I have a little ship for Luke and Jane, even though I'm kinda 50/50 on how I feel about Jane, but Luke's pining for her and I think they'd be interesting together XD I dunno, I'm still waiting for some good fics on those guys.
In submission box for your interactive fanfic "The Cabin Group", where you asked about the best pairing, you didn't mention InGustavWeTrust (Gustav_Kenny x InKennyWeTrust). But.... I thought we had something ;-;
In submission box for your interactive fanfic "The Cabin Group", where you asked about the best pairing, you didn't mention InGustavWeTrust (Gustav_Kenny x InKennyWeTrust). But.... I thought we had something ;-;
"Then why can't she help us some other night?" Omz InfiniteDawn... don't you see? If you decipher the message, he's just saying that he wants to put off escaping so he can be with his true love Bonnie, in fear of losing her when they escape.
I know it's everyone's notp but.... KennyxRazor. So hawt.
Then I'd say ClementinexJuicebox and the most tragic one: Leexhandcuffs.
no, seriously, I have, like, zero ships in here if we don't count the canon ones like AlvinxRebecca and kenny with his wife...
Jane + Luke = THE BEST PAIR EVER! Jane, why did you have to leave?
I ship Mike and Bonnie.I hope I'm not the only one.
Mike and Bonnie.
There is still Clenny.
I have a little ship for Luke and Jane, even though I'm kinda 50/50 on how I feel about Jane, but Luke's pining for her and I think they'd be interesting together XD I dunno, I'm still waiting for some good fics on those guys.
I think very few ships Bike (Mike x Bonnie)

But it is quite not strange shipping.
I dunno if this was said buuut...
Omichelle. ( OmidxMichelle )
Why not give it a shot?
I shipped Lonnie (Luke x Bonnie). Then JANE happened.
Well... Gustav_Box (Gustav_Kenny x Juice_Box) and Gustavdines (Gustav_Kenny x Sardines).
In submission box for your interactive fanfic "The Cabin Group", where you asked about the best pairing, you didn't mention InGustavWeTrust (Gustav_Kenny x InKennyWeTrust). But.... I thought we had something ;-;
Oh shit.
Sorry! Added it now!
I ship Mikoon! Take a guess what that one is.
Thank you
Cluck! (Clementine and Duck!) xD
Kenny banged Katjaa and possibly Sarita, proving not only that he ain't a pedo, but that he only likes foreign girls.
Clem is of different ethnicity, so it kinda would work out.
But she doesn't have a cool accent.
Mike and the Racoon
Disney movies have been using the unlikeliest of weapons for their movies lately...
That is no better then cluke
No then mike came along
At least I am trying!!!
I ship Lobster Claws and Raccoon
I only have two
Mike and Bonnie
Alvin and Rebecca.
Still shipping Carley x Lee and Wyatt x Eddie.
I liked Luke x Bonnie for a while, I didn't really ship it though but I now I ship Bonnie x Mike
I know i know
Jane and Luke = Lane or Juke.
I need a new JUKEbox.
guess who it is.
I know it's everyone's notp but.... KennyxRazor. So hawt.
Then I'd say ClementinexJuicebox and the most tragic one: Leexhandcuffs.
no, seriously, I have, like, zero ships in here if we don't count the canon ones like AlvinxRebecca and kenny with his wife...
Why did I enter this realm.
Kenny x Nick
Arvo and Sarah could have been a good match if they had ever met. Two disabled, 'weak' teenagers who recently lost their loved ones.
Brotp: Lilly and Sarah the dead dad duo
Yay alliteration
Is it bad I actually ship this?