Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • So did Sarita her eyes changed color literally two seconds after she died.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Rebecca had the shortest re-animation time, she turned only seconds after death

  • There originally was a QTE in 201 with Sam where you pull your hat from him.

  • Really? No...

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I'm pretty sure you can pick up four.

  • :O

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Also, it's either this particular house or a nearby house in the game where Joel sends Ellie through a pet door to unlock the door. Nod to S1E4 maybe?

  • Oh Nick, I always knew that you were a sweetheart deep down. RIP Nick.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    it was suggested that Nick was originally the one who let the first bite victim into the group. In some unused audio Nick says "It was my id

  • If ben comes with you with omid and christa, or just kenny, or all of them, he'll save you no matter what

    Liayso posted: »

    Well, if it's just Lee and Ben, and you fail the QTE jumping from the bell tower back to the roof, Ben will help Lee up. That counts for something, right?

  • Did you know that Clementine can kick Luke in the balls?

    Alt text

    Its a joke please don't kill me.

  • Danny admits to his rape if Vince holds the gun at him long enough

    Can you prove it?

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Here are some 400 days details: Danny admits to his rape if Vince holds the gun at him long enough. If Wyatt does not shoot the truck,

  • Actually Vernon never planned on going that boat until the Herd came. Remember when Vernon said he just wanted Medical Supplies and only helped you out for that. Kenny definitely would've left Ben though.

    Something else you might have forgotten. If you did steal the food, Kenny insults Vernon and says "We wouldn't leave good people to rot!'

  • Give that guy a cookie!

    nursethalia posted: »

    If I ever start a band, it's going to be called Winston and the Water Bandit. Thank you, sir or madam.

  • I personally felt like the Stranger's car was completely unintentional and when people noticed they just went, "Sure let's go with that!"

    Pride posted: »

    Well, they're usually attentive to vehicles. Like how we see the stranger's car when Lee's being taken to prison, and how we see it again be

  • He didn't say there was audio, he said there was discussions of bringing Lilly back but they changed their mind. Probably because she wouldn't have the RV if you left her behind and she had no reason to go to Savannah.

    The earlier texts link back to dialogue changes so I wouldn't read into that. Gavin never said he recorded audio so I would re-read that.

    Pride posted: »

    I forgot, they've wanted to bring Lilly back for a long time now. There's at least two interviews out there where Gavin mentioned he had

  • Slits Throat

    Did you know that Clementine can kick Luke in the balls? Its a joke please don't kill me.

  • I cant die. The almighty Gavinism needs me.

    SadCat posted: »

    Slits Throat

  • Alt text

    SadCat posted: »

    Slits Throat

  • Im sure everyone has allready experienced this, but after 4/5 playthroughs i finally found that i could speak to Alvin in 201 when i leave the shed. He gives us bandages and some juice instead of having to get them myself.

    Strange, i allways just walked straight to the left, to where we are supposed to go...

  • The main character has been offered an alcoholic beverage 4 times throughout the series.

    • S1 E3 - Lee is offered Scotch Whiskey from Chuck on the train
    • S1 E5 - Lee is offered Whiskey from Kenny hiding up in the attic
    • S1 400 Days - Russ is offered Alcohol from Nate when they first meet
    • S2 E2 - Clementine is offered Moonshine from Nick if you choose to pick him over Pete

    and no you cannot get drunk off the apple juice Alvin offers you in S2 E1!

  • The wikia says Matthew was possibly in his late 20's and Walter was most likely in his late 40's..... I have no problem with age differences in relationships but wow i never thought of how Walter did look older.

  • You're supposed to go right, not left :p

    Jere85 posted: »

    Im sure everyone has allready experienced this, but after 4/5 playthroughs i finally found that i could speak to Alvin in 201 when i leave t

  • You are not supposed to do anything, that's the point of the area being open mate :)

    Flog61 posted: »

    You're supposed to go right, not left

  • Haha, I know, but in the context he was speaking, and his use of the word 'supposed', I was merely pointing out that the direction one needs to go for the story to progress is right and not left :)

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    You are not supposed to do anything, that's the point of the area being open mate

  • I always thought Walter looked older, but as you say, age differences don't matter one bit.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    The wikia says Matthew was possibly in his late 20's and Walter was most likely in his late 40's..... I have no problem with age differences in relationships but wow i never thought of how Walter did look older.

  • As long as they're both adults...

    I always found it funny how the writers seem to have intended the drinking of alcohol to be a bonding experience. I personally never let my characters drink because I figured they need to stay sober in The Zombie Apocalypse(tm).

    Flog61 posted: »

    I always thought Walter looked older, but as you say, age differences don't matter one bit.

  • A detail no one might notice, is that Lee starts off in handcuffs and end his story in handcuffs.

  • edited August 2014

    What use is saving that glorious hat, if she won't pick it up later? Darnit , Clem.

    She should have worn it on top of her current cap. And then when Kenny dies, use his on top of the previous two hats. Keep their glorious hats and their memories alive forever.

    Alt text

    Maybe turn each one of them to face a different direction. Form a hatcopter, fly to safety!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I'm 90% sure that first chop was to save that epic hat.

  • You could actually get Clem to try and put the handcuffs on the zombie, so Lee doesn't have to end the game in handcuffs.

    A detail no one might notice, is that Lee starts off in handcuffs and end his story in handcuffs.

  • When you reunite with Kenny his face is different in the PS3 version. He looks more blown away as his face is upwards instead of straightforward staring in disbelief.

  • edited August 2014

    Double post

  • I figured it out the first time I played.

    Jere85 posted: »

    Im sure everyone has allready experienced this, but after 4/5 playthroughs i finally found that i could speak to Alvin in 201 when i leave t

  • Some unused audio from 201 suggested that Christa was originally going to be confirmed dead as well as that Clem was going to have been captured by the scavengers.

  • Kenny most of the time, gets his ass kicked by someone. Most are determent

    Larry: Determent

    Lee: Determent


    Carver: I don't if this counts since if Kenny tried to hit back, he would have gotten shot

  • Lee can get shot in the gut during his fight with The Stranger.

  • Clementine can take out a walker on the bridge in 202 by hitting the knees first, Jane is not the first to teach her this. (Many others have noticed this I'm sure...)

  • Oh im sure most of you did :), it was a silly oversight on my part, just mentioning it here in case im not the only one that missed it.

    Spooch posted: »

    I figured it out the first time I played.

  • In s1 e3 when Lilly shoots carley( I don't think you can get this with Doug), if you let her talk before deciding her fate it goes a little something like this:

    Kenny: She's a murderer, we leave her out on the street

    Lilly : Murderer ? Lee is a murderer, and I forgave him, YOU'RE a murderer and I'll forgive you too....

    So, Lilly actually forgave Kenny/ was in the process of forgiving him for what he did, but Kenny being Kenny says : Bullshit, you were never gonna forgive me, you're just saying that to save yourself

  • Yeah I still think it was kinda unfair how the group treated Lilly, tbh...

    reedemer posted: »

    In s1 e3 when Lilly shoots carley( I don't think you can get this with Doug), if you let her talk before deciding her fate it goes a little

  • edited August 2014

    the writer for EP4 didn't notice it either apparently

    Clementine can take out a walker on the bridge in 202 by hitting the knees first, Jane is not the first to teach her this. (Many others have noticed this I'm sure...)

  • I have to say just that, I remember when I subscribed to Pewdiepie back at the 1million subscribers time.. Loved it back then, anybody remember Piggy? Jennifer? Stephano? Mr.Chair? THAT was the good pewdiepie imo :s ANYWAY, Pewdiepie and Luke.. NO, just no.

  • She never said that. It was more like "you had lee with you all this time , he is a murderer too.". She never said that she forgive him.

    reedemer posted: »

    In s1 e3 when Lilly shoots carley( I don't think you can get this with Doug), if you let her talk before deciding her fate it goes a little

  • If you kill Larry and bring Lilly with you in the RV, when she's about to steal it she says that she doesn't kill because you might have made the right call by killing Larry, so maybe it's possible that she forgave Kenny

    reedemer posted: »

    In s1 e3 when Lilly shoots carley( I don't think you can get this with Doug), if you let her talk before deciding her fate it goes a little

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