I hope kenny dies in the finale.



  • He messed up once other people (kenny included) did worse

    I hope Luke dies, he's a reckless fuckin' moron, and Kenny is the best.

  • It's possible

    SadCat posted: »

    I want kenny to do a backflip then kill all the walkers with his godlike mane

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny's story should have ended in that alleyway with Ben. It was nice to see a character from S1, but Kenny's shitty personality wore thin pretty quickly. If they were going to bring back a season 1 character, I wish they'd brought back Lilly.

  • edited August 2014

    It's not just the cabin group that weren't developed enough. Kenny's life in the 16 month gap hasn't really been mentioned. He 'got lucky' and met Sarita- that's it. Sarita asks Clem if he's 'seems different' but then this is dropped. Their relationship together is never explored.
    I don't think he's hogged the limelight as he has been handled this season like all the other characters. More dialogue and scenes, okay but still not very developed. He does sometimes feel out of place because of this.

  • That would be incredibly lame no matter how you feel about Kenny. His character has been way too important to just get kicked to the curb like that.

    clemchess posted: »

    let hope that they gun down kenny in the first minutes of episode 5 that would be great

  • edited August 2014

    You got tired of his "shitty" personality yet you wish Telltale would have brought a character back that had an even worse personality... ;)

    I actually don't mind Kenny's personality at all.

    Kenny's story should have ended in that alleyway with Ben. It was nice to see a character from S1, but Kenny's shitty personality wore thin pretty quickly. If they were going to bring back a season 1 character, I wish they'd brought back Lilly.

  • Its pretty vague, but the whole "Sarita asking if Kenny is different" issue was about her trying to change him.

    ririann posted: »

    It's not just the cabin group that weren't developed enough. Kenny's life in the 16 month gap hasn't really been mentioned. He 'got lucky' a

  • Oh really? That flew right over my head, thanks for clarifying! :)

    Belan posted: »

    Its pretty vague, but the whole "Sarita asking if Kenny is different" issue was about her trying to change him.

  • For All That Remains I was thinking something like this could've worked. Go to the updated version. It's better. :3


    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well, excuse me, but Telltale had plenty of chances to develop the Cabin Group and they just didn't take them. * Episode One: They coul

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited August 2014

    (?) Nick will remember that. Alt text

    I killed off Alvin and Nick on purpose as soon as I had the chance

  • edited August 2014

    I can't believe some of the reasons behind this idea. Kenny's a flawed character with reedemening qualities, which makes him interesting. He's not bland in any way and he's definitely not the same. Kenny went from "You don't give up" to "I wish Carver had killed me" and that's huge right there. He's an important part of what made season 1. He's one of the main factors that made the plot advance from the very beginning, and he's doing the same this season. If it wasn't for Ken, you wouldn't have the story you love so much. And other thing, just because he's been around more than any other character besides Clementine, you think is time for him to go? Wow, I can't picture any of you enjoying a saga in your life.
    Hate Kenny all you want, dislike him to your heart's content I couldn't care less. But don't come with lame excuses to support your dislike. He's an asshole to you? you think he's bossy? awful? great, your opinion! but he's definitely not bland, uninteresting or irrelevant because this season and the previous one will tell you different.

  • Putin, vodka, balalaika, matryoshka, khuy, medved! :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Uh... Da! Putin!

  • edited August 2014

    Ah yes, I remember that time Kenny just ran off and left his whole group behind in the hands of a mad man, oh and that one time he prioritized getting laid over finishing an extremely important job he volunteered for...oh wait.

    zeke10 posted: »

    He messed up once other people (kenny included) did worse

  • I wouldn't get my hopes up...

    Alt text

  • Well I don't hope he dies,but you were right that he overshadows everyone and other characters aren't really getting a lot of development because he has too much screen time.

  • He doesn't really have any more screen time than any of the other main characters. Episode 3 was maybe the only exception to this.

    SwagBeast posted: »

    Well I don't hope he dies,but you were right that he overshadows everyone and other characters aren't really getting a lot of development because he has too much screen time.

  • everyone has 1 to 2 favorites they will not want to die what if a choice is bonnie or mike who will die you pick your favorite to live got it who is your favorite who will you want to live out of mike,bonnie,luke,kennyand clementine

    SadCat posted: »

    why cant i like mike,bonnie,luke,kenny,and clementine

  • downvote

    I killed off Alvin and Nick on purpose as soon as I had the chance

  • I hope they bring downvotes back so I can downvote this thread.

  • I doubt whether they will bring them back. Would be nice though.

    I hope they bring downvotes back so I can downvote this thread.

  • edited August 2014

    Hello. Yeah, I agree. I do think they could have focused on the development of some other characters. As long as Telltale can maintain a good story in Season 3, I have no problem with Kenny being alive. I like Kenny anyway.

  • I wish I could downvote your comment. If we had the option, I'd create 50 alts to downvote it.

    I killed off Alvin and Nick on purpose as soon as I had the chance

  • Nah, he's pretty uninteresting in season 2, he goes through the same grieving arc, he's still reckless, and his character hasn't really developed at all in any way, and he's walking fan service, he needs to go.

    I can't believe some of the reasons behind this idea. Kenny's a flawed character with reedemening qualities, which makes him interesting. He

  • I'm reading a lot of people killed people off for this and this and this for whatever reason. Am I the only one who tried to save everyone? In the first season I tried to play Lee as a compasionate person who would try to save everyone. I feel that rubbed off on Clem and now she's doing the same. He didn't give up on Ben and she didn't give up on Sarah. I don't anyone else to die because this shit hole has seen enough horrors but also because no one deserves to die just because you don't like them.

  • Look I like Kenny but everyone keeps dying for his development. It's getting out of hand.

  • funny how u "miss" what Luke did/wanted Clem to do tho lol.

    That's the problem with people, they critisize, yet forget their part.

    getting beat up after forcing a child to do every single dangerous chore is the least he could've done

  • edited August 2014

    It's funny how people hate Kenny and wish him to die because TTG failed at developing the rest of the characters. I don't have to add up to this because it's getting ridiculous by the time.

    Kenny probably is a pain in the ass (no he isn't) for some people; he probably pisses you off because he talks/acts too much, but he deserves to live and be an asset to the group because he has done a lot, A LOT, for Clementine and Lee. Maybe you've forgotten about that, yet cried about Lee when he died, or shed a tear every time Clementine did something cute or got in danger.

    You aren't even looking at the bright side of Kenny. You're just rushing for Lilly, who "lost it and killed someone in E.1". Ben was the reason behind Kenny's miserable life (which explains Kenny's actions), yet Kenny forgave him and moved on. I'd be happy to see Lilly again, but wouldn't trust her.

    Kenny is just like a father to Clementine.

  • Had to look at the amount of likes given to this thread twice.

    Alt text

  • Kenny is shot halfway through the game and falls over dead. Clem makes it to the end Bad Guy: I'n going to KILL you Girl. Prepare tSalt lick crushes his head.

    Clem: looks up to see a beardless Kenny Wha... Kenny: My beard...sacrificed itself to revive me. I woke up...and found that. #RIPKenny'sbeard

  • Kenny CAN be a pain in the ass for some people - even I, who considered him a likable guy in the first Season, had no patience for his harshness towards Ben or the immature way he handled Duck's impending death. Ben wasn't at all the one who bit his son - he was an easy scapegoat, and Kenny unloaded his feelings of regret and self-loathing onto a kid who already felt worthless. It's up to a person like Lee to counteract Kenny's irrationality.

    Clementine may be able to calm him down, but it's evident that Kenny won't respect her the way he did to Lee.

    Free_Dead posted: »

    It's funny how people hate Kenny and wish him to die because TTG failed at developing the rest of the characters. I don't have to add up to

  • edited November 2014

    Ben took all the blame for Katjaa and Duck's death, he was practically asking for Kenny to unload all his grief and anger on him. Even though he wasn't completely to blame, he was a huge catalyst in the bandits' raid. Ben told no one that the bandits expressed to him that they had his friends, perhaps if he said it out loud to other people, he would see how absurd it sounded to trade essential medicine based solely off of a group of crazy peoples' word. Ben also lied about his involvement, which indirectly caused Doug/Carley to get killed. Ben has every reason to feel guilty, and as good of intentions he had, he still fucked up big time. If you tell a grieving man that you are responsible for his entire family's demise 2 days after he watched them die/kill themselves, of course he's going to lose it. And I still don't see how him being in denial of Duck's inevitable death is considered "immature". No parent should ever have to bury, let alone kill, their child. Hell yes he's irrational, who would be rational about losing their child only a few hours after finding out they're going to die, and there is nothing you can do about it? And not to mention, you either have to kill them or let them become one of the walking dead? Thank God that Lee was able to get through to him, but Kenny was not wrong in his reaction, because there is no right way to react to having to shoot your child in the head to save them.

    Of course he's not going to respect Clem in the same way he does Lee. Lee is a grown man, Clem is an 11 year old child. Kenny acknowledges that she is a strong individual, but he still sees her as a child obviously. Think about it like this, I have a 10 year old cousin who I think is extremely smart for her age and I respect her, but I'm not about to have her be my "go-to-guy" when I'm in trouble, or need advice/support. I'm 10 years older than her, and have seen, experienced, and dealt with things that she'll never understand until she's my age. And that's only a 10 year gap, think about it from 40-45 year old Kenny's pov with an 11 year old Clem. That's just ridiculous to even say he would, or should look at her in the same way as Lee.

    Bokor posted: »

    Kenny CAN be a pain in the ass for some people - even I, who considered him a likable guy in the first Season, had no patience for his harsh

  • Alt text

    Bokor posted: »

    Kenny CAN be a pain in the ass for some people - even I, who considered him a likable guy in the first Season, had no patience for his harsh

    edited August 2014


  • What? He'd grow it back twice as thick and twice as long. Guy will be able to stop bullets with it in Season 3.

  • Took the words outta my mouth.

    Tinni posted: »

    Ben took all the blame for Katjaa and Duck's death, he was practically asking for Kenny to unload all his grief and anger on him. Even thoug

  • Hershel: Sorry!? You dont get to be "sorry"! (Just Kidding lol)

    clemchess posted: »

    33 down votes my best yet i just want to see how many kenny fans are here in the community bashing kenny is the best way to find out next is the luke fandom sorry if i pissed any one off i just want to know

  • If this thread had downvotes it would have around 300. Kenny ftw.

    Clone83 posted: »

    Had to look at the amount of likes given to this thread twice.

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