Generate TWDS1 Save?

Today I bought the new Walking Dead Season 2 on Steam, and currently the game is downloading. However, I played season one on my phone and when I completed all the episodes I deleted the app. Is there any way to generate a save where I choose my decisions for the new episodes to be accurate?


  • I dont think so.

  • No, but you can list your choices here and maybe some users will give you saves with the same or similar choices. :)

  • Here is what I remember:

    • Left one cannibal alive (the last one)
    • Killed the stranger
    • Saved Duck
    • Attempted helping Lilly rescue her father
    • Saved Carly
    • Left Lilly to die
    • Let Ben live
    • Gave the suicidal lady the gun
    • Shot Duck
    • Revealed the bite and amputated arm
    • Fought Kenny
    • Told Clem to shoot Lee

    Also, I didn't play 400 Days, so I don't care about the decisions, I only hope that they are reasonable. If anyone can help me by giving me something similar, I would really appreciate it.

    Pipas posted: »

    No, but you can list your choices here and maybe some users will give you saves with the same or similar choices.

  • Holy crap, you have almost the same choices as me! :D The only difference is that I tried to save Shawn first, hope you don't mind. Let me just upload it on dropbox and I'll PM it to you.

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