New key art
The baby kinda looks like its get a bullet in its head. Anyone notice that? I know it's probably nothing and why would Clem still be holding the baby if it's dead? Just something to bring up. #babyMUSTsurvive
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No, i dont think Clementine is going to shoot the baby in the head.
Okay could you not have titles like this, because it really made me think you were posting spoilers. Nonetheless the baby does not look dead, and it couldn't have been shot, since Rebeccas body is pretty much protecting it.
Calm down I was just speculating. #babyaintdead
Yes but I'm just suggesting a title change since it could mislead people to think the baby is actually dead. You could change the title so it says the baby may look dead, or you're worried the baby might be dead. But I just think saying "Baby's dead" sounds like it's definitely a thing that will occur in the next episode.
Looks more like dirt. #looksmorelikedirt #uselesshashtagseventhoughwearenotontwitter
I fixed the title. To the original poster, it helps if you don't phrase your speculation as if it is fact.