[spoilers] Jane/Kenny season 3 prediction (if he/she returns)

I think Jane/Kenny will eventually die in season three (if they are in season 3). Because whenever a character becomes a determinate they seem to die later anyways

For example:

Doug/Carly -die eventually anyway

Ben -if you choose to pull him up he dies later

Sarah- if you get her to leave the trailer she dies later

Nick- if he doesn't die in episode 2 he will in episode 4

Alvin- Can die in episode 2 or will die in episode 3

What do you guys think?


  • I think whoever is taking care of Clementine NEEDS to die in order for her to move on...

  • I kind of think Season 3 will start off with a 13-14 year old Clementine in Wellington. I think that no matter what ending you get, Jane/Kenny will end up dying and you end up deciding to go to Wellington and they let you in.

    If you stayed at Wellington and let Kenny leave, you'll get the same outcome. He ends up dying out there anyways.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I think whoever is taking care of Clementine NEEDS to die in order for her to move on...

  • Yeah, and the best Clementine would do is probably mention how kenny/jane died and why the shelter didn't work out

    I kind of think Season 3 will start off with a 13-14 year old Clementine in Wellington. I think that no matter what ending you get, Jane/Ken

  • Dead/MIA by the ten minute mark.

  • I see this constant death of determinants as an understandable writing flaw due to time and tech restraints, but I still don't like it, I think season 3 should start with a new protagonist because why give us multiple choice based endings if they won't matter anyways

  • Yeah.

    ClennyJr posted: »

    Yeah, and the best Clementine would do is probably mention how kenny/jane died and why the shelter didn't work out

  • I think they should start with a new protagonist, depending on what path you choose Clementine can have a satisfying end to her story.
    If season 3 still continued with her story than probably Kenny/Jane and Clementine with AJ would be out somewhere searching for a community and Kenny/Jane would be killed of within the first 20 minutes, that would be a cheap death for both of the characters so I'm hoping they don't do this.

  • I wouldn't have problem with them dying offscreen and just moving to teen Clem living in Wellington or something as long as she'd explain what happened to them at given situation... Not like with Christa, that was almost completely forgotten.

    Ronjondon posted: »

    I think they should start with a new protagonist, depending on what path you choose Clementine can have a satisfying end to her story. If

  • I thought about that too. Maybe we have a large timeskip and then Clementine tells AJ about Kenny/Jane. I just don't want them to pull another Omid or Christa.

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    I wouldn't have problem with them dying offscreen and just moving to teen Clem living in Wellington or something as long as she'd explain what happened to them at given situation... Not like with Christa, that was almost completely forgotten.

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