What Lee Would have done!

In all honesty, I know Lee would have shot Kenny. He foreshadowed Kenny's path even before he completely lost it. Here is a quote from Lee to Kenny:
"You want to hurt people because you're afraid! Loosing Duck ain't enough for you, because you'll loose everything acting like this! I'll fucking kill you before I let that happen!
Lee would understand that Kenny cares about the baby, but his actions would have put Alvie in danger just like he was putting Katjaa and the rest of the group in danger for being in denial about Duck. So I know for a fact Lee would have shot Kenny.
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But he pretty much says he would, look at the quote
No,lee wouldn't kill him.He might would knock some sense into him but killing? #Pals4Ever
It depends on the Lee.
If Lee was in that situation, we'd probably get a [Kill Kenny] [Restrain Kenny] option, since that would make sense with Lee.
I think Lee would have done that. I for one made sure my Lee gave everyone a second chance, even Lily. BUT Kenny has had lots of chance and made promises he could never keep. He was proven to be unstable and as much as it would suck for him, he would have killed Kenny to protect the baby and Clem.
FINALLY. SOMEONE WHO'S NOT A DIE HARD KENNY FAN AN SAYS LEE WOULDA SHOT KENNY... Same here. No matter what Lee you had, Lee would've killed Kenny because it had to be done
Its determinant."Actions mean more than words" Lee never tried to kill Kenny..When his words weren't working to Kenny,they were usually going in a fight but thats it.Me and my best friend get mad at each other every day
He wouldn't shoot him. Lee can talk or even beat some SENSE into ANYONE.
Kenny was beyond sense. The whole truck thing was like Boat 2.0 where he goes steady on his own course and doesnt listen to anyone else
As much as I like Kenny, I would have to agree with Lee shooting him. It doesn't matter how close Lee and Kenny were. Clementine always comes first to Lee, and Kenny was putting her at risk.
Your Lee might kick away Kenny's loyalty and friendship.Mine wouldn't.
Are you saying that your Lee would pick Kenny over Clementine? I doubt that so much. My point stands, Lee would have done whatever he had to in order for Clemy to be safe. Kenny was a detriment to the group.
Another Kenny fan just in denial.
Maybe.Kenny was loyal to my Lee so I wouldn't betray him.Call me a Kenny fanboy if you want..Its okay by me
My Lee wouldn't consider Kenny as a threat..thats all im trying to say here..
I think Kenny's death was appropriate for him. He had closure, he died in peace. Had it been Lee, he would have rather seen Kenny die than become a Carver. It would have been really tough, but it would need to be done for Clem and the baby's sake.
he would've beaten the shit outta Kenny and he would've beaten the shit out of jane... he would've solve that like a damn wise man... knock some sense into both fuckers.
If Lee sided against Kenny in Season 1, then yes he would have shot Kenny, however, if Lee was loyal to Kenny in Season 1, then he would have looked away. Well... we don't know what Lee would've done, he would probably have stopped the fight actually... remember that the choices we are given are the choices Clementine lets us choose from.
Bumpity Bump
I agree 100%. At least Kenny had the chance to atone.
You can't say Lee would do anything. Lee is us. Our decisions made Lee who he was. You could have been a bro to Kenny or all out against him.
No... Lee would let Kenny kill Jane...
Because I control him!
Yes! Thats the word I was looking for. May he determinantly rest in peace.
Lee would have stopped the fight by kicking both Kenny and Jane's ass.
He'd be like, come on guys, let's just sit down and relax. Here I'll put some jazz on.
Well at least that's how I think he'd do things before the apocalypse. I think he'd kill Kenny and be apologetic towards him.
Well, my Lee probably would've managed to stop them both from killing each-other in the first place.
Lee is bigger which could take out Kenny by tackling him. That way, Kenny and Jane survives.
About the second chances thing with Kenny. Yeah he's had a lot of them given to him but he's also the single character in the game who has had THE most shit (that we know about) thrown at him. I'm not a diehard Kenny fan either. I was shocked to see him back and disgusted/disturbed by how he treated Clem hot and cold all season but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I also agree that Lee would have shot Kenny.
You're using determinant dialogue as fact. That doesn't work.
Contrary to what some people believe, you can just talk Kenny down instead of beating the shit out of him at the train.
My Lee would have broken the fight apart and calmed them both down.
I think Lee would've restrained him.
The only thing that can defeat Kenny's Godlike moustache and Beard is Lee and the power of the Urban Pimp hand...
Lee would have shot him.
My lee, anyhow, wasn't friends with Kenny, when I asked Kenny to help save Clementine he straight up denied it because I didn't help him murder Lily's dad. He's a stubborn, self centered prick that lost his mental stability after he lost his family.
Yes it does. Just because you don't fight Kenny it doesn't mean that Lee wouldn't have had a hard time deciding what to do. My point is it doesn't matter if he liked Kenny or not, he would have shot him to protect the group. I'm not saying it would be easy for him, but he would have done it. Just like he could have left Lilly or dropped Ben, which by the way would gain Kenny's approval.
And btw, that quote is not determinant. If you had Kenny's back the whole time and you decide to fight him, this dialogue still happens. It shows that Lee thinks about the group as a whole instead of just one person.
Kenny's ending kind of contradicts this.. but whatever floats your boat ...
It is determinant, you don't have to fight him at the train. You can talk him down peacefully.
My Lee never laid a finger on Kenny, and neither did Kenny touch Lee.
Lee would be able to prevent things escalating to that point in the first place.
Reminder that Lee's biggest wish was to find a safe place for Clem to live, and Kenny delivers her to bloody Wellington at the expense of his own safety and possibly life.
What Lee would have really done is exactly what Kenny did in his ending, which is to make Clem and AJ stay at Wellington so they can be safe.
Again with the "I KNOW he would have shot Kenny"... Please stop assuming your opinion as fact.
My Lee surely wouldn't have shot Kenny, bro's for life.
Your Lee must not have been a good person. If he was Kenny's "bro", than I assume you murdered Larry, stole the supplies from the car, left a girl to get eaten in the streets, left Lilly behind all alone, and dropped Ben to his death (against Clementines wishes). Yeah, I bet your Lee would have gotten along just fine with season 2 Kenny.
I have to agree with OP. The only way to get on Kenny's good side was to be morally malicious. For me, and many others, our Lee's were good people, so the good Lee's would have shot Kenny.