Trailer Competition (MAJOR VOTING STARTED)
I, this will most likely be moved to forum games (I guess) but i was hoping if the mods were going to move it if they could please wait awhile until it gets some following. If this isn't moved since this is heavily Walking Dead based and theres trailers all the time then thats great
So i see trailers around here all the time, lots are really well edited. I REALLY want to make a trailer but i kind of wanted to make a friendly Competition out of it. If this works out the competition will be: anyone can make a trailer for Season 2 then once you have finished the trailer submit it in the comments and ill put it up here. After the due date for all the trailers (A few weeks after episode 5) I will open a poll up and allow anyone to vote for there favourite fan made trailer, i wont show the amount of percentages because ill feel bad if one trailer gets 2% of the vote. If you want to take part comment below saying you want to be part of this.
All Awards (so far)
Most heartwarming (major) -
Most Heart Racing (major) -
Best Picture (Major, the big award) -
Best small picture (minor) -
Tell me in the comments if you will be in the major or minor category the major category will be users who are familiar will editing and making traliers, minor are for those who aren't very good or never have made a trailer.
For PC - Go here!
For Mac - Go here!
If you already made a trailer you can post it here as well and you don't have to make a trailer to vote at the end, i hope this works out. Thank you.
Big League
Minor League
I want to make one but i have no experience.
I have an idea for one, but my skills as making videos is like, -1000.
I have an idea then, i can have a big league competition for those who are good at editing and have made trailers before and a little league for those who are new to the concept.
Remember that one thread where someone had an idea for a trailer using Carver's speech at the end of 203? Maybe we can make one like that?
I'm planning to include that one in mind
Ugh I have so many videos to make, but I'll see what I can do.
I think I'm gonna do this, I've got some good ideas in mind >:3
Starting mine now, i have some Archies music in it ;D
Do you want to be in Big or little league?
Thank you, do you want to be in the big or little league?
from what?
little league!
By the way, is there any last date for submission?
It will probably be early - mid september
Big League will be trailers made by users who knew what they were doing. Little league.. not so much (Like me)
Hey, cool. I'll join in on this later.
WHAT RACHEL!! pls do it I need to see it pls :'D
Big League
Hey guys I just wanted to ask where to get scenes from the walking dead game cause I have the ps3 game only so yeah
I would love to participate
I could...give it a go maybe. I've never tried trailers before. I might end up doing something stupid, humor's allowed right?
I have some experience with Sony Vegas and Adobe after effects i can teach some people the basics
Would you guys rather it i make several different awards so theres more than 2 winners?
There can be Best edited, Best music, things like that,
If anyone has sony vegas and needs help you can message my skype: multirienzi
I think I'll make one for ATR. Starting right now, be finshed maybe tmrw.
Can i put your name at the top for those who need help?
That is actually a good idea 1+
Hey I remember there being a website where you could download soundclips of the characters talking and videoclips. Does anyone remember it?
I only know about the Telltale Speech Extractor software.
That may have been it. Thank you!
well the best way to do it is to search scenes on youtube like pewdiepie ...TheRadBrad...NukemDukem..
and then cut the scenes out and add the to your movie editor and just add the music that will make the trailer dramatic and inspiring
with scenes i mean Twd episode 2,3 and stuff like that
Does anyone have a walkthrough in HD I might be able to use and give you credit? My PC is crap so I can't play it on PC.
How do I cut the scenes from the video though? Also thanks for the help
good idea!
just look on youtube - but if you're looking for HD without subtitles than idk
uhm what program are you using? - you're welcome
i'm thinking of making a new trailer but this time for Episode 3 ? is it ok if i upload another one?
Don't wanna get copyrighted, I'm in a network. I'll try though.
windows movie maker