It's not too late. There is a cure for this madness. And that's...
ANIMAL'S BLOOD! Okay, I know considering other topics this is a shitty one but I just wanted to say this. According to Robert Kirkman if some walker bites an animal, they're not turning into an zombie dog, zombie cat or some shoot like happens in Resident Evil. That makes me curious because if animals can't turn into one of those things, there's something in their blood makes them immune to the virus. They're not carriers either. I can imagine members thoughts right now;
''Oh we already figured it out! Thanks a lot einstein!''
''There's only one cure to this virus you shitbird: SHOOT 'EM IN DA HEAD!''
''God, this forum is getting worse each day.''
''Great, just what we need! Another shitty discussion!''
''I don't have time for this shit.''
''Get a life FFS!''
''You're worse than Ben!''
I'M SORRY, OKAY?! Geez... anyway, what do you guys and girls think of this? Do you think there will be some smart person in ths ZA will notice this one day? Or this is never gonna happen?
One day things have to get better....
Let's hope.
Maybe the cure is actually within them? And they just never though of that...
Hey,great theory.But I doubt Kirkman would want the TWD universe to end all happy by finding a cure and all.
Wow you are one son of ******
That's not a bad thought.
I mean it seems like they can hold the virus off until their death... maybe the cure lies within the vessels of the virus?
So we need to do blood transfusion?
But our body makes new blood cells each day, so we would need lots of animals for that.
they wont find the cure i can guarantee that
Yeah, you're right. Also when you think of it; that is about the riskiest thing that one could do primarily because of the differences in the immune systems and potential bacterial infection, as well as the differences in blood types.
I think this is from Madsci Network:
is very similar to a human, such as a monkey, has enough differences in their proteins that our immune system can recognize it as different and foreign. This is caused by very slight differences in the protein sequences. Different sugars on the cell surfaces can also be recognized by the immune system. Our immune system is very good. That is why even two humans must be carefully matched to
donate and receive blood. If you got blood from someone of a different incompatible blood type, your immune system would attack it. For example, if you have type O blood, you can only receive type O blood. You can not take type A or B blood, because that blood has different sugars on proteins on the blood cells which your immune system will recognize and attack."
As much as I want this idea, Kirkman will not consider this... (T-T)
First of all, there is and there will be no cure, ever.
Second of all, it's not an action movie, injecting some animal's blood won't change your blood cell structure and change all of them accordingly, blood cells are recreated every day.
Oh, add the fact that some people can't receive other blood types into their body, and would die from it to what I said, so even if you're right it would still only solve the problem for so many people, but never everyone.
Get a life FFS. You're worse than Ben!!
-Just kidding. We haven't seen any zombie animals yet, so there must be something with them.
Most likely, but Kirkman would never drive the plot to that direction.
And I was hoping that we have chance >.<
Yeah, me too.
I don't think the animals are the cure just because they don't turn. They have a much different system then us. The zombie virus can only infect people, not animals, likely due to the organs that are in different places, and the fact that they think and work much differently then us.
What if the cure was something so simple? I mean with a supposed 'fictional' virus, there may be 'fictional' cures?
I guess..
But there won't be a cure, unless the plan changes.
We may find out in the tv series before the comics or game.
As SCL above says, the virus is specifically tailored to humans, that doesn't mean animals are the cure. It could've been a bio-weapon that escaped containment for all we know, but animals and humans have very different systems. And a blood transfusion with an animal sounds like an incredibly bad idea.
No I don't think so, they want to follow the comics, and the comics are the most advanced with the plot, they all follow Robert's pattern.
I was just thinking of Beth and how she... well if you've seen the spoiler filled Season 5 trailer you would know what I'm talking about... it just seems like there may be something...
I see, I think it's not going to lead into any cure though.
Seems to be leading to more rivalry.