What if Christa...
What if Christa is actually the head of Wellington? Think about it. She had trust issues and maybe she decided to make a new name for herself so no one who she met could associate her with any of her other selves. Then, she got to Wellington and eventually rose to power there. I may be in denial... but I think that could be a cool idea.
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... Seems legit... I actually find myself agreeing with this. Let's just hope she comes back in Season 3, at the very least.
Or more likely she isnt there, I mean lets face it, anyone we know could be in their. But unlikely
It would explain why they only let children join considering Christa knows that Clementine may be alive and possibly also headed to Wellington.
seriously????.... walking dead s2 the whole season is for 20-30 days max... and we lost christa about 20 days ago ... in a span of 20 days she goes to wellington and becomes a head .... wow
Lee could be in there..... maybe he got real lucky. maybe he'll have a beard and a new girlfriend...
i partly agree i can't remember how long rick was at Alexandria before he became leader but it wasn't very long at all if she went there and was respected by nearly all of the community like rick and then something happens to the original leader like it did at Alexandria then she could have stepped up but its highly unlikely
I think it's more possible if Lilly is some sort of leader role in the community. She's always been the "leader" type, or at least she tried to be in Season 1.
it seems getting girlfriends is easy in walking dead universe ? aint it?... kenny got one in s2 and maybe in s3 one more too so keep him alive let him enjoy some moments before he dies ....
there is no real indication for that whatsoever. on the contrary.
the guard outright said she knows no christa. why would she lie?
the impressive wall indicates wellington exists quiet a while. it has sure a lot of people. the chance that christa comes along and just takes over are 0.
truth has been told
or it might be because children are clearly less of a risk.
the best reason not to shoot Kenny. "but think about all those bitches he can still get"
It was a couple of Months before rick became the leader and i don't think he was loved by all he had a rebellion on his hands soon afterwards.
But...if you ask Edith if there is someone named Christa there she doesn't know. Why would Edith or anybody for that matter in Wellington not know who their leader is?
comic spoilers
Rick became the more or less de facto leader of Alexandria after being there for like 2-3 weeks because Douglas died, and Rick's group ended up composing a fourth of the citizens and a lot of other characters there clearly ended up trusting him and his people quickly, such as Heath, Aaron, and Holly. Him and his people also had a lot more experience surviving outside the safety of walls than the people of Alexandria, so many started to look up to them for answers. Not to mention the fact that he was a police officer before, which probably helped. But Christa's situation is quite different. It would not play out as happily for her.
While it has been about the same amount of time since we last saw Christa, it doesn't seem likely that she would take over. And I don't think she could have even made it to Wellington without a vehicle in that time frame. Last time we saw her she said they were still a couple months away on foot. I feel she would have at least spent a couple days looking for Clementine before moving on, if she even survived. So she basically would have had to travel a couple hundred miles (probably on foot), and then convince a whole camp of quite possibly more than 100 survivors that she should be in charge just a couple days after arriving.
Yeah sorry i looked back over it and you are right about it only being a couple of weeks, it seemed longer than that to me. Also i agree rick had the vast majority of support and from the most important people of the community but not from some certain individuals such as Spencer.
I agree on the opinion on Christa. For Wellington to be as successful as it is it must have very strong leadership plus a huge supporting Majority, no way they would give up the top spot for her only after a short number of days.
So true!
No, I don't think Christa is in Wellington. Why would Edith lie to us saying there's no one named Christa in there? I really hope she made it after the gunpoint in episode 1 and it would be very cool if we follow her journey after her separation with Clementine in season 3, but I still really want to play as Clem in season 3. Well we'll see, but not soon enough though...
Why do so many people like Christa? did you forget she left a child in a restroom to have sex and then blames Clem for everything
Christa might be in Wellington, but definitely not the head of this place. Edith wouldn't have said she hadn't heard about Christa if she had been her leader. ; >
having sex is the only pleasure left in zombie apocalypse... apart from that we dont have anything... thats y luke had it with jane in e4
I haven't thought about that...Christa might have actually introduced herself with a new name...but why would she do that?
I'm pretty sure that Christa is dead, as hard as it sounds. I mean, when you don't help her, she gets stabbed in the leg, so she can't run away, and then we hear her screaming and a gunshot.
Seeing as how Victor is still alive in one of Clem's death scenes (he basically says: 'Just shoot her'), I can't see it being someone else (Ralph) who got shot, as there is only one shot.
Maybe they were ambushed too, who knows. Victor was pretty startled in that death scene. But I think it was just because there were walkers closing in on their position, and he wanted to get the fuck away from there.
Ask Edith if there is a woman named Christa with them, she says 'no I don't think so'
Possible that Christa changed her name for whatever reason though or nobody knows her full name, whatever. I don't think she is the head of Wellington but it seems very likely that somehow they will bring Christa back.
Like what if she goes into the old Cabin group's place and sees Clem's picture on the floor? (Saw a tumblr post about that possibility. .-. I think it would be an awesome way to start s3. If Clem can't be protagonist, then let Christa be the main character of s3.)
You said in another post you liked Kenny and Jane. Did you forget that both of them have done things far worse than Christa ever did? Hell, remember when Jane was partly responsible for all the hell that occurred in Amid the Ruins because she was having sex with Luke? Remember when she couldn't get over her sister's death and used that as her reasoning to abandon Sarah to a painful death? Remember when Kenny unjustifiably blamed you for Sarita's death if you killed the walker? Remember how he mocked Clementine for not wanting to see him kill Arvo if she stayed to watch Carver's demise?
In comparison, Christa has her issues, but she still kept Clementine alive far longer than anyone else in the apocalypse era, including Lee. And when she was being cornered by those three guys, she kept insisting she was alone to protect Clementine. No matter what her thoughts are on the day Omid died, she did everything she could to ensure Clementine kept going.
But stil remember what Edith say
s : "You can come back at few months" and maybe in season 3 we
re come back and see Christa in front of the gate if Telltale gonna make this in next season i`ll be happy like Crane when he saw SnowI think Christa is dead.
And the head of Wellington it's a man Why? 'Cause voice in Edith Walkie-Talkie was a mans voice
or maybe because they are FUCKING!!! children
She wouldn't be lying. Christa would have taken a different name.
Yeah, She is sane too. Unlike Jane and Kenny.
If Christa's the leader of Wellington, why would she only take Clem and AJ? Surely she would let Kenny in too. she thought he died.
But how would a new member of Wellington become the leader so quickly, she was also probably not allowed in because she got there around the same time as Clementine.
Okay, maybe she wouldn't be leader, but she could be there and have taken a different name.
To be honest the whole season was about a week.
Are you from Poland? Your nickname definitely sounds polish. Sorry if I'm wrong. I didn't want to insult or something. Before you ask - I'm from Poland. That's why I ask.
i like the cat picture.
I take it to mean two things:
1) The guard might just not know everyone's names, considering how many people have gone through
2) Christa hasn't arrived at Wellington yet.
Lilly is the head no doubt there...