What did you choose when it came down to it? Why did you choose it? S2E5
Who did you choose to kill?
Why did you choose to kill them?
What did you choose to go with after that?
Why did you choose to go with them after that?
I chose to shoot Kenny because I saw how angry he got and how he was just a man who wanted to hurt those that he saw as evil. But mostly, I chose it because the entire season, I saw him as a broken man. I was hoping he could be saved or that he would hold back his wrath. But in the end, I felt like he needed to be let go and in the final moments of his words, he finally seemed to be at peace.
Afterwards, I found out that Jane was hiding AJ in order to provoke Kenny into attacking her. When I found out that it was all a trick, I couldn't forgive her. (Which is new for me since I forgave everyone I came across) I left her to fall to pieces in the snow.
I wanted to save them both... but neither of them were worth saving in the end.
Now, it's back to how it began... Clementine... alone...
What did you choose?
I chose to kill Kenny, because he was too spontaneous and I never liked him. I went with Jane, because she is strong, I love her personality, and I agree with what she did, and i knew what she was doing before the game revealed what actually happened to the baby. I trust her.
I didn't shoot Kenny, I just couldn't after everything that's happened. I also stayed with him and left Wellington.
I shot Kenny cause It was just too much to take from him. He finally won me over the past 2 episodes, and I agreed with him a lot, but he was still getting more and more violent and reckless about how he handled everything.
If this was episode 2 I wouldnt have cared about shooting him, but after finally starting to root for his character it was hard to do. I felt horrible but ultimately he became Lilly in a sense, and nothing would ever be the same if I let him kill Jane. Hard choice for sure though.
Didn't shoot Kenny.
Im what some people here call "kenny fanboy"
Went with Kenny and AJ
I would never leave Kenny!
I shot Kenny and left Jane, leaving her was probably the hardest decision of the entire series for me.
I didn't even grab my gun, I just let Kenny kill Jane.
I didn't know if Jane had left the baby or killed it, but either way, what she did was unforgivable. Even if the baby is alive afterwards, she WANTED to kill Kenny. She could've said at anytime the baby was alive. She talks about choosing your own path, and then she provokes Kenny like that? Yeah, you wanted us to see the Kenny who you wanted us to HATE.
I didn't leave to go to Wellington, I stayed with Kenny and smiled as they walked off. In my mind, they return to Wellington in a few months, and find themselves able to get in.
I shot Kenny.
My reasons for doing so is that as far as he knew Jane lost the baby accidentally, and hew tried to murder her for it. What if Clem really DID accidentally lose the baby? He may do the same thing to her.
After that, I had a dilemma between leaving Jane and staying with her after the hoax was revealed. In the end I stayed as she was always nice to clem and swore never to leave her.
She also expressed remorse for killing, something which Kenny never really does, which I thought was EXTREMELY admirable and shows that she was starting to care about more than just herself.
Basically I chose Jane because she showed a desire to hold onto her humanity, whereas Kenny already accepted that he'd lost it.
I then let in the family to show Jane we can trust people andOMG THAT HUG WAS SO CUTE
She says before Kenny attacks her that it was an accident.
So Kenny thought it was an accident and still tried to murder her.
What if Clem really does lose the baby accidentally? What will he do to her?
Kenny is the definition of a fair-weather friend.
Also, like it or not, the things Jane was trying to prove ended up being spot on.
I shot Kenny. It seemed like the lesser of two evils. It was sad, but Kenny understood why she did it. In the end, Clementine was there to comfort him and said he would be with Katjaa and Duck soon. He died content and proud...we all should be so lucky.
I couldn't believe what Jane did. I tried to justify it and on some level I empathized with her point of view, but Jane effectively forced Clem to gun down the person she cared about the most. No apology could make that right.
The lone-wolf ending was really disappointing compared to the others.
I let Jane's plan come to it's unfortunate conclusion without interruption and let Kenny do the right thing by AJ and Clem. I might've chosen differently for the second part but I doubt anything would come of that next season anyway (short of an Omid type prologue scene for Kenny).
I shot Kenny.
I'm not just going to stand and watch while another Lilly kills another Carley, I need to help Jane. It was tough though, Me and Kenny have been through a lot and his death scene almost made me cry.
I went with Jane.
Because i knew all along that she was testing Kenny.
The family rubs me the wrong way though. I thought maybe we could establish a group, But after i saw his hidden gun, I became suspicious. And if you actually chose to convince them to leave, They tell you that they're pretty dangerous. Something is really off about them.
I chose Kenny over Jane because he is my best friend in this game. Kenny is awesome, he is in a dark place right now, and i don't want to give up on him. I never trusted Jane, after the Troy incident, it put her on Notice in my mind. i tried to separate them from fighting, but i think Clementine gets pushed out of the way and they continue. I picked up the gun, and it said to Shoot Kenny....
I let Kenny kill Jane, and when we found the baby alive, i was glad i made that decision. A pet peev of mine, is when people try to manipulate me in real life. When we got to Wellington, Kenny wanted me to leave him behind. I couldn't do that. We been together through too much, he took a beating for Clementine. So i decided to stick it out with Kenny until the end.
Alright, I admit, I didn't think that it was an accident when she first showed up. Ever since EP. 4 I thought she wasn't above leaving/killing a baby. So, naturally I assumed she did just that. (Not killing the baby on purpose, but saying that she'd actually just leave it behind.)
If we're going to go based off of someone close to Kenny dying due to the actions of someone, lets look back at Sarita. If Kenny didn't attack and try to kill Clem for honestly killing Sarita (literally, my Clem cut her arm off and then axed her head RIGHT in front of him) if they hacked her arm off, then he wouldn't have attacked her for the baby being killed. That's just my opinion, and I will say with 100% honesty that yes, Kenny could've done the same to Clem if it had been Clem who got the baby killed.
I think Kenny was just really pissed at Jane before the whole baby thing. It was obvious through the whole episode. They don't like each other, and conflict naturally arises between people who don't like each other.
Was Kenny killing someone out of blind rage justifiable? No. It's not. As someone with anger problems I would never justify myself hitting someone or hurting someone because I was just that mad. Unless they literally killed someone like my mom, sister, dad, etc. I'd be pissed.
I just plain don't like Jane. I never did, and I never will. So, yes, it's fine that we choose different endings, but I stand by my decision and will not change my mind about it.
I basically had the same reasoning that you did. Kenny responded to Jane saying that the baby died in an accident with trying to murder her. I didn't want to shoot him, but he wasn't listening when I told him to stop. After I learned that Jane was lying I wasn't going to go with her. I most likely would have went with her if the game gave me a second choice while I was walking away, but ti didn't, so I ended up alone.
Didn't shoot Kenny.
My reasoning was how Jane seemed to be faking killing the baby, or at least her concern about it. I pretty much figured that she was lying, or that she actually killed the baby, to prove a point to Clem. And I truly believe that Kenny isn't too far gone, or that he'd hurt Clem in any way. He needed help, and time to grieve. Also, the things Jane said in the car about his family was going WAY too far. Yes, he said bad things, but he didn't go nearly as far as she did. I could go on and on about how letting Kenny kill Jane was the right choice IMO, but I'm not going to.
Afterwords, I stuck with Kenny. Even though I knew that would have meant a hard life for the three of them, I remembered what Clem said long ago, in Crawford. You don't leave friends behind. So, I didn't.
You do know it's stated she's never killed any living person before episode 5 right?
And in episode 4 she broke down after threatening Carver. She really isn't the murdering type. She coudl theoretically leave the baby, but not while Clem's with her. And the baby's fine nine days after leaving with Jane.
AFter killing sarita, Kenny DID leave clem to die in the middle of the herd.
And Kenny get's worse from the start od episode 4 onwards, including beating Arvo within an inch of his life and trying to kill him at the beginning.
Kenny's murder of Jane is exactly the same as Lilly's attempted murder of Ben. They were both going on sketchy evidence (read: none). Sure they turned out to be right in the end, but that doesn't justify murder remotely.
And you not just liking Jane as a person isn't really a reason for her to be stabbed, surely?
I respect your decision to stand by your decision, but question the integrity of a man who resolutely refuses to change his opinion. Learning to change opinions and not become stuck in our ways is an important skill.
We must listen to what others have to say, and be open to things, not just shut ourselves off.
I shot Kenny. I have never liked Kenny. Even as Lee, I found Kenny to be a loose cannon. In this season, he got MUCH worse. I'm a bit hazy on it, but I seem to recall even Serita thought Kenny was getting far too worked up, and I took her reaction to be that he had hit her before. Oh, he always feels bad after hitting people, but then goes right back to it.
The explosive temper of his was his undoing. I realize that telltale wasn't going to have a child beaten by Kenny, however when we were sitting in the truck and he threatened to slap me.....that's what sealed his fate with me. Before that, he'd never threatened me. I can only imagine when my Clem is 16, 17, 18, etc....an adult....what would his reaction be then? How long until he decides that she's no longer under protection and can be beaten on like he beats everyone else?
My Clem was a smart one, and she used people. Kenny had his uses. He was an attack dog that was good to sick on people so other members of the group would blame him and not me. I watched him destroy Carver. Carver deserved it. You don't treat me like that and think you're going to get away with it, even if you think you can win me over by making me your second in command. Once Kenny got out of control and his temper was ALWAYS boiling over, he had outgrown his usefulness. I could no longer control him. Something about him made me think he was an alcoholic domestic violence prone kinda guy, so I didn't feel bad throwing him to the wolves.
I knew from the start what Jane was doing (which realisitically she wouldn't have done since I had already told he I also thought Kenny was off his rocker). The only thing that threw me off was that I thought the baby was going to be in her coat by the way she was holding her arms, but that was due to the 3rd person perspective. She was plainly obvious in her explanation that she was trying to show me how volatile Kenny's temper was and that she hadn't "lost" the baby. Even when I got in the middle, HE is the one who shoved me out of the way. He was continually out of control, and doing dangerous things due to his temper (making noise, shouting, running on the ice, beating on the car, STARTING a car when walkers had JUST been nearby and we're in an open house, etc). He was never a father figure to me. He was ill tempered and dangerous. I could learn WAY more from Jane. Sure, there's a chance she could leave me, but that's because like Lee told me...you have to look out for yourself. Kenny never taught me how to take out a walker as well as Jane did. She was cunning and experienced...and that's the path my Clem is on....so she went with Jane, not "bull in a china shop" Kenny.
I think you meant Arvo in the Ep. 4 comment.
Everyone left Clem in the heard, Mike, Bonnie, Luke, Nick, and yeah, I was pissed about that.
I won't defend Kenny on his merciless beating of Arvo, yeah, it wasn't right and more than likely resulted in Arvo's decision to shoot Clem, and drove off Mike and Bonnie. But the way I see it, his decisions did force Mike and Bonnie to leave the group, but at the same time, it showed us who THEY are. They left a wounded Clem to die. Yes, because Kenny would've hurt them, but they weren't above stealing from the group. They could be argued as being bad too.
I can honestly say I had no attachment to Jane. Call me cold, or heartless, or whatever, but I didn't care if she lived or died. I let that whole fight runs its course, but I DID try to stop it from happening.
"I respect your decision to stand by your decision, but question the integrity of a man who resolutely refuses to change his opinion. Learning to change opinions and not become stuck in our ways is an important skill."
I know you're referring to Kenny about this, and partially myself and other fans as well as everyone who form opinions and live their lives by their rules. But some people simply never change, no matter what we say or do. My reason for choosing Kenny is because Kenny is the spitting image of my step-father who loves me even though I'm not his own. So, I really don't want to change Kenny, because I still trust him. And if he did end up killing me Clem? Y'know what, I'll admit I misjudged him. But I have to stick with what I feel in my heart is right, otherwise, we go living off the majority's opinion. I'd rather die living in freedom than simply exist in safety.
I shot Kenny.
I realized about a third of the way through the episode that Kenny was on the path to becoming a Carver type but that he was essentially on a leash because of how much he valued and trusted me. It was clear that he would respond on certain degrees to my input unless it was on major issues like Welliginton which became a sticking point along w In the end he was too broken and thankfully acknowledged it which made all my feels leak out asking "why did you make me do this" .
I stuck with Jane
I rather worry about my decency cause I didn't find much moral issue with what she did at first. As I contemplated it she continually acknowledged the mis-haps on her part in this plan which was more than others had often done, Kenny as well. I stuck with Jane and denied the Family because at this point, I believe Clementine would only be safe in a small group where the members are established survivalists / survivors like Jane or Kenny if chosen. Also I was so burnt out on people after the whole of the episode I wouldn't allow anyone else near my beans and fire if I was Clem.