Who got this ending?

I know this is just a variant of the Clem-goes-on-alone-into-the-herd ending, but did anyone else got both Kenny and Jane killed? I've been skimming the forums and it seems like most people either got either Jane/Kenny killed, then go with the survivor, or just leave. So who else here got both of them killed? I'm starting to regret my ending.


  • I got the alone ending, but I let Jane live. I thought she went batty, and I no longer wanted to be around her, but I don't think she did anything to warrant being killed.

  • Shot Kenny in my first playthrough, only to discover the baby was alive. Realizing he died for nothing, I told Jane exactly what I felt about her bullshit and left her behind.

  • I let Jane get killed. Then I shot Kenny after that. When Clem pointed the gun at Kenny, he said. "Do it," so I did. They were both lying dead at Clem's feet. I guess I have to live with my choices. :(

  • I went to Howe's Hardware Store with Jane and let people stay with us... I'm sorry but I don't think I can forgive Jane for her actions right now...

  • Yeah, I'm curious myself to know if anybody else got this ending. On my first playthrough, I let Kenny kill Jane, then killed Kenny just after.

    Since Season 1 I've never really loved Kenny like some people do. However, in the heat of the moment, I was angry/horrified that Jane got the baby killed (which, of course, is proven afterwards to not be the case). When I was given the choice to shoot Kenny or look away, I certainly did not want Jane to die (and, at the same time, still felt terrible anger towards her), but could not have the guts to kill Kenny... so at the last second, I decided to look away.

    It's only a few seconds after, when I saw Jane's dead body with her dagger in her chest, that I realized that Kenny had gone too far. He had become a monster. And, in a way, I felt like my Clementine had become a monster too, by letting Kenny murder Jane. It's only after Jane was dead that I realized she was right: Kenny was a bomb waiting to go off, and he went off. Of course, I knew way before this event that Kenny had become mentally unstable, but not to the point of taking Jane's life.

    I was still in shock when I was given the choice to shoot Kenny after he had killed Jane. I considered the choice for a few seconds, then made my decision. Clem raised her gun, and killed Kenny.

    In my opinion, this is the bleakest, coldest and most depressing ending you can get in Episode 5. But do I regret my ending? No. This is The Walking Dead after all, so I was prepared, and, in a weird way, I "wanted" a somber ending.

  • You can always rewind that certain part?

    I let Jane get killed. Then I shot Kenny after that. When Clem pointed the gun at Kenny, he said. "Do it," so I did. They were both lying dead at Clem's feet. I guess I have to live with my choices.

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