Why did Clementine react more to Janes death than she did to Luke's death? Clementine knew Luke for about 2 weeks (I guess) and she knew Jane for about 3 days, Luke saved her in the forest and was always friendlier to her than the rest of the cabin members were (or at least seemed to try harder with her than they did) he was nice to Clementine and can die saving her under the water yet Clementine doesn't really react much to his death, yet she reacts more to Janes death, I know Jane has been nice to Clementine aswell and I'm not saying Jane did nothing for Clementine because she did, but I thought Clementine could have had more of a reaction to Luke's death.
I loved the episode, that was the only thing I didn't get, and even if you love Jane I understand that you would expect your Clementine to react more to Jane's death and it's not just that I wanted her to react more to Luke's death than Janes death, I wanted her to actually shed some tears for Luke because to me he was like a brother to Clementine, I am not saying this because I want to see Clementine cry (it would be heartbreaking) but it would show to me that Luke meant something to her, that she cared for him and that he will be missed.
Haha yeah I wish, #reviveluke but also #revivelee
Maybe, given the situation. Luke death was in a critical time, there was walkers, they were in thin ice, Clem was freezing(determinet) and the tension was raising, Kenny/Mike/Arvo discussing and etc. Jane and Kenny, well there they were, just them, facing each other. I don't know.
They really should have done a better job on that. I freaking cried over losing Luke. They could have had Clem cry! I did see her cry in a video of a playthrough where she just stood there while he was under the water (if you want to kill Bonnie too so you just don't bother trying to break the ice) but other than that, nothing. She should have been bawling!
I agree, I was sobbing like a baby when he died ;_; and my clementine liked Luke so she would have atleast cried over him:(
Yeah maybe, it seems to me like when everyone was mad after Luke's reaction to Nick death in episode 4 because it was weak, not everyone is mad at Clementines reaction though :P