What ending will Telltale choose to start the new story?

So, after season 2 has 5 possible endings I want your ideas which ending will be chosen to start the story.


  • All of them, I should hope.

  • Prolly the alone with the baby one. Kenny and Jane are both determinats now, so they'll die somehow. Let's say that Howe's/Wellington didn't work and you had to run taking Lee Jr. with you. And then there's huge time lapse that would make your ending just changing some dialogue.

  • edited August 2014

    Your own choice will probably carry over from your save file, like with season 1. At least, I hope.

  • None. New protagonist probably.

  • Don't say that!

    None. New protagonist probably.

  • I also taught about a new protagonist because I don't think Telltale creates 5 big new story branches to start season 3.

    None. New protagonist probably.

  • edited August 2014

    My guess is that it's going to be another S2E1 prologue:

    Side with Jane. Letting the Family in

    • The man will attempt to rob you. You can fight back or surrender. Suggestive that Jane will intervene and get herself killed is a likely possibility, along with the man. It's certain the woman and child will want to stick with you considering that the man looked stubborn and abusive to them in the first place. Unclear whether these character will follow you through the plot or not. Maybe Clementine will make them leave.

    Making them leave

    • The man will definitely come back and trouble will ensue. Still going with the possibility that Jane and the man both die in a shootout, Clem will most likely still turn away the woman and child or maybe bring them in for future plot purposes.

    Leave Jane

    • This leads to the last option all the way down below.

    Side with Kenny and stay in Wellington

    • Self explanatory. A huge community will not work out in the end and things are likely to get very shaky soon. Clem and AJ may have to get out of there real fast. There's a possibility of catching up with Kenny, but that will most likely lead to the following other choice outcome.

    Side with Kenny and leave together

    • It feels like this might turn into another Clem/Christa moment. Something bad will happen and Kenny will most likely either die or have an off-screen disappearance (Let's assume he will die to spare the S1 repeat). This will now lead to what has to be done for the possible true ending.

    Both die

    • Clem is in a field, unsure where she could possibly be. No snow, clear daylight, maybe just heading to a another temporary shelter. Not Wellington if we consider the Kenny choice, and not back to Howe's if we consider Jane's choices. This is the possible way of entering the main plot for S3, considering it'd be difficult to have two different stories merge into the same plot in one episode. I say one episode, because there has to be room for the main story to kick in, assuming there will be as well as keeping the 5 episode limit. Also, it just looks plain badass to see her survive like a pro and see her pulling a Lee before the screen goes dark.
  • edited August 2014

    I see two options.

    With the kind of ending we got, either Season 3 will feature entirely new characters or it'll skip ahead with Clem still the protagonist.

    if they make it another 2 years later or so (so it matches the Comics' timeline), then you could have Clem by herself in a different situation, with Kenny or Jane nowhere to be seen. That way the gaps can be filled with dialogue. Telltale wouldn't be coherent if they chose a path as canon. You're talking about a series that has each episode begin with "This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play".

    So if they keep Clem, a time jump of a couple years is inevitable in order to maintain proper continuity. I'll point to how little of Season 1's events were mentioned and had no impact on the story in season 2 as an example. A 21 month jump allowed for a lot of guesswork - We all say that Lee raised Clem, but Christa spent 16 months alone with her. Yet all we see of that relationship is a clip 5-6 months after's Lee's death and the final 5 minutes 16 months later.

    Otherwise, they could just start over with a different protagonist completely unrelated to Clem, but I think that would be a mistake. Hell, I think many of us have had feelings of wanting to protect that little girl that are nearly as strong as wanting to protect your own family. Telltale has a potential franchise-sustaining character with Clementine, so I doubt they would go down that road.

  • Starting season 3 a few months later like season 2 would be a good idea so it will fill all the plot gaps about what happened to Jane/Kenny.

    Darkdaej posted: »

    I see two options. With the kind of ending we got, either Season 3 will feature entirely new characters or it'll skip ahead with Clem sti

  • Or in my case, Clem, all alone and smearing herself and AJ in walker guts :)

    Starting season 3 a few months later like season 2 would be a good idea so it will fill all the plot gaps about what happened to Jane/Kenny.

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