The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2014

    Its that time again, when I decide to host GTAV sessions on PS3 for everyone to enjoy.

    Last time, Joseph endured the Rig Races and made it until the end, meeting the infamous stairs and getting stuck on it for hours...

    Good times, Tobi also enjoyed most of the races among the madness. Sadly, no pictures were taken, since pictures can't be taken while racing.

    The only picture taken was right at the beginning, as I tried to pull over and stock up on supplies at the gas station, when all of a sudden, explosions and madness occurred, thanks to Tobi I bet...

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    Its also worth mentioning that everyone teamed up against TDM at one point and Joseph sniped him in the air, while Elian was jumping in the air with his car, trying to land on top of a moving train. Sadly, once again, no one could take a picture because GTAO won't allow it while on a train.

    So sorry for the shoddy announcement, but no pictures could be taken for the highlights for many reasons, so I had to simply explain some of them, which is disappointing, but blame GTAO for not allowing pictures to be taken during certain situations.

    So hopefully more people will join tonight to get this party started. Session is already in order.

    See y'all in Los Santos !!

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    Shout out to all those who joined us in the past : @sardines , @TWDFan86 , @Rigtail , @JonGon , @WhatTheDuck , @TDMShadowCP , @Tobi_Is_A_Good_Boy , @Twistee , @Clubremix_Guetta , @Dont_Look_Back , @Its_That_Guy , @ps3gamer , @Papai46 , @MrAppleJuice

    PS : Newcomers are welcome and I already know that some of you intend to join us soon, the more the merrier B)

  • Awwwwwwww but without you this place will get 69% less fabulous. ;-;

    Well, good luck in your future endeavors, hope to see you again. <3

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good

  • Dang, even though we never talked much I always deeply respected you.

    See you around guuurl. :3

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good


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    ;_; my god if sushi was a person id so marry it. And the fact that I ate every single piece of that concerns me... I also finished off half the desert my family didn't finish which makes me feel like more of a fatass then I already am. Sorry Rachelle your probably super pissed rn cause I'm practically rubbing it in your face. Sorry <3 Go to this link, it will make you feel better:

    Oh, and @AWESOMEO when I was looking over the menu, something caught my eye...

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  • Well you said you live in Dallas. And it takes me 30 minutes to drive to Dallas from my town, so I just went off of that.

    JonGon posted: »

    I meant about the 30 mins away

  • k den

    holy duck dood


    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye


    jk I love you :c but yyyyyy

    I FINALLY GOT SHUSHIIIIII ;_; my god if sushi was a person id so marry it. And the fact that I ate every single piece of that concer

  • NO.


    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye

  • I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___-


  • Bye ;-;

    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye

  • I wish you the best of luck Azlyn.

    hayd24 posted: »


  • THE 69 COMBO

    I FINALLY GOT SHUSHIIIIII ;_; my god if sushi was a person id so marry it. And the fact that I ate every single piece of that concer

  • I'll see ya around Azlyn.

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good

  • Bye bye...

    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye

  • edited August 2014

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    Nuuuuuuu. ;_____; this sucks, I wish you could stay. :((( I'm gonna to miss you!!

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good

  • I'm going to sleep now, we will most definetely continue the Royals vs Rebels thing tomorrow. (Try to have even numbers between both sides)

  • Bye. We'll miss you. Good luck.

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good

  • I still can't sleep so I started counting the scary noises that my house is making. Not helping.

  • Night den

    hayd24 posted: »

    I'm going to sleep now, we will most definetely continue the Royals vs Rebels thing tomorrow. (Try to have even numbers between both sides)

  • Watch moar SnK.

    I still can't sleep so I started counting the scary noises that my house is making. Not helping.

  • lel she gone



    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye

  • Is episode 3 sad?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Watch moar SnK.

  • edited August 2014

    LOVE YOU TOO! </3 <3

    Because... because.. because todays my last day before school and I wanna have fun before I probably get shot in school.

    UGH RACHEL WHY I HATE YOU ;-; jk I love you :c but yyyyyy

  • Nah, it's more cheerful.

    Is episode 3 sad?

  • lol she gone


  • Jaden.

    Lmao the moment I saw that it made me think of you. xD I swear they did that on purpose.

  • edited August 2014

    Lmao the moment I saw that it made me think of you. xD I swear they did that on purpose.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    THE 69 COMBO

  • Alt text

    I guess I'll go pack more boxes -___- bye

  • Jaden

    Lmao the moment I saw that it made me think of you. xD I swear they did that on purpose.

  • I want something sad so I can cry myself to sleep.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nah, it's more cheerful.

    edited August 2014

    Episodes 5-7 will make you cry and piss yourself then cry again.

    I want something sad so I can cry myself to sleep.

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited August 2014

    Goodbye my 3rd best friend on here :(

    Lots of fun times we had on here. I know you aren't leaving as you put it, but the place will be a lot different without you. Good luck with your academics Azzy, and don't forget Creepy Gaming! ;)

    See you noos Azzy and again good luck!

    -Your decepti-bro

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are good

  • ^

    He's right you know.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Episodes 5-7 will make you cry and piss yourself then cry again.

  • Guess I'll just go watch TWD S1 ending on YouTube again.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Episodes 5-7 will make you cry and piss yourself then cry again.

  • edited August 2014

    nu. :___: make her come back!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    lol she gone


    hayd24 posted: »

    I'm going to sleep now, we will most definetely continue the Royals vs Rebels thing tomorrow. (Try to have even numbers between both sides)

  • Goodnight. Don't worry, I won't have any trouble getting to sleep ;) .

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Night den

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