What if Carver had been spared and...



  • Come to think of it, that may very well have been why Carver goaded Kenny into killing him rather than begged for his life - it'd have been more humiliating for him to be maimed in front of his followers than for him to end up a martyr.

    Pride posted: »

    This got me thinking, you know what would have been a better revenge for Kenny to dish out on Carver instead of just killing him? After h

  • Lol Negan could take Carver's camp one flip of the wrist.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Negan and Governor says hi

  • This would never work because Carver would never accept himself as 'just a member'.

    And the rest would never accept him as a leader.

  • That's actually pretty smart of him. Carver was manipulative 'til the end, it seems.

    He was really bent on pissing Rebecca and Kenny off.

    Bokor posted: »

    Come to think of it, that may very well have been why Carver goaded Kenny into killing him rather than begged for his life - it'd have been more humiliating for him to be maimed in front of his followers than for him to end up a martyr.

  • There's a fanfic based on that idea. It actually succeeded in making me feel bad about Jane killing him...

    Pride posted: »

    No way, he would never do that. He's too convinced that he's better than everyone else. Troy seemed way more plausible, if there had to be a bad guy turned good.

  • That sounds interesting. Do you have a link?

    Bokor posted: »

    There's a fanfic based on that idea. It actually succeeded in making me feel bad about Jane killing him...

  • https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10388842/1/Out-on-a-Limb

    Out On A Limb. Basically, Troy becomes more manageable once he's forced to be dependent on the group. He's a follower, not a leader. As other people have said, Carver simply can't stand being in a subordinate role.

    Pride posted: »

    That sounds interesting. Do you have a link?

  • Um when quote please.

    Yes he did. He even admits to it.

  • That's cool.
    And the thought of Carver seeing Clementine as his own, kinda makes sense.

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