Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Yeah, but he was bitten back at the mansion in the morning, starts to turn when he exits the marsh house when it's almost night.

    Pride posted: »

    If Clem waited around for about 5 more minutes in the jewelry store in No Time Left, she'd probably get to see Lee reanimate...

  • All the more reason he'd reanimate even quicker as soon as he died

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Yeah, but he was bitten back at the mansion in the morning, starts to turn when he exits the marsh house when it's almost night.

  • Actually I timed both of them and found that Rebecca took around thirteen seconds or so to re-animate while the guy on the bus took around one minute and fourty eight seconds. after the Russians discover that we have a baby, the screen will show Rebecca and the baby and you see Rebecca moving a bit but then her head falls down onto the baby and that would be considered when she was officially dead. in about thirteen seconds you hear her start growling as she just re-animated

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    What about the guy in Vinces prison bus?

  • edited August 2014

    I guess the weaker you are before death, the faster you reanimate?

    Rebecca pretty much looked like a walking corpse already before she died due to weakness and hypothermia

    Duck reanimates pretty quickly too, if you take the Duckapocalypse easter egg into consideration

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Actually I timed both of them and found that Rebecca took around thirteen seconds or so to re-animate while the guy on the bus took around o

  • Speaking of which, the "Zombie Duck" easter egg actually proves Larry right.

    "The first thing that kid will do is sink his teeth into his mother's neck..."

    Pride posted: »

    I guess the weaker you are before death, the faster you reanimate? Rebecca pretty much looked like a walking corpse already before she di

  • Well I assume the cold did it, considering cold weather weakens the immune system, when she was dying the virus probably spread like wildfire all over her system and that's why she re-animated faster? that's just my two cents though

    Pride posted: »

    I guess the weaker you are before death, the faster you reanimate? Rebecca pretty much looked like a walking corpse already before she di

  • Either that or the plot demanded a faster re-animated rate for the shootout to occur.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well I assume the cold did it, considering cold weather weakens the immune system, when she was dying the virus probably spread like wildfire all over her system and that's why she re-animated faster? that's just my two cents though

  • Season 1 Clem files exist in every Season 2 Episode files.

  • Inconsistent writing...or a sign that the infection is getting stronger?

    Are you sure? Sarita sure as hell turned really fast of you ask me.

  • Are you sure? Sarita sure as hell turned really fast of you ask me.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Rebecca had the shortest re-animation time, she turned only seconds after death

  • I'm 50% sure that was due to the multiple bites.

    But hey, we'll never know.

    Are you sure? Sarita sure as hell turned really fast of you ask me.

  • like Shane in TV series.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Rebecca had the shortest re-animation time, she turned only seconds after death

  • Nick's hat is actually attached to his head, and a part of him. Confirmed by his hat being dull and walker like.

  • What are you talking about? Omid says this "With your arm and my leg, I'll cripple fight you right here, buddy."

    Tits or gtfo(pics or no nothin) Jk good try we ain't stupid LOL.

  • Sad thing is, the only time we see his beautiful hair is when we have to kill him.

    Mazdamaxsti posted: »

    Nick's hat is actually attached to his head, and a part of him. Confirmed by his hat being dull and walker like.

  • Rest in Pieces Nick (Quite litterally ;-;)

    rokon900 posted: »

    Sad thing is, the only time we see his beautiful hair is when we have to kill him.

  • Sure, I had a rewatch a let's play to get that date myself. :)

    blukey posted: »

    Ah. Thanks, my memory was a bit fuzzy.

  • I'm pretty sure you can pick up four.

    remorse667 posted: »

    When you're at the pharmacy, you pick up three energy bars. For some reason, you can't give one to Doug..

  • edited August 2014

    You mean the voice that muttered "god damn this thing" ? I think that one was Hank.

    Maybe Kenny also says something, I just didn't catch it.

    rokon900 posted: »

    They must have communicated offscreen, atleast in episode 3 since they worked together when they dropped the big sack. Kenny said a bad word and Jane said watch out.

  • I dunno about the weaker you are thing, I remember when Shane reanimated very quickly in the show i believe the developers explain it as how Shane was a man filled with anger, and that made him reanimate faster.

    Pride posted: »

    I guess the weaker you are before death, the faster you reanimate? Rebecca pretty much looked like a walking corpse already before she di

  • Owen Thomas said that the game made it more clear that Troy had been sexually harassing Jane before they decided to take it out. Some of the lines recorded/written were most likely considered too harsh or racy.

  • Too bad they cut that out, because at present a lot of people ended up thinking she was just shooting him in the dick to be cruel.

    Although some folks also got "pedo" vibes from how he interacted with Clem and Sarah...

    quinnics posted: »

    Owen Thomas said that the game made it more clear that Troy had been sexually harassing Jane before they decided to take it out. Some of the lines recorded/written were most likely considered too harsh or racy.

  • Well, if we go by EP1, Rebecca is a woman filled with anger too, lol

    MayorMilk posted: »

    I dunno about the weaker you are thing, I remember when Shane reanimated very quickly in the show i believe the developers explain it as how Shane was a man filled with anger, and that made him reanimate faster.


    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Rest in Pieces Nick (Quite litterally ;-;)

  • I'm 90% sure that first chop was to save that epic hat.

    That1Guy posted: »


  • at 8:55, Jane says soil coming up, I think that was her, and I am pretty sure that's Kenny's voice and Kenny does have green subtitles.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    You mean the voice that muttered "god damn this thing" ? I think that one was Hank. Maybe Kenny also says something, I just didn't catch it.

  • I can sorta see where they are coming from though, but I would say that it's more on fault of their writing: Jane and Molly were too similar already, without something sexual in their background too.

    Bokor posted: »

    Too bad they cut that out, because at present a lot of people ended up thinking she was just shooting him in the dick to be cruel. Although some folks also got "pedo" vibes from how he interacted with Clem and Sarah...

  • Well they also cut out the part where Carver mentions he raped Rebecca and the part where Ben was forced to watch the bandits rape his female classmates to death so that's no surprise, Telltale always tries to include rape references but they always take it out.

    quinnics posted: »

    Owen Thomas said that the game made it more clear that Troy had been sexually harassing Jane before they decided to take it out. Some of the lines recorded/written were most likely considered too harsh or racy.

  • Carver can survive four gun shots, one in 202 if Alvin died, one from 203 if Alvin was dead and Clem took his gun, and two others in 203 where Kenny shoots out both his kneecaps

  • It is extremely hard to include rape in anything media, especially games. I think the only actual case seen in Season 1 is when Jolene (the crazy lady from ep. 2) is assaulted seen in the camera - i think.

    Sore topic obviously. Hard to make meaningful without provoking a lot of people, it's a topic most like to ignore.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well they also cut out the part where Carver mentions he raped Rebecca and the part where Ben was forced to watch the bandits rape his femal

  • Well, Carver's last line towards Rebecca was originally going to be slightly angrier but the gist was still the same - "Don't act like you didn't enjoy getting fucked."

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well they also cut out the part where Carver mentions he raped Rebecca and the part where Ben was forced to watch the bandits rape his femal

  • edited August 2014

    How? Clem's parents definitely told Sandra that they would be back before spring break. Is everyone timing Crawford correctly? It could have been a while before Crawford really was established.

    blukey posted: »

    From the tapes in Crawford it started on June 20th, I believe.

  • Well originally his line was "Don't you fucking look at me like that, you wanted it just as much as I did." however they replaced it with "The fuck you looking at bitch? don't act like you didn't love every second of it."

    Bokor posted: »

    Well, Carver's last line towards Rebecca was originally going to be slightly angrier but the gist was still the same - "Don't act like you didn't enjoy getting fucked."

  • Some unused audio from 201 suggested that Clementine once had a dog

  • it was suggested that Nick was originally the one who let the first bite victim into the group. In some unused audio Nick says "It was my idea Luke... I had it all under control" in a very sad tone, it is thought this line was supposed to be said while Nick was apologizing to Clem and telling her about what happened to his mom. There is also another line said by Pete which is actually in the game, while Nick is criticizing Luke for bringing Clem back, Pete will tell Nick that he knows he would have done the same.

  • That was Hank. Kenny's subtitles are green, but almost white, while Hank's are a vibrant green. The subtitles were very bright, so it was Hank.

    rokon900 posted: »

    at 8:55, Jane says soil coming up, I think that was her, and I am pretty sure that's Kenny's voice and Kenny does have green subtitles.

  • Yeah i went only with Ben in my first playthrough and he fainted , that wasn't anything pretty to watch

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Yes. The worst part is if I recall correctly it's a gruesome QTE. It also happens if it's only you and Ben, who faints. Lee: My hero -_-

  • Yeah there was one but it only was a week

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When was that?

  • Yeah i got 3 in my first playthrough and 2 in the second one , also for some reason i can't lose at it

  • Heh, I didn't remember the exact line. But you're right about the original quote being even more heavy on its implication that Carver forced himself on Rebecca.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well originally his line was "Don't you fucking look at me like that, you wanted it just as much as I did." however they replaced it with "The fuck you looking at bitch? don't act like you didn't love every second of it."

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