you for the compliment.
However, the writers themselves are indeed creative.
If they were not, then this whole videogame itself would not exist.
Sure why not? Or why not go through Lilly's adventure from before she was in the drugstore? Or during the three months in the Motor Inn?
I think it would be interesting to know what she went through - the hard decisions she had to take.
As long as it somehow connects Season 2 with Season 3 (even if it's significance is as obscure as 400 Days DLC's significance has been during the first 4 episodes of Season 2).
I never really liked him as I thought him as an intruder in the group and I kept guessing which one he is: traitor or cannon fodder.
Might've been said before, but what about an alternate world that shows that Lee did not get bitten but failed to save Clementine? That would be dark as hell. Maybe a few months or couple of weeks in, Lee would still be with Kenny, Omid and Christa but you'd see a more sombre, regretful character rather than the noble guardian that we were shown during S1.
What if it starts with Lee standing over the body, the wife walks in and angrily says, "Well, I reckon you didn't do it then", and then ends with the start of the Ep1, with the cop saying "Well, I reckon you didn't do it then."
Edit: Also, I want there to be an option for Lee to look at a knife and go "Hmm... Pointy".
I would like it because I would get to hear lee's amazing voice again
Lolz he had Lee's back though
Character development and entertainment
OP showed there's plenty really
I'd prefer a DLC during the 16 month timeskip with Clem as so much could have happened during that time. And it would still fit with "The Walking Dead", whereas as much as this idea is great, I doubt they would go into anything pre-apocalypse.
But hows is lees decisions going to affect season 3?
Lee DLC would be tight butthole!
Tbh I think a dlc about characters that will appear in Season 3 would be good. Like, we should play through their past and get to know them, so that how we see them in Season 3 will change depending on how we played their backstories.
Neh, hes done and done.
it sound alright but i think it would be boring, i like high stakes drama, not just drama, plus no zombies so no chance
Its called Season 1, OP.
True. He probably wasn't a bad guy, but he was never properly introduced (he just was there at the start of the episode), which made me think him as an extra instead of proper group member. Personally I think that the first encounters are very important in defining player's attitude towards the new group members. With Mark there wasn't any, so I didn't really care about him like I cared about everyone else.