''Flashback/Dream Sequence''
Personally, I was expecting a one hell of a dream sequence that where Lee critisizng your choices. Depending on how you played as her you either see Lee in a jewlery store or in the RV. But whatever. Hearing Dave Fennoy's voice and seeing Lee again... what can a urban ask for? That scene left me in tears. I never thought I missed him THAT much. His hopeful smile. Lee giving Clem a urban promise that he won't leave her. sigh DAMMIT! Also that game taught me that family doesn't always mean that it's about ''Blood Realtion'' all the time. There are a lot of people out there make you feel like you're a part of the family. So, what do you think? Do you think it was unnecessary? Do you think it was good?
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I thought it was absolutely awesome. Very well done, had all kinds of feels coming over me, like I don't even know. I teared up
It made me cry
I knew Clem wished it was real, but the sudden realisation that it was all a dream left me in tears
DE FEELZ...best moment in Season 2, plus it was nice seeing Lee in Season 2 graphics :-)
No no no, not the feels.
Okay, better. I liked it a lot, gives me that nostalgic feel, and, it was surprising.
This is the first scene where I started to cry in this episode. The last dialogue choice that says "that you won't leave me" killed me.
I really loved that scene. I think just as well that it wasn't a exactly dream but more of a memory that made it work so well [because Clem will have the sweater depending on if Lee took it from the car or not]. I got me really emotional seeing Lee again and the things he had to says. That and like what Mary5 said with the line option of asking Lee to never leave, it made me sad. The scene was really well done.
when I first seen this scene I was totally confused by it and wasn't really getting the point of the sequence I do know it was ment for something but I really didn't get it all that much also on the side note it was weard for them to do it that way than to have him talking to an older version of her than to go back to clementines younger self when they did that part it made things very confusing doing it this way and it still is confusing and I still did not understand it at all.
I loved the scene, but halfway through it I got scared that credits would roll once Clem falls asleep as she dies from her gunshot wound in the real world. Man was I relieved. Briefly.
It was foreshadowing Kenny. Lily killing Carley/Doug for no reason, just because she was sad. It foreshadows to Kenny, killing Jane just because he was upset. It shows a parallel. If you left Lily, would you kill Kenny? I think it was really clever
I left Lilly and killed Kenny so.
I went through most of it terrified that I was dead.
It was a sweet touch adding Lee in there right when Clem needed him most. It was nice to see him as LEE and not as the lee Kenny remembers. It was so sad. Life was, hard, but so simple for Clementine back then. He'd be proud of her surviving this long but I think he'd also be shocked at how much she's changed.
I chose to ask Lee to say "Everything would be OK" and not that he wouldn't leave me. Even though I wanted to hear the latter. I chose the former because I was afraid I would die if I chose that. There was this weird happy glow happening on Clem's face and I was like...Nope No no...we can't stay here.
But I agree Poogers, what Lee was saying about sometimes having to hurt people and that it's not easy...I can say the flashback and foreshadow did help me when I had to make my decision of who to save and who to kill. I didn't want to kill Kenny but his insolence and anger made him a danger to the group. Also, I felt like I was putting the poor man out of his misery. When he ran off into the snow and Clementine said "Not again"...I was thinking This poor man can't take anymore.
It was an awesome scene. A little jarring.
Me too.
I thought we were going to continue playing from this point on and all this had be an LSD induced dream
I thought it was pure fan service. It was a nice scene, but overall it felt pretty unneccesary. Though I will say the thing Lee said about doing what's best for the people you care about. (Am I misremembering, or did he say, sometimes you have to do what you have to for the people you love, even if they hate you for it?) It wasn't too distracting, but it felt like it was catering too much to the forums.
Well... Somebody has to say it.
I will say I felt a little like that...at a few moments I was thinking "Is this going to mean something?" but then when Lee said what he did about having to make tough decisions I was like OH, that's what I came here for.
This scene completely changed how I took the rest of the game.
I was constantly trying to play with the 'right' choices and make the most positive one to help the most people, but Lee is right.
There is no right choice. It's about trying your best to protect the ones you care about the most even if it means hurting others.
So I put that into play.
By far one of the best scenes in this season of the game.
Best scene of Season 2 is something from Season 1. Not a surprise considering how bad Season 2 was.
Ehhh, I think it's fan service done right, Kenny on the other hand....
Took lilly with me and let him kill jane
Season Two was a mess before Episode 5. This episode made the season okay.
Nick Breckon should have wrote the entire season - that way it would be alot better.