Kenny - he looked insanity in the eyes
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Well, that episode was... rather intense.
Kenny. All he did was always for Clem and the baby, all he ever fucking did was to keep them safe.
At the end (stay in Wellington ending), he even told her that he's afraid of himself, and that he might hurt her, would a person that is going insane be actually aware of him being a danger to society?
The answer is no, the problem with dangerous people like Carver is that they think they are doing the right thing, even when all they do is kill people, they can't admit their faults.
Kenny did, and what Jane pulled off was stupid, dangerous and lead to her own death in my playthrough, it was unnecessary and there are simpler ways to prove a fucking point.
That man is stronger than y'all think, he embraced insanity with open arms, and sacrificed his own life for a baby and a teenage girl.
He's noble, and all the people who love Kenny know that the best thing to do for Kenny wasn't killing him, leaving him with the uncertain fate of Clem and AJ, but what was really the best for him is to show him that they are 100% safe, and that he can go off into his death, knowing full well that they will be ok.
So I say let's remember Kenny as the guy who had faced the insanity, and won.
Kenny might be crazy but he lost his son, two important women (wives) in his life. He thought he lost the baby also. He just lost it. But at the end he was sacrificing himself for Clem and the baby because he KNOWS that he is not mentally perfect. He left them to a safe place since the world is not suitable for kids no more. Kenny IS crazy but when its sacrifice and protection he is the only guy i would trust after Lee.
Anyone in his position and what he had endured would've dropped all logic, but he kept it together for Clementine and AJ, I won't be surprised if he shot himself after walking away in my ending, since he can die peacefully now.
Kenny really is the messiah of The Walking Dead universe. I had my doubts from Episode 4, but now? No. Kenny is just a Lee with a short temper in my eyes.
Yup, that's why he liked Lee so much, they both tried to do the right thing, always.
Oh he is crazy. Rick Grimes crazy. But leaving him outside Wellington is a satisfying conclusion to his story. He leaves knowing that for once he protected the people he cared about without them dying on him. And its fitting that someone from Season 1 lead Clem to safety.
Can't believe i just cried like a baby...
I almost shot Kenny, i'm glad i didn't. Never thought i would like someone on this game as much as i liked Lee.
I'm glad i trusted him. Until the end.
Exactly. He finally has no weights on him.
y'know some people ( kenny fans ) maaay think that finishing kenny off would make him rest from all the shit he has been to and the pain he will go through if he lived ( I don't agree with it but I bet some kenny fans would think of it ).
I agree, but he isn't crazy, there's a difference. He has problems, but he's not insane.
"You know what's the definition of insanity? Repeating the same fucking thing over and over and over again, expecting it to fucking change!"
Vaas from Far Cry 3 said that, and he's right, Kenny isn't insane because he acknowledges his "insanity", he has problem sure, but who doesn't? With everything he went through, is it really unnatural for a man to lose it?
He didn't expect things to change, he knew he has made and will make mistakes, and he did the right thing, so even though he is off, and does have mental problems, he's not what you'd call "insane", he's more in a purgatory state of mind, he doesn't know what to do with himself, but he looks at his actions from a side view, and acts accordingly - with the master goal of getting Clem and AJ to a safe place, and he did.
I'm proud, to say the least.
I agree, him and Lee are at the same level imo, they're both great men.
You guys are defending Kenny? There was no way I was letting Kenny kill Jane. Her way of showing Kenny's insanity was a stupid idea, but it got the point across for me. Kenny was unhinged and he isn't what is right for Clem.
Kenny is such a great character. When he started crying while trying to convince Clementine to stay at Wellington, I knew I couldn't leave him.
That's not right though, nor is it fair or humane, leaving him with the uncertainty and confusion of Clem's fate (he still thought the baby is dead there) would be a worse sentence for him, best thing is getting all the weight off of him and only after he's seen they are safe with his own eyes, let him go to die in peace.
I had to, for him, I know it's what he wanted.
Yes he is, fact remains that he got her and AJ to safety, and he left her too, he knows he's a danger to her, he is the right thing for Clem.
I get that, but for me it would've been too painful.
Kenny wanted to die. And he was INSANE. Jane's point was showing Clem he would KILL Clementine herself if she ever messes up. He needed to go. Have fun with kenny, knowing he is going to murder her down the line when something goes wrong.
To me it's more painful to see Kenny suffer, I wanted to reassure him that his sacrifices weren't in vain when I had the chance to do it.
I can see why it would be painful though, but I had to do it.
He wanted to die, but only after he got Clem and AJ to safety.
Maybe he is insane, doesn't matter, he did the right thing and he left her so his so called "insanity" wouldn't hurt them.
Insane people don't know that what they're doing is wrong, or think that doing the same thing would change anything, he wasn't insane in my eyes.
He left Clem in my playthrough, so he can't murder her, in my playthrough he did the right thing, and he isn't what you say he is, you can't blame him for being that anyway.
Agree damm fuck jane glad she died in my playthrough
sure kenny was dangerous but what matters is that he cared for AJ and Clem and thats a fact
whereas the more "grounded" and healthier people(who constantly criticised Kenny) were total dicks, looking at Mike and Bonnie
When you shoot him he says thank you, "you made the right choice". People who let him kill a girl who did nothing wrong are just as insane as he is and made the wrong choice.
So unhinged that when presented with an opportunity, he pleads for Clementine to take AJ into Wellington where they'll be safe.
Seems like a pretty rational thing for a crazy person to do when they fear their own darkness to the point that they begs others around them to leave them for safety.
That's not to say that I disagree with what Jane did (or sided only with Kenny). I'm still quite torn about my initial choice to shoot Kenny (and then leave Jane) vs. let Kenny kill her and then either sticking with him or going into Wellington.
"Did nothing wrong"? Are you kidding me? She pushed a mentally unstable man to his breaking point. That's more than doing something wrong. And thanks, we appreciate you telling us our choices are invalid, that's real mature.
"Girl that did nothing wrong"
You got the idea right though, he begged for her to go, he was afraid of himself, no one who's practically insane would fear himself.
They were self-centered assholes, and what they did was rash and dumb, especially looking at what their friend Arvo did >_>
She didn't. If Kenny passed the test everything would be dandy. He failed.
He wants to meet his family again, you can't blame a man that wants to die after what someone like Kenny had endured.
"did nothing wrong" is rather putting it softly, pretending to kill a baby and breaking a man's heart, continuing to fucking kill him afterwards isn't a good thing. She knew he was going to fucking snap, yet she pushed his buttons, she practically asked for a fight.
And I don't care if it proved a point, some points have no need to be proven, and there are more humane ways to do them.
One more thing, don't tell us if our choice was right or wrong, because those terms mean different things in every individuals' own eyes, what I did right might be the wrong thing to you, and vice versa.
Intentionally provoking him so she could get rid of him counts as "something wrong" from my viewpoint.
Jane is just as bad as Kenny and Clementine deserves to be free of both of them.
I can't blame Bonnie and Mike being afraid of Kenny. And...i got a question. The church of episode 4, where is it? o.o
Let me just say I had to think for alittle before i decided on that but kenny has been with us longer and overall this episode had it shocker moments and bonnie and mike surprised me with that move and overall my favorite ending was the wellington with kenny i decided to not go with kenny since you know people died to get us here so i followed kennys wishes and stayed at wellington and that was a glorious ending i picked kenny because its not his fault he has a temper he lost alot in life and to conclude this reply i love your posts they are very elegant and intresting to read please make more i love your points and views on pros and cons and episodes overall
and who are you to say what the right choice is??
I mean I get that you like Jane and not Kenny but saying that not killing him is the wrong choice is just bullshit
I let Kenny kill Jane and stayed with him so did I play the game wrong??
damm some people
You're right. I liked Mike and Bonnie, but i never understood why people trusted them and loved them so much.
I mean... i don't remember who, but i saw a guy saying that he would die to save mike, and that was just... too much for me.
I can understand what they did, but still wasn't right. I could never trust them enough.
I think the reason the Wellington ending (where Clem stays and Kenny leaves) is the best ending to me is because you know Kenny can survive on his own (and possibly die/kill himself if he wants) and that he will be at peace with how things concluded. It had a bit of the feel of when Lee handcuffed himself to the radiator... you know both will rest in peace knowing they gave Clem the best shot possible.
It seemed like a fitting conclusion for a man who was haunted by failing to protect those he loved, and losing a battle with his own insanity, to be successful for once and be able to let go of those he loves (to save them) and walk off into the snowstorm like a boss.
and I'm glad that she died because of her stupidity
Well my point of view on it it was touching and you know kenny walked the other way happy knowing the only people left in his life he can trust for sure and care about are safe he can survive the next days a happy man
Who is she to test a man who's crumbling apart? You think he's up for fucking tests right now? Is this elementary school?
I don't think she's as bad as Kenny, but I think they should both leave her be.
I don't think he was insane, not clinically. After everything he went through he was definitely a problem, but at least he knew it. Carver was insane. Who knows what happened to him to make him that way, but that was definitely not just a bad temper. He consistently chose sadism when there were other, easier alternatives: the clinical term for somebody who feels no guilt and has no empathy is sociopath.
Kenny and Jane, though, are in the same boat. They're not sociopaths--I don't think anyone would accuse Kenny in particular of not feeling guilt! Both started out as OK people with a few problems. After everything that's happened to them, they're basically their very worst selves. Clem's choice is (1) somebody who may or may not abandon her, or choose someone else over her, and (2) an honest but broken guy who's a volcano about to erupt.
That's why I chose Kenny in the end, and let him leave Clem and AJ at Wellington. However Clem might have felt about Kenny, I kept thinking of the dialogue Lee had with Hershel in S1: Hershel tells Lee that Lee is only as good as his word. Kenny, for all his anger-management issues and monomaniacal fixation on stuff like boats and Wellington, is honest. He's a pain in the ass, but at least you know what you're getting.
sorry, double post