Wellington is going to be a vault. Kenny will take the baby inside and pretend the baby was born there. Then when the baby is a teenager Kenny will leave the vault. The overseer will go mad and start killing people and...
Yeah, you're right.
Wellington is going to be a vault. Kenny will take the baby inside and pretend the baby was born there. Then when the… more baby is a teenager Kenny will leave the vault. The overseer will go mad and start killing people and...
People were asking for a dream/nightmare of Lee. There you have it
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST WATCH?!I think I'm gonna have nightmares ;(
Boatmaster's videos are the stuff of fucking nightmares. Jesus,
Yeah, I won't be sleeping tonight that's for sure.
So, there's going to be an Oblivion gate in Wellington? Cool.
you have to shoot
What in the heavens?
No, it's going to be outside the camp, and the asshole leader asks you to shut it down if you want him to send troops to Marti-
Oh wait, wrong game.
Yeah, you're right.
Wellington is going to be a vault. Kenny will take the baby inside and pretend the baby was born there. Then when the baby is a teenager Kenny will leave the vault. The overseer will go mad and start killing people and...
The overseer is obviously Carver 2.0
No, no, no. You're thinking of that other vault with all the Carver clones.
Wasn't that the one with Omid clones shouting "I'm Omid"?
Okay, now I'm going to have nightmares. Thanks for that.
This is even worse