Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • If you covered Luke, once Arvo shoots you, Bonnie will want to leave you and Mike will try to help you. If you went to help Luke, Bonnie will try to save you once Arvo shoots but Mike will tell her to leave you.

  • Clementine is the only character in the whole series to be confirmed alive. everyone else is either determinant, dead, or unknown.

  • What about AJ?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Clementine is the only character in the whole series to be confirmed alive. everyone else is either determinant, dead, or unknown.

  • Yeah, that asshole is 101% alive.

    Liayso posted: »

    What about AJ?

  • Ah right, I was basing this off of the wiki page, AJ doesn't have one yet.

    Liayso posted: »

    What about AJ?

  • Ah, I see. Someone needs to get on that stat!

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Ah right, I was basing this off of the wiki page, AJ doesn't have one yet.

  • Burricko( russian gangster tattoo guy) First had an AK47 in ep4, and in ep5 suddenly a shotgun

  • The bags of supplies found in the unfinished house are the same ones Wellington's been giving out to survivors.

  • They accidantely swapped Burricko with Vitali, I kinda luled at that.

    Burricko( russian gangster tattoo guy) First had an AK47 in ep4, and in ep5 suddenly a shotgun

  • Jane and Kenny are the only determinant characters with 3 statuses (Kenny has 4). Jane can be undead/dead (if you let Kenny kill her), Unknown (if you left her) or alive (if you went with her). Kenny can be dead (after he kills Jane you can shoot him), unknown (if you leave him to enter Wellington), undead (if you shot him before he killed Jane) or alive (if you leave Wellington with him).

  • Arvo and Ben have many similarities-

    They are both teenagers.

    They both hid meds.

    Kenny calls both of them shitbirds.

    They both had a sister.

    Kenny blames both of them for indirectly causing a death (Katjaa and Duck for Ben, Luke for Arvo).

    Kenny is aggressive to them both.

    If you saved Ben in Episode 5 he mentions 'My leg is hurt, I think'. Meanwhile Arvo has a leg brace.

    They both are never seen kill a walker or human.

  • Kenny blames both of them for indirectly causing a death (Katjaa and Duck for Ben, Luke for Arvo).

    You can include Bonnie in there too, since she has a determinant death at that point if you choose [Cover] and then don't break the ice.

  • It was a chilling death.

    Liayso posted: »

    Kenny blames both of them for indirectly causing a death (Katjaa and Duck for Ben, Luke for Arvo). You can include Bonnie in there too, since she has a determinant death at that point if you choose [Cover] and then don't break the ice.

  • Speaking of Arvo hiding the medicine, what was the point of that? That was never even mentioned in No Going Back.

  • Yeah, I thought it was odd that it was never brought up again, guess Telltale didn't want to explain it, or why he went after you even if you didn't steal.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Speaking of Arvo hiding the medicine, what was the point of that? That was never even mentioned in No Going Back.

  • edited August 2014

    Some random stuff from No Going Back. You've been warned.

    • One of available dialogue (right before Clem changes Kenny's bandage) says that Kenny wants to name a baby "Alvin Junior" to give a boy something to look up to. Well, Duck's real name was Kenny Junior.

    • Clem can stick her tongue out to calm the baby down. (it was creepy though)

    • Bonnie knows Luke is 27 years old. Luke will be suprised that she remembers.

    • Kenny thinks that school is a waste of money.

    • Kenny doesn't want Clem to drink alkohol. He will be upset if she tries. (If Clem did taste the rum, she can admit that it was not as bad as the whiskey she had with Nick)

    • Kenny compares Jane to Lilly.

    • When Lee asks Clementine what he can tell to make her feel better, if she says: "That I won't have to hurt anyone", Lee won't tell anything in response.

    • Jane says that Kenny cares about the baby only because AJ can't talk back yet.

  • edited August 2014

    It's confirmed that Clem doesn't know anything about "the birds and the bees".

    When saying she knows what the group is talking about around the fire she says it's "like kissing stuff".

  • edited August 2014

    You can actually leave kenny directly after you see the baby in the car. You need to say that kenny is dangerous and then say, I'm leaving. I haven't seen someone upload it yet, and I didnt choose it, so can some PLEASE upload it for me. Or send a video with clem leaving kenny? Thanks

  • Yeah but then she told Jane to get over being weird because "she made it" with Luke.

    Jane laughs and asks, "It? Is that what you call it?"

  • Im gonna have to go back and do that at some point. She was so horrible after Luke died that I kinda want her to drown

  • Well that makes sense. It would be weird if there was no consequence to being silent.

    hihitwd posted: »

    TTG says that silence is a valid option, well that's a damn lie. If you stay silent while stalling the bandits in S1E3, you get shot.

  • I have seen it. Kenny just says, "Okay. You keep little AJ safe."

    He's a lot more accepting of it than Jane is, which says a lot about who was right in that fight.

  • If you didn't give the painkillers to Rebecca, you can give them to Luke after he's shot in the leg. Once you do, he gives you a sweet little "Thank you." D':

    At 15:29.

    R.I.P. Luke... ;_;

  • Did not know that one. Man I'm really gonna miss him. Curse you TellTale!!

  • i doubt it.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Some unused audio from 201 suggested that Christa was originally going to be confirmed dead as well as that Clem was going to have been captured by the scavengers.

  • edited August 2014

    some unused line i found in 203


    ''Don't you fuckin' look at me like that! You wanted it just as much as I did''

    ''Exploring is for those who fall in line. I got no use for the other ones''

    ''You should know I don't like havin' to resort to violence''

    ''That's where you're wrong. I shouldn't have to hit people. I do know plenty of people need to be hit''

    ''I'm not a patient man. I try to be, but there ain't room for weakness when you got so many lives in your hands''


    ''All right, if someone drops a gun, you grab it, okay? You don't have to shoot or anything, just give it to someone else.Or you can shoot it, it's up to you.Just be careful''


    ''I'm just saying you don't want Bill coming back here and smelling smoke, right? Jesus. Just take it outside next time''


    ''Look, Carver didn't send us down here to fuck around. If we don't get this shit done, he'll know. He sees everything in this place. So quit bein' a dickhead about it and get to work''


    ''Bill was... somekinda engineer before all this happened.He's the reason we got power an' food...he kept us safe''

    • If you choose to stay behind at Wellington with AJ, Kenny will give you his hat to give to AJ when he's older. He'll tell Clementine to tell AJ of his parents and of the group of people who fought to protect him all this time. They'll hug once more before Kenny tells her that he'll walk away and not turn back, but not because he doesn't want to (presumably because it would be too hard for him). When Kenny walks away, he'll stop. After a few moments, he'll continue walking.

    • Kenny's last words, and the final words of the season, if you stay at Wellington are: "I'm real glad to have met you, Clementine."

    • When Clementine says that not all men act like alphas, Luke will say that he wishes he got to meet Lee.

    • Luke will tell Clementine that he would come back for her as well if she tells him during the campfire that she would go back for him. Mike will tease Luke about being a Casanova with the women, leading Bonnie to admit to liking him.

    • If you look at the fire during the campfire scene, Clementine will say that she likes it there. Luke will be watching her with a smile on his face.

    • Clementine will tell the group that she wants to go to college if she ever gets the opportunity. Luke will tell her that he shares those hopes for her as well.

    • If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, he'll call you out on it if you try to stop him from beating up Arvo. He'll turn to you and say, "What? Lost your taste for this?"

    • Handing off the baby to Jane will make AJ puke on her.

    • If you sat with Luke in episode two, Kenny will mention that he was initially sad when he saw this. He then felt pride because he knew it meant she was growing up.

    • If Clementine agrees about heading South instead of continuing on to Wellington, Kenny will tell Clementine that he didn't expect that from her and that she embarrassed him.

    • Asking Kenny to give Jane time will make him bring up his first impression of Lee: "Hell, I didn't know what to make of Lee at first."

    • If you don't pull the bandage up all the way (having to do the action all over again), Kenny will tell you that he trusts you. If you do this with the peroxide, he'll say that it "can't be too bad."

    • After Bonnie compliments Luke's toast to past loved ones, he'll add that he didn't mean to make it rhyme.

    • Jane can determinately ask Kenny who could ever love him.

  • Handing off the baby to Jane will make AJ puke on her.

    Oh god, it must be hilarious. Whed does it happen?

    quinnics posted: »

    * If you choose to stay behind at Wellington with AJ, Kenny will give you his hat to give to AJ when he's older. He'll tell Clementine to te

  • edited August 2014

    If you go to help Kenny with the truck, you'll have a conversation. After a little argument about people in the group, Kenny will tell that he wishes Lee was there and Clementine agrees. Then he asks her what does she think Lee would say right now and you can choose an answer. Clem will also add "and keep my hair short". (determinant, depends on what your Lee said before his death)

  • After you help Kenny with the truck and you go inside, you pick the option that says "You want to hold him?" or something like that when talking to Jane.

    Handing off the baby to Jane will make AJ puke on her. Oh god, it must be hilarious. Whed does it happen?

  • It's determinant, my Clem said "....and to stay away from cities"

    If you go to help Kenny with the truck, you'll have a conversation. After a little argument about people in the group, Kenny will tell that

  • After Kenny tries to fix the truck, he tell you to look if the baby is okay. After going into the house, ask Jane if she wants to hold him.

    Handing off the baby to Jane will make AJ puke on her. Oh god, it must be hilarious. Whed does it happen?

  • Is that what I think it means,or just a reused model? :O

    ninoobz posted: »

    The bags of supplies found in the unfinished house are the same ones Wellington's been giving out to survivors.

  • Okay, I'll fix my comment.

    TheJack posted: »

    It's determinant, my Clem said "....and to stay away from cities"

  • I think he would be after killing a woman. It's obvious by the Wellington ending he's afraid of himself.

    I have seen it. Kenny just says, "Okay. You keep little AJ safe." He's a lot more accepting of it than Jane is, which says a lot about who was right in that fight.

  • edited August 2014

    Go to 9:06.

    It's actually kinda funny. c:

    Handing off the baby to Jane will make AJ puke on her. Oh god, it must be hilarious. Whed does it happen?

  • I think he was probably stealing it from his group,and he lied about his sister being sick...

    Rigtail posted: »

    Speaking of Arvo hiding the medicine, what was the point of that? That was never even mentioned in No Going Back.

  • edited August 2014

    Ignore dis.

  • If you shoot Kenny, Clem can pick this dialogue option with Jane: [You're fucking crazy!]

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