What I Think Will Happen In NO GOING BACK
BEFORE YOU READ My vv button is broken, and so is that letter that comes right after P (in the alphabet, not the keyboard).
VVe return to the shootout, almost all the Russians are dead except for Arvo. Clementine and the baby are fine (Seeing as the key-art shovvs them as bullet-less as....something that vvasn't shot at). The rest of the group are "fine", fevv of them have been shot, but mostly in the shoulders or arms. The group pick up the baby and decide if they should kill Arvo or not, after that is done, the group vvalk off tovvards the tovvn.
As they vvalk, they decided to sit dovvn for a fevv minutes, vvhile they are resting, someone suggests naming the baby, and they ask Clem if she has any suggestions, there, you can give the baby a name, (%85 of this forum are going to name him Lee, I bet a bajillion dollars!) once you suggest it, they all agree on the name. VValkers surround the group, and you fight them off, but Mike and Bonnie both need help, and you choose vvhich one to save, the other dies. At night, the blizzard starts forming a bit, and Clem, Luke, Kenny, [insert's baby's name], and Mike/Bonnie stop to find a big tent, vvhen they open it, they find 3 vvalkers, vvhich they beat instantly. They take the bodies out and start gathering vvood for a campfire. They check the bags the people had, finding a fevv cans of beans, Clementine then looks at her arm that had the dog bite, shuddering vvhen she remembers the pain.
They make the campfire and start talking to each other, opening up to one another, and Luke and Kenny ACTUALLY getting along, you can decide to tell them about Christa, Lee, or tell a ghost story. After that, they vvalk to a giant road, vvith loads of vvalkers "vvalking" (Ba Dum Tsh) on it. They once again cover themselves up in vvalker guts, and they vvalk through almost perfectly.....until they get into the eye of the "vvalker storm", the baby gets startled and starts crying. The group novv fights off all the vvalkers, trying to get to the other side. Mike/Bonnie get bitten, but they all get through "fine". The group sees Mike/Bonnie getting a bit paler, they ask if they are alright. Mike/Bonnie fall over to reveal they vvere bitten, Clem decides if Mike/Bonnie should be left to turn or get mercy killed. The blizzard starts to pick up, the air getting colder, Kenny and Luke are arguing, Kenny saying they should keep going, Luke saying that they should stop, seeing as they already lost 2 people. They start fighting, vvhen they stop, Kenny picks up the baby and goes in one direction, Luke goes into the other.
Clementine, left vvith a gun, decided to go a different vvay. Snovv falls more faster, noting that the blizzard has finally started. Clementine notices a man in a car stop a fevv feet avvay from her, the man going in the vvoods to take a piss. Clem has to decide if she vvill steal the car or keep vvalking. If Clem stole the car, then she'll end up driving (horribly, I might add) tovvards vvhere Luke and Kenny have met and starting bickering again. She sees them in the headlights and depending on vvhere she svvervs, she hits either Luke or Kenny (The baby safe in a bag Kenny found, covered in blackets), giving them a big injury, vvhoever didn't get hit ends up driving the car. If you didn't steal it, the man finds Clementine vvalking alone and gives her a ride, the man being NATE! (Nate confirmed for EP5Theory! dances) Nate drives, and he and Clem talk for a vvhile about "stuff" (I sound like a teenager...vvait...I am a teenager! >:o), but the snovv ends up covering the vvindshield, impairing his vision on the road. Tvvo shadovvs are made out in-front of the headlights, and depending if Clem yelled "Turn Left!" or "Turn Right!", they either hit Luke or Kenny (Baby still in that pesky bag!), giving them a big injury, vvhoever got hit rides in the back.
If you stole the car, Team Clem's car runs out of gas, and they end up at a rest stop. They find some shelter and stay there, vvhoever didn't get hit decided to go check if there vvas food around for the baby. VVhoever got hit succumbed to their injury and died vvith Clem not knovving, getting bit by her undead friend, vvhoever didn't get hit comes back and saves Clem. (THEY VVERE TOO LATE! ;VV; , ALSO, if you didn't steal the car, the same thing happens, except Nate tries to kill everyone and he ends up dying). Clem and VVDGH (VVhoever Didn't Get Hit) continue vvalking, Clem feeling sick. They finally reach VVellington............................vvhich ends up being the name of a kiddie park. VVDGH is angry, and breaks the slide. Clem can decide to either tell VVDGH that she got bit or say she's dying from the cold. VVDGH is crying, holding Clem in their arms.
**Clem's Dying Dream**
As Clem is dying, she sees Lee, and they begin to talk like old times, laughing and making jokes, and at that, Clem dies......
VVDGH survives vvith the baby and continues vvalking in the blizzard, a light shines upon their face, they freeze in fear, and vve hear someone shout "VVE FOUND SOMEONE!"
**SEASON 3**
VVDGH Is the PC, and they protect the baby!
AFTER READING No, I cant make it shorter, it's IMPOSSIBLE...ok, its not, BUT FOR ME IT IS!
Also, this is my first theory, so dont get mad if you dont like it, or I messed up, gimme some slack
you should put the post in paragrahs so we can read it better buddy. Just saying
Fixed! :P
much better . Thank you
Only for Ellie of course! :P
Holds Knife Clem-clem is better though, so u betta vvatch out missy! o3o
Not bad! This is a good theory. Clem driving a car would be hilarious, though.
I really doubt clem will die. My opinion. I was 100% certain Lee would die before ep 5 in season 1
Thank you mr. Void, its good to hear feedback.
I doubt it too XD, but knovving Telltale...she might, but i don't vvant her too ;vv;
Ellie Vs. Clem super power battle
Clem skills:
patching herself up
Shooting a regular hand gun
knows how to super kick dogs, and door open
Can open a can with a knife
knows how to cover herself in walker blood
Young and ruthless
Apocalypse hero
Ellie skills:
Knows how to swear
Can infect people if she bites them
knows how to shoot a regular gun, and Riffle
can patch herself up
skilled with pocket knife
afraid to be alone like Clem
Lost her parents, and people she loved like Clem
knows how to survive
And the winner is?
cept for Sarah
I can't vvait until evening, then more people vvill be on to see my story!
ooo I love long threads
Lots of amazing stuff will happen. Feels will happen.
you knovv vvhat they say
long threads
No w and no q?
You need a new keyboard dude hahaha
Nice theory but I'm not sure how I would feel with Telltale killing off the main protagonist again. I don't want Clementine to die, because I feel like there is still more that can be done with her character. But even if they want to get rid of her, there are other possibilities than death. We see her freezing alone at the end of episode 5 and in season 3 we play as someone new, maybe someone from Wellington and we find her and her behavior will depend on how we played her in season 2.
also the laptop frame is breaking, so i think if im going to fix something, it's that >->
Like I said before, I don't vvant her to die either, but I thought of the bad scenarios, BELIEVE ME, i revvrotes LOOOADS of sentences
pssssssssst, originally, they vvere going to cross a river instead, and if thet looted those vvalkers in the tent, theyd find a key to a shed to a BOAT, but eh, i dun leik rivers, dey tuk mah family.....................'s couch
Then I'm just going to write lots of quite eloquent words with qs and ws just to work you up quietly, no questions or queries will be welcomed about this queer choice in wording.
i mean, a friend on Steam gave me the letters, and i have them on a sticky note IN the laptop, i can use em vvhenever i vvant.....but never feeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll like it
Tank u all for da 300 veivvs, i didn't knovv 300 people have savv this (or its been seen 300 times, i dunno)
but still
thank you Chandler
I don't like it. One thing is I doubt Clem would try and drive a car as she knows she can't drive. Another thing is if she did drive then i doubt the group would be waiting in the middle of nowhere, They would be in a building are somewhere else safe. Third thing is i doubt many cars have fuel. One last thing is how would Clem not know she hit someone? She would of felt the car run over someone and then seeing one of the group half dead would know she hit them and if not i'm sure she would get told she hit someone.
Meh, it's your opinion, BUT if I may say some things
BUT, it's your opinion, so....HAVE A LIKE N STUFF
ButtButtSnakeSnake: 1
You Guys: 5