Kenny Defense Team
Hello Guys,
I just needed to clear this out my chest. So many friends chose Jane over Kenny that kinda hurts :P
I stood for Kenny the entire time, since he and Clem got reunited I just approved all his plans and ideas
He was just protecting the ones he loves. Lee would've done the same to anyone try taking Clem away "Remember when that guy offer to take Clem off Lee hands". Lee would've killed him too....Would you shoot lee and go with the old fart ?
I was shocked that some actually chose Jane over Kenny.
1-Kenny never left Lee, his, or wife even when some of them got bit. Vs Jane left her sister for walkers
2-Kenny tried to push everyone forward and bring the best of them Vs Jane she wanted to bring the worst of Kenny
3-Kenny and the whole group went to save Clem when she got kidnapped Vs Jane with her story to clem that if it's only one guy no need to risk the group.
4-Jane was gonna leave Sarah twice to walkers
It is only a matter of time when she decide to leave Clem to walkers too.
janes sister told her to leave her so! (^_^)
You don't quit or leave your loved ones.
Ben asked Lee to let him go...Did you let him go ? "I didn't"
I really like Kenny. But the thing about him is once he gets an idea he refused to listen to anyone, he always acted irrationally and emotionally. Every time he was angry it was for stupid reasons and it pissed me off. But when he wasn't angry he was loving and just an awesome guy. My favourite guy I think. When I saw what he was capable of at the end, I had to shoot him to protect Jane. And I forgave Jane because she definitely proved her point despite it costing a life. I really wish Kenny could have just gotten along with people and not resorted to violence all the time, but it was the end of him.
I was already fully prepared to leave kenny with Arvo if that was possible because even then, Kenny was still a ticking bomb.
so ur saying there is a herd of walkers not even 5 feet away ur gonna stay right there and get ate?
Kenney abandons hershels son in ep1, abandons lee in the drug store in ep.3, there's a Easter egg if you can't convince him to stop the train suck turns and kills everyone, and I thought he used his last bullet to kill Ben so he wouldn't turn but when he tells the story he said he couldn't do anything for the kid so he used it to save himself
I absolutely agree.
I saw what she was, and didn't trust her.
And when she berated Kenny, calling him a monster, and questioning him as a husband and father, that clinched it.
She had no idea about how much Kenny loved his wife and son, nor how far he went to protect them.
And when she said to him: "Everything makes him angry," I thought: Kenny had lost his family and best friend Lee 2 years ago. And THEN he loses his friend Walt. And THEN he gets partially blinded, and beaten almost to death. And THEN he loses his girlfriend Sarita. So after all that, he has a right to be angry, plus the fact he's in a state of deep grief over what happened to Sarita.
All that, plus killing Carver, being forced to kill Aj's mom, and watching everyone else die around him, that's GOING to take a huge toll on a person, both psychologically and emotionally.
So when Jane said: "You'll see what Kenny really is," I thought,"Yep, and see what you really are."
Reminds me of the conversation on the Tv show, where the Governor said to Rick: "You failed to see the devil beside you," referring to Shane.
And Rick responding: "Oh I see him."
Kenny's a good character. Even for people who may not like him, I don't think it can be denied he moved the story along well and brought up many good scenes and emotional questions.
TeamKenny4EverNoMatterWhat !
smh people never learn. did no one pay attention to the episode kenny wouldn't litsen to clem as much as she tried to reason and make everyone get along but kenny wouldn't litsen and i wouldn't say him and lee where quote "best friends"
Well I can understand where Jane is coming from. All she cares about is survival, and I respect that, Survival means everything in the apocalypse, even it means doing things that you'll later regret (Though I'm not sure if Jane felt any regret). She probably just pushed all her humanity aside to assure that she'll survive the longest with no morals holding her back.
Overall though, I pick Kenny any day.
but at the same time he was a ticking time bomb i mean it kills me when people say "oh he lost this person and that person" i mean clem lost lee who ment the world to her and she also lost sarah and everyone else in the group hell kenny barley knew half of em so i see ur point but at the same time i would say he would be more of a minor character i mean compared to bonnie i like kenny more fuck bonnie stupid bitch
In my game Lee and Kenny were best friends.
And also, Kenny has his faults, like every character in the series.
Lee for example was a general favorite, but his character had flaws too.
No character is perfect, and also every character has been unreasonable at one time or another.
Remember Lilly and Larry?
And incidentally, I've been defending Kenny, long before the 2nd season began.
I've had his back since the very 1st episode in the first season.
And I always will.
First, depending on your choices in the first game, Kenny can and will not side with Lee and let him go off and search from Clementine alone.
His past (and current) loss can justify the feelings he feels. The pain begets the sadness, begets the anger, which begets the bitterness. Its not that its not understandable, its just not an excuse to act like an asshole and a psychopath. Everyone in this apocalypse has lost some kind of family, significant other, best friend, or some kind of dependent. Despite how he acts, he is not a special case. Yet he lets his anger gets the better of his rationality (a trending trait ever since even season 1) and then acts all justified in his tyranny, using protecting Clem and the baby as an excuse to justify his actions, not only to other characters, but also to himself. He was a madman who did terrible things when angry, and then just expects everyone to forgive him. Go against what he thinks is best? Than you are obviously out to get him, or harm those he cares about.
Jane is an easy character to get attached too merely because of her aloofness, and proneness to defrosting ice queen. While the game kind of forced things to a head by not allowing you to confront either character and make a terrible decision in the end, Jane's supposed crimes are much less severe. And without the knowledge that the baby was actually alive, believing the baby died sent him into yet another murderous rage, and it would seem that it could have been anything. That baby had a very low chance of survival in any case, just by being a newborn baby in the zombie apocalypse. And being reduced to 3 people, who all got separated in a bad storm, was not going to look good for the baby's survival chances. Kenny going off the deep end just because he's angry (tricked or not) is just not justifiable, even if the emotion behind it is.
Jane at least understands her actions were severe, and merely thought it was best to force the issue before Kenny went mad and hurt/killed Clem in a fit of rage (he already almost hurt her after the whole Sarita incident). The car may have even been the warmest place for that baby at the time, and bringing it with her further through the cold, and even back to that madman, was probably just as risky. She most likely came up with the plan to test Kenny as she was sheltering the baby in that car, and noticed the other two not that far from her position.
The hiding and lying to prove her point is no more severe than punching a bound prisoner to death, then sniding at Clem of all people when she tells him lay off ("You lost your taste for this already?")
Jane is new and coming off of who knows how long she wandered by herself. It's no surprise she became attached to Clem and didn't want her to eventually get on Kenny's bad side, even if she had to obscure the truth a little. Its not hard to see that he was devolving into what Carter ultimately became.
The only reason Jane gets painted in a bad light during the last scene is because the game doesn't let you outright confront Kenny on his behavior. You can get mad at him all you want, but all he does is apologize and everything is excused, at least by Clem. Its that stupid, violent, unchecked attitude that drove Mike and Bonnie to sympathize with Arvo and ultimately betray the rest of the group, Clem included. He scared them that much, And its not hard to see why. The writers merely wrote the situation into a corner where Jane was basically forced to make an irrational move in order to prove her point, which was really already proven multiple times over and just people holding idiot balls because drama.
I like Kenny as a tragic character forced further into madness with each new loss of life. But that's the world they live in now. Its the goddamn zombie apocalypse. Channel your hatred and sadness positively rather than ranting and being belligerent, or get the fuck out. There is no room for that.
It is spelled defence. SAY IT IN AMERICAN, COMMIE!
With a c, it is British, with an S it is confused me.
Kenny tried to bring the best out in everyone? You mean like when he goes psycho and beats the shit out of Arvo for no reason?
Jane doesn't care about Clem? Then why did she come back and stab the Russian to save them?
Hey, while I disagree with you at least you're a good enough person to respect the other side.
Kenny did try to leave with his stupid boat idea. Kenny tried to kill me as Lee. Kenny jumps to voilence without proof. Kenny is on verge of insanity. I understand what you all trying to say and what Jane did might be pushing it. However Kenny being Kenny just jumped to boat to murder without knowing what happened.
You tell em'!
When she killed him she was like "kewl me iz subber women"
When she saw how cute the man was she was like "eh shiz me chudent keel hem he iz kewl me wanna sex wiz him"
Seriously,look at her reaction after the man was looking at her.
"No reason"
... Really ?
Putting Clem's whole group at danger is "no reason" ?
Not that i agree with Kenny beating arvo, but that wasn't exactly for no reason.
I don't know how your games went down but Kenny has always been a good man who places those he cares about over himself. Sure Kenny went a bit mad when he lost his family, but wouldn't you? They were his life and what he fought for. He's not the kind of guy to leave a friend behind. And at my ending he threw everything away to protect Clementine and AJ. He's a good man and I for one would gladly buy him a drink.
Also he did say "English Motherfucker!" and you may not like Kenny,but you have to love Pulp Fiction.
You were shocked that after Kenny attacked Jane for accidentally (as far as he and we knew at that time) losing the baby and tried to murder him, that some people didn't side with Kenny?
Wtf are these forums any more..
And actually, in my playthrough Kenny DID leave Lee. And Clem, for that matter.
Yes, the one punch after the gunfight was justified. The rest is him being an asshole, and I stand by my point of that being for no reason.
Kenny is love, Kenny is life
At the end of season one, most people didn't get Kenny to come with Lee because the only option that could convince him was to mention that "Clementine was family". If you didn't pick that, Kenny was like "naw man, you never defended me nor stood up for my family nor anything so fu", so saying he never left Lee is kind of bs. \o\
Even though both characters have their pros and cons, and that I love Kenny (most likely because he's a character that's been with us since season one), Jane really grew on me in these 3 chapters she was featured in and I wanted a chance to get to know her better. She was always worried about Clementine, which, for a loner, survivalist character, really told me that she cared for our little girl. (Maybe not about the others tho.)
PD: I do admit Kenny's ending is a lot more emotional than Jane's tho. Watched it somewhere on youtube and cried like a baby.
Fair point.
she looks shocked like "oh my god i just killed someone that didnt do anything to me what have i done" not like "i want to sex him"
Yeah... I may have been wrong about "No reason", but i'm glad you can understand my point.
Well in season 2, I also stuck with Kenny.
The guy went through some MAJOR loss, so I could strongly empathize with him; and his state of mind.
He was in a very dark place.
I supported him in trying to escape the truck, even though I thought it wasn't the best idea in the world, but what else was their to do?
I tried to stop him getting beat by Carver.
I also comforted him in the tent, reminded him he was still useful, in that he helped Clementine all the time.
And when it came down to him or Jane, I chose him without a seconds hesitation.
I could see Jane was manipulative, and self-centered.
Her antagonizing and berating Kenny in the truck, questioning him as a husband and father; something knew nothing about, proved it to me.
And when it turned out the baby was alive, I was so glad, and yet shocked.
Jane was willing to kill him, all just to prove a point?!
Kenny was right, she was deeply disturbed!
Don't forget: Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, you're talking in my bad ear!"