5 endings, for 5 story lines that will never happen
We are getting played for a bunch of chumps!
I loved season1. Gameplay and story both.
Season 2...great story but no gameplay or real 'choices' at all.
We have waited months, over years, for each episode to come out, promised that all our choices will make a difference since 400 Days, and all we've gotten is a couple quick time moments, that don't matter at all up to this point, yet somehow, now, after this last episode, we are supposed to believe that there are 5 separate ways that this story can go?!? ( played through all the choices near the end, I swear, 5 different endings!!! Finally choices matter!!! )
So we are supposed to believe, after all this time, that TTG is going to release 5 different storylines/'games' for us to play?!?
It took them this long to finally even hint at the game we thought we were getting a long time ago!
How in the hell are they going to be able to handle 5 different games, when they clearly lost control of 1?
We have waited months and paid $5 every 3 months to watch them beat off about how cool they think they are, knowing we'll pay to watch.
I am insulted as a gamer, and so should you be.
I am a huge fan of this game, who is now simply pissed and fed up.
Thank you for your time,
You're too pessimistic. You dont know what they'll do, I hope they do make S3 E1 atleast different based on the ending. They did a great job with this season. They cant please everyone. Just.. People are never ever satisfied. If they had only 1 ending, you'd be like "why arent there more endings?" So please...
If you play Clemetine in season 3 I think that it will be just a few months after season 2 episode 5. You will probably start at the same point, no mather what you chose in season 2 episode 5. The differences will be different dialoges at the beginning and maybe some different side characters which will be killed of until the end of episode 2 and who will act very similar.
Ok, so you're clearly new to this game...
So please
No 5 storylines. Maybe 5 versions of DLC or episode 1 of season 3 but not 5 different storylines for entire season. It's possible but Telltale won't do that (with 5 storylines for entire season). In any case IF (and I mean IF) Telltale would want to continue Clementine's story then they need to direct all 5 endings to the same result somehow with probably different events but leading to the same conclusion (for example - in every case there will be different events but by the end of episode 1 we could be attacked or kidnapped by some agressive group of survivors). It's just theory.
Thumbs up for sassiness!
I think the first episode should be different depending on your last choice in Season 2. But in episode 2, the story should begin to shows signs of merging, in episode 3 the stories should all meet at a cross-roads.
S3 E1 based on which ending? There promised multiple ways the story could go based on our choices for years and haven't delivered since S1, yet now we're supposed to believe that they have 5 different versions of the game coming out soon depending on how you played in the wee last minutes of S2E5? That's what we were promised after 400 days and nothing other thanbBonnie and a dead body and a brief face of those characters mattered! S1 you watched a great story unfold and had to make choices based on dialogue and who to save, problem solving ect.
S2 has been about watching their story, and rarely, if ever, pushing the X button, or swiping left on the stick. You had to choose to kill a dog in the first episode of season two, yet now we have to wait through hours upon hours to maybe for a second, turn left and press R1 or X once?
S1 was fantastic! ( 90+ game of the year awards, but I'm sure you already knew that )
S2...great story idea as a game, terrible execution AS A GAME!
You don't have to believe anything but don't say that we should feel insulted too because everyone has their own opinion about the game and their own theory about how they'll make season 3. Maybe they won't make 5 different stories for first episode. Maybe episode 1 will start for everyone the same but there will be different dialogues options based on endings and that's it. We don't know what they'll do and we have to wait until the right time will come to reveal some vital informations about this.
Im not actually. I see way too many people complaining about something.
To all who have commented, I truly appreciate your response. I really do. I'm not trying I be a jerk at all.
But I think you are all missing what I'm saying.
There are actually 5+ DIFFERENT ENDINGS TO S2! Depending on how you choose ( finally! ), there are 5+ seperate and very different endings!! ( 5+ Because there are apparently 6 now! I've only seen/played to get 5 )
Fortunately someone else figured it out as well. I'd explain them all, but the link is easier
Nothing? Really? No responses at all?
You're all playing to see the other endings aren't you ;p
Love it! Love this game, yet hate how TTG have lost their way and made us wait so long to hopefully see them find their way home!
The game ended with multiple choices, and had two determinant characters, as opposed to Season One (which I love) which has one ending and one determinant character. But of course. "No real choices at all".
Also no we're not meant to believe that Telltale will have five different storylines or games, there will either be DLC or the first episode will have "five versions" all of which are different but end in the same way. Another thing how did they "lose control" of Season Two?
We know what you said. 5-6 DIFFERENT endings. So what? I already said how Telltale could solve this but of course it's up to them what they'll do. The only thing WE can do is speculating about season 3. And of course I know other endings besides my own (leaving with Kenny).
There are 7 endings.
Clem with Kenny and AJ (Jane dead/Kenny alive)
Clem with AJ at Wellington (Jane dead/Kenny unknown)
Clem with Jane and AJ: Invite family in (Jane alive/Kenny dead)
Clem with Jane and AJ: Refuse family entry (Jane alive/Kenny dead)
Clem alone with AJ: Killed Kenny after Jane (Jane dead/Kenny dead)
Clem alone with AJ: Left Kenny after Jane's death (Jane dead/Kenny unknown)
Clem alone with AJ: Left Jane after Kenny's death (Jane unknown/Kenny dead)
Kind of agree with you. Can't imagine what will Telltale do to the first episode of Season 3...
My guess: Maybe it will be switch to another story line...Maybe Christa?
Are you new to gaming...or just oblivious to how it works? We do have choices (somewhat)...and it is the somewhat that is important. We have 5 endings.
Now, unless Telltale have the resources, money, staff to make 5 games, at some point, we ALL have to stay on the same base storyline and end up at the same place. What do you not comprehend about that? In order to do that, some choices have to be for 'fluff' only. Some characters will die regardless of what you do. Every game with 'choices matter' are the same. If you do not understand this, I suggest you go out and play more.
We have the 'illusion' of choice...nothing more. And personally, I think Telltale are better at that than a lot of companies.