Grand Theft Auto
Anything GTA can go here!
So GTA. Best game in the series: no idea. Never played the first two, only played bits of the PS2-era games
Worst game: GTA IV
Future locations: I'd love to see Rockstar do Australia, because we Aussies like to think we can take a joke. Also, a HD Vice City would be cool.
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Favorite GTA has to be a tie between San Andreas and V, both were great. I actually like GTA IV, especially the episodes. I thought that Niko's story was a fantastic deconstruction of the 'rags to riches (and bitches)' storyline of most crime games. It shows us how brutal and unfulfilling the so called 'thug life' truly is. That said, I can see why it doesn't make for very good escapism.
I'm not sure GTA could really work outside of America. The pointed satire of American culture is such an important part of the game's appeal. I agree that another game in Vice City would be awesome.
San Andreas definitely had the best music. GTA V's soundtrack is great, but there's ton I'd songs they couldn't get cleared. I'm so pissed that 'Regulate' and 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' were cut from the final version.
GTA V is the best when it comes to its expansiveness, immersion, nostalgia, and online.
GTA IV is good for the emotional storytelling aspect of things, and interesting set of characters. (probably better than GTA V's - Little Jacob's still the man!)
San Andreas is amazing for its soundtrack, like Max sad above, and the plethora of activities you actually get to do in the game.
Vice City is excellent if you want to relive the 80's, and feel like a badass (a.k.a. Scarface) while doing so.
GTA IV radio blows V out of the water in my opinion. Besides the music, the commercials were funnier I thought, and on the whole the talk shows were way funnier, with the exception of Chakra Attack, because that's one of the funniest things I've ever listened to. Liberty Rock Radio and LCHC (Before the screamo was added) are two of the best GTA stations to date for a fan of rock/metal. In fact. every GTA prior to V has had good rock/metal stations, so in that regard V really let me down. I find myself listening to talk shows until they repeat, and then silence. I don't like that.
Yeah, IV was really tight in the rock department. It also had the jazz station (which I really miss) and awesome talk radio. I'm more of a hip-hop fan though, and IV REALLY disappointed me. There's soooo many great East Coast classics they could have included. Instead, the DJ on the hip-hop station basically only played his own songs and a few stinkers from the back catalogues of Mobb Deep and Nas. Lame.
V is a lot better in terms of rap. Radio Los Santos is terrible (with a couple exceptions) but West Coast Classics is great. NWA, Geto Boys, Kurupt, you name it. Still, I gotta agree that Rock fans got the short end of the stick. I find the Punk station tolerable, but I'm definitely in the minority.
I mainly listen to West Coast Classics, The Lowdown and a little Rebel Radio.
Haha, I love Little Jacob. The contrast between him and Real Badman is hilarious.
I miss my Jetpack and Katana from San Andreas.
Yes! Before GTA V came out, I was hoping that he would make some sort of cameo appearance, but no - Rockstar just had to be a total douche and not include him in there. At least Packie was included.
I miss the katana and jetpack too!
Don't forget the flamethrower and chainsaw! Great memories were had when I occasionally set the pizza restaurant on fire. XD
Mama Miá! Flame baked pizza!
Little Jacob should have totally been the pot legalization guy.
The punk station in V is alright with the exception of two songs that seem to be played more often than every other song. Black Flag - My war, and Suicidal Tendencies - Subliminal. I hate those two songs, and every time I turn the station on they're on.
For sure, Packie or Brucie should've invited them both over to Los Santos. They could have done all those epic heists together!
EDIT: I forgot to mention Niko being in the pair, oops.
So, what do you guys think of the S.A. flight school update that released for GTA's online yesterday? Personally I think it's cool that they're still giving us free dlc until the inevitable heist dlc comes out, whenever that will be.
I'm not currently playing Online since my Xboxisn't connected, but we're moving house soon so hopefully I'll deal with it then.
The only GTA game I've ever played is GTA 5 (Which I'm playing right now). It's so damn good! It's my GOTY for 2013 (Even though I haven't played much games from that year).
GTA V is amazing, but San Andreas is still my favorite.
Can't argue with free dlc. I'll never be rich enough to afford that damn jet though.
Would of been a great song to cruise to.
Right? I was lucky enough to get the proper funds to afford a damn Buzzard, as it took me forever, I finally got the money to buy that Zetorno too. (I think that's what it's called)
I could barely buy anything before the Union Depository Heist.
Yeah, it's easier to get money faster in the online than in the campaign.
I wish you could kill Jimmy in GTA 5...
You can! But not in the story, non-canon kills. I do it all the time.
Try some of the older ones if you can. V is good but it doesn't really feel like a GTA game. I used to go over to a friend's house so I could play the 3D games on his PS2.You can also download 1 and 2 from Rockstar's website for free
It would be even better if you could actually make it a canon kill.
Yeah, I was pissed. Regulate is a fucking masterpiece and It would been perfect for the Franklin and Lamar missions.
It got cut literally a few days before the game came out, as it's still listed in the OST. They probably couldn't get the licensing sorted out.
I actually liked Jimmy, he had good character development towards the end.
Though I have bounced him off the hood a few times.
I can't stand Jimmy at all. It's funny blowing him up with an rpg or grenade
A while back a hacker gave me like $700 billion dollars, so I bought everything. Rockstar took the cash away but left all of my unlocks.
It's easier than before, that's for sure. Back when I started, I barely knew about jobs or anything else. I just went around holding up liquor stores and stealth-killing people for their wallets. Thug life.
Nice, if they had that mental state stat feature back when the online launched, you'd be considered a psychopath. Heh.
Actually, you'd be surprised. I didn't go on many killing sprees, I was very methodical in my mugging.
I'd sneak up on some poor bastard in a low traffic area, stab them in the throat with my trusty Broken Bottle (so they don't scream before going down) and grab whatever they dropped, usually $20 and a snack. Eventually my stealth got so good that the cops showed up less than half the time. I'm pretty sure I have a lifetime supply of candy bars too.
The ones talking on their cellphones are my favorite targets; they never see it coming. "Hey mom, I got the part! The produ- (gurgle....thud)."
...on second thought, maybe psychopath is an apt description. XD
Me too. I got 50 mil, bought a couple nice cars and a buzzard. Then started making "money cars" for my friends. Eventually I got tired of supers and sold all of mine. I mostly drive the 9F (Audi R8 lookalike) and the Double-T motorcycle. Occasionally I throw in my Truck or buggy for good measure.
I drive the Corvette, it's my favorite car in the game by far.
I've driven that one before, it's a fun little car. I mostly love the 9F because the engine is in back. I get into a ridiculous amount of head on collisions, so that's a godsend for me.
I think we have another Trevor in the making here.
I drive with a lot of finesse, and the turning radius on the Corvette is good for that. All of the super cars have the turning radius of a freight train so I sold all of those as well.
Get up! GET UP!!1!...fuck you, then!
EDIT: Me, after a raspberry syrup incident. We've all...been there.
Anyone have a favorite/preferred weapon in GTA V? For practical stuff, I'm all about the AP Pistol (great damage and cuts through vehicles like butter)
Still, you just can't beat the hobo loadout: Bottle, SNS Pistol (or the trailer-trash pistol as my friends say XD) and a shotgun.
I love the AP pistol too, I always use it for a good portion in missions and the beginning waves in survivals. The auto shotgun and the Bullpup rifle are awesome as well.
Awww... This'll turn that frown upside-down.
Santa unwinds after a long Christmas season.