Episode 5 Trailer Live Stream Countdown



  • Because he hypnotised the mods.

    I'm baffled as to why this thread is still open...

  • edited August 2014


    He is clearly braking rules. I don't know why the mods would even need to take this much time to discuss the situation...

    papai46 posted: »

    Because he hypnotised the mods.

  • I don't know either, but that's because my theory is right: hypnosis...

    Yup. He is clearly braking rules. I don't know why the mods would even need to take this much time to discuss the situation...

  • So wait by flagging his thread for going against one of the main rules of the forum, will not have any affect? How is that fair? He's broke one of the main rules set out yet you relay that nothing will happen? It's a pretty unfair treatment of the rules isn't it?

    Bend the rules for one guy, but keep them affirmed for everyone else. As stated they can't directly promote their videos without being an actual active member, and as everyone else has pointed out, he isn't. All he does is come here when every new episode nears its release to promote his videos, so I don't understand why he's getting a free pass for this, maybe there's some agreement behind the lines but still it seems pretty unfair

  • his threads only cause fights and get people banned

    If one thing is certain, then it's that ND isn't happy about that.

    Mods usually don't close threads because these threads 'start fights', particularly not if these fights are started by community members SO THAT the thread will be closed. I hope to make sure that this kind of strategy will absolutely always backfire. See guidelines §1.3 for further details.

    About the getting banned part, it's really REALLY easy not to get banned on these forums with just a modicum of respect towards users. There will not be harrassment on these forums, period.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ok i didnt mean to say mods aren't allowed to watch whatever streams i might have said that wrong i ment to say i hope this thread isnt only

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited August 2014

    That's really, really sad. What a disappointment. But not really a surprise regardless.

    this thread is now irrelevant, and not sure why he's still not banned or still open. yeah if you're reading this please don't reply so this thread can go into oblivion.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    We've been talking about what mod has or hasn't watched a stream today. First of all, any mod can watch and chat on any stream they like. We

  • edited August 2014

    I've heard that at least one of the members banned here for trying to point out that Nukem is breaking forum guidelines was banned permanently for doing so. But when he breaks a rule, it's okay.

    I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'm hoping it's just a misunderstanding. Doesn't seem that way so far though.

    So wait by flagging his thread for going against one of the main rules of the forum, will not have any affect? How is that fair? He's broke

  • edited August 2014


    Ellias posted: »

    That's really, really sad. What a disappointment. But not really a surprise regardless. this thread is now irrelevant, and not sure why h

  • its okay to point people out for certain things, but its another thing to go about it where you mean intentional harm against that person by using vulgar language, profanity, degrading a person and encouraging others to partake in the activity.

    sardines posted: »

    I've heard that at least one of the members banned here for trying to point out that Nukem is breaking forum guidelines was banned permanent

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2014

    There's no agreement of any kind. It would be difficult to accomplish one with the (voluntary) moderators on this forum in any case. Haven't received a bribe attempt in four years. DAMN. ;)

    As the live stream is over, this thread would have run its course already. Only this discussion keeps it alive.

    If it's civil and possibly even productive, I don't want to quench the community discussion.
    If it's insulting just to achieve a shit storm and thread closure, I will not comply.

    And that's why the thread remains open. I've sunk it, so interest will rather cease during the next hours.

    So wait by flagging his thread for going against one of the main rules of the forum, will not have any affect? How is that fair? He's broke

  • What does 'sinking' a discussion actually mean?

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    There's no agreement of any kind. It would be difficult to accomplish one with the (voluntary) moderators on this forum in any case. Haven't

  • It won't bump, even when people post in it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What does 'sinking' a discussion actually mean?

  • what YOU need to work better on is stop being so selfish and think about others who haven't played episode 5 yet. it's coming out and i don't want to be spoiled at all, take 90% of us into consideration and do not spoil it so quickly.

    NukemDukem posted: »


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2014

    Exactly. Think of it as a 'soft close'.

    sardines posted: »

    It won't bump, even when people post in it.

  • LeeTheProfessional was a very good member of the forums even before he started his fanfic, and he does not go around advertising it.

    papai46 posted: »

    This only proves they should ban LeeTheProfessional because after he started the fanfic he only came here to advertise it to people (Not that they shouldn't talk to Nukem about the propaganda problem).

  • edited August 2014

    Honestly guys... why do we even care if he actively participates in the community or not? Even if he is only here to advertise, that doesn't mean we can't get anything out of what he has to offer. As respectable, reasonable human beings why do we honestly care about something so petty? I really don't get it. As clear and obvious fans of the game, it is only reasonable that he would come around these parts to tell us that he is going to be doing a live stream of the game that we care so much about. I could see a problem if he was making threads about other random things that he is working on, but that hasn't been the case. It has all been relevant.

    I personally think the live stream is kind of cool, and I'll probably hop on at some point. I would have completely forgotten about it if he hadn't posted about it here.

  • The reason people have been angry with Nukem is not mainly because he has been 'advertising.' This is simply the only thing he did that was explicitly against the rules. However, he has stolen videos from other TWD fans and profited off of them, by showing them as his own in his streams and running ads, therefore making money off of other's videos. There's been proof posted of this as well. Now, whether or not Nukem intends to remedy this and stop doing so remains to be seen, but that's the reason people have been upset with him.

    Belan posted: »

    Honestly guys... why do we even care if he actively participates in the community or not? Even if he is only here to advertise, that doesn't

  • edited August 2014


    sardines posted: »

    The reason people have been angry with Nukem is not mainly because he has been 'advertising.' This is simply the only thing he did that was

  • edited August 2014

    Being angry with the whole stolen video thing is understandable I guess... though I'm not going to crucify the guy for it if it was a simple one time mistake.

    But as far as the "advertising" of his event here, I see nothing wrong about that at all.

    sardines posted: »

    The reason people have been angry with Nukem is not mainly because he has been 'advertising.' This is simply the only thing he did that was

  • Oh, so you're exercising punishment for prospective future offenses, you mean?

    That has a cool "Minority Report" vibe to it. Mind you, that was a DYSTOPIAN view of the future.

    Hershel posted: »

    He stole someone's video and then lied about getting permission, Which is plagiarism and illegal and to make matters worse watermarked it. A

  • Just so you know we don't have good proof he stole their videos.

    Belan posted: »

    Being angry with the whole stolen video thing is understandable I guess... though I'm not going to crucify the guy for it if it was a simple

  • But Nukem also doesn't have good proof that the owners of the videos gave him permission, so it goes both ways.

    papai46 posted: »

    Just so you know we don't have good proof he stole their videos.

  • Alright, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Nukem, in my personal Opinion, what you're doing is wrong. You claim that Telltale gave you permission to reupload the trailer to your channel, which isn't that bad, because as you said some people aren't subscribed to Telltale's Channel, HOWEVER posting a link to the trailer on your trailer kind of makes it look like you're trying to make a profit off of Telltale games. Whether this is your intention or not, I really can't say, but I hope that will take this into consideration next time you post. Also while I do enjoy seeing your alternate choices videos (though I'm not a fan of the commentary), there are some people who haven't played the episode yet, and posting videos with all caps titles like "SO AND SO DEATH EPISODE 4" could be seen as a jerk move, and I hope that you wait until the episode is out for iphone users next before uploading said clips. Also stealing someone's work without giving them credit wasn't cool either. Just saying.

  • "Oh wow he stole someones video so lets bug him and hope for a response." You can voice displeasure all you want, but nothing is going to happen on this thread. At the end of the day the forum is separate from any Youtube business. So in that regard let the mods handle his advertisement and the Youtube authorities handle his theft.

    Hershel posted: »

    He stole someone's video and then lied about getting permission, Which is plagiarism and illegal and to make matters worse watermarked it. A

  • edited August 2014

    Whoops nvm

    Giraffehat posted: »

    You. Downloaded it. Re-uploaded it. And put ads on it.

  • You mean this?
    its by boatmaster

    He also took the one when Lee is trying to kill Ben

  • [removed]

    1. It's against the rules.

    2. Did you not see all the stuff about him stealing videos? There's proof on MikonReborn's channel, as well as Giraffehat's.

    Belan posted: »

    Honestly guys... why do we even care if he actively participates in the community or not? Even if he is only here to advertise, that doesn't

  • Actually, the video on Giraffehat's channel was removed.

    Zyphon posted: »

    * It's against the rules. * Did you not see all the stuff about him stealing videos? There's proof on MikonReborn's channel, as well as Giraffehat's.

  • Oh, was it? Why?

    Bzilla56 posted: »

    Actually, the video on Giraffehat's channel was removed.

  • edited August 2014

    Well. You're causing waves on the other forum, bro. Just signed in to say that you're a liar. A)TinyCarlos is not Boatmaster. Vivec is, and last I remember, Vivec is permabanned. TinyCarlos is also banned for the next ten days. Good job picking targets who can't really fight back. B) I know for a fact that Vivec never gave you permission to use his videos, and TC never did either. C) Many of us will testify that you DELETED our comments telling your fanbase about the thievery, including me. In fact, you deleted the video that most of those comments were on, if memory serves.

    Doesn't anyone remember Vivec posting those videos, not TC?

    EDIT: I know that he has since removed the reference to Vivec/TinyCarlos/Boatmaster completely, but that's not what he originally said.

    NukemDukem posted: »

    In the light of everything that happened today and reflection. I believe this was a very positive outcome even with hostile criticism. I r

  • No, that's not contributing to the forum. That's advertising and having people fall for it. Advertising is not allowed, correct?

    NukemDukem posted: »

    I would agree if only one or two people show up. But were having 300-700 people show up to each event. Most from Telltale forums. Is that

  • This thread... is causing so many problems...

  • For a "Copyright Claim" :/

    Zyphon posted: »

    Oh, was it? Why?

  • Funniest part is that I've been in contact with Blind Sniper on the other forum, and he's acting like there's any question whether or not Nukem should be banned. If Tiny was banned, Nukem needs to be banned.

    Blind listed his reason as the fact that Nukem claimed that TTG sent him the trailer, when that's well beyond the point. Nukem has been advertising his videos since he had like three subscribers, and has done nothing else. He deserves to be banned just as much as Awesomeo, TinyCarlos, Vivec, or even Raging Blades.

    Deceptio posted: »

    This thread... is causing so many problems...

  • Either Punish him or change the rules.

    This is out of control.

  • Mikon reborn's was also taken down for the same reason

    Bzilla56 posted: »

    For a "Copyright Claim"

  • Oh yeah, guys, here's some proof that Nukem did not have Vivec (Boatmaster's) permission to post the videos. The visual was provided by the lovely Dark Fox.

    Alt text

  • Not for future videos, because last I checked he still had a second stolen video up (The one with walker Lee killing Ben) and he's also taken to censorship to try and silence anybody who says he's stealing videos by copyright claiming them, He fully knows what he's doing and from what I can tell has no plans on stopping anytime soon.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Oh, so you're exercising punishment for prospective future offenses, you mean? That has a cool "Minority Report" vibe to it. Mind you, that was a DYSTOPIAN view of the future.

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