Now that I look at it... was it really that hard for Luke to just swim back up to the hole where he fell through? Fall in.. then look up and swim back up to the top.. Now I know that freezing cold temperatures and when you panic it can make you disorientated but still..
RIP Luke.. You were taken from us too early.. You should of been up the front not been at the back of the group..
Now that I look at it... was it really that hard for Luke to just swim back up to the hole where he fell through? Fall in.. then look up and… more swim back up to the top.. Now I know that freezing cold temperatures and when you panic it can make you disorientated but still..
RIP Luke.. You were taken from us too early.. You should of been up the front not been at the back of the group..
Now that I look at it... was it really that hard for Luke to just swim back up to the hole where he fell through? Fall in.. then look up and… more swim back up to the top.. Now I know that freezing cold temperatures and when you panic it can make you disorientated but still..
RIP Luke.. You were taken from us too early.. You should of been up the front not been at the back of the group..
Now that I look at it... was it really that hard for Luke to just swim back up to the hole where he fell through? Fall in.. then look up and… more swim back up to the top.. Now I know that freezing cold temperatures and when you panic it can make you disorientated but still..
RIP Luke.. You were taken from us too early.. You should of been up the front not been at the back of the group..
Now that I look at it... was it really that hard for Luke to just swim back up to the hole where he fell through? Fall in.. then look up and swim back up to the top.. Now I know that freezing cold temperatures and when you panic it can make you disorientated but still..
RIP Luke.. You were taken from us too early.. You should of been up the front not been at the back of the group..
Yea that is true we all loved Luke but telltale loves to see us cry.
indeed they do.
Wow i didn't even know you could let Bonnie die that's good because Mike and her leave Clem to die
Didn't have a clue that Bonnie could die!
Problably sitting on a villain chair while petting a cat and laughing at these posts...
Good no one likes the B*tch anyways.
It's a lot more difficult than you'd think.
Have you ever been in water that cold, i have.. its almost impossible to move im surprised Clem was able too and dont forget he had a leg wound.
Spoiler Warning, spoilers in the title anyway
Sorry fixed it
Well In my first play she died and I felt bad lol. For some reason it didn't let me punch the ice.
so what happens after?? when mike is about to leave or talks to you after???
She isn't there its just Mike and Arvo
Well now you know
She looked more wrinckled in 400 days, didnt she? Or im just imagining it?
She does you are not imagining.
Wow I didn't even knew that's posible.
Yes she can i didn't know till i played the game over and over again.
Yeah I re-played the scene in both ways hoping that one of them would save Luke but I never tried to not break the ice.
Well i was happy that she died and its good that Telltale gave us that option.