You search the link of the pic. It must have a valid ending (.jpg, .png...), otherwise you're not using the right link, but the link of the website instead.
Copy the link.
Hit the 'Comment' or 'Reply' button and you should see 8 options on the top. (From left to right: 'B' (for bolt text), 'I' (for text in italics), a globe (for links like a youtube video), a image (for uploading pics), and some other stuff like qoutes and paragraphs.)
Click the fourth button from the left (the image).
Copy in your link. Done.
If you want a youtube video to be shown:
Get the link.
Click the globe.
You first have the option for a additional link text (like 'watch this omg'). Then you have to enter the link of the youtube video ( You have to write 'www', with 'm' (for mobile) it won't work. Done.
Uploading pics is fairly easy.
* You search the link of the pic. It must have a valid ending (.jpg, .png...), otherwise you're not usin… moreg the right link, but the link of the website instead.
* Copy the link.
* Hit the 'Comment' or 'Reply' button and you should see 8 options on the top. (From left to right: 'B' (for bolt text), 'I' (for text in italics), a globe (for links like a youtube video), a image (for uploading pics), and some other stuff like qoutes and paragraphs.)
* Click the fourth button from the left (the image).
* Copy in your link. Done.
If you want a youtube video to be shown:
* Get the link.
* Click the globe.
* You first have the option for a additional link text (like 'watch this omg'). Then you have to enter the link of the youtube video ( You have to write 'www', with 'm' (for mobile) it won't work. Done.
I know RIP Uncle Pete
R.I.P The Cabin Group
He was a cool guy.
He ceased to function
Killed off way too early...
I feel like my Clem would be smoke buddies with him...
R.I.P Ben, very misunderstood.
Imagine the Anger if Pete made it to the lodge, became Kennys friend then Carver killed him...
Yeah, Ben was one of those characters that people loved to hate and hated to love.
he may have screwed up, but he had good intentions...
I do agree.
I enjoy this picture greatly.
They're all together and can meet Lee.
R.I.P. Walter the dog. Even if you did go to attack us, your death was pretty sad.
I thought his name was Sam.
Wow, you're right. I got it confused from this dog. Hahaha, I actually put a season one picture with a season two picture by accident. Nice catch.
Walking Dead Season 1 Dog:
Walking Dead Season 2 Dog:
ur fukin everywhere bro.
You were a creep at first, but you turned out to be a funny and cool guy R.I.P Omid
R.I.P Troy's dick
Forever underated
It is indicated in 102 that her remaints were in one of the hay boxes in the Saint John's farm (her clothing for example).
Enjoy your next meal
R.I.P. Ben
R.I.P. Nick
My two favorite male characters, at least Arvo's still alive.
Well, Ben was ok and Nick was a real bro, but Arvo...?
hisses and shudders
I like Arvo, and I can't explain why.
R.I.P Kenny (determinately)
You were my only true friend in the horrid, apocalyptic world. Now that you're determinant, I either won't see you again, or you'll be dead.
Farewell, my friend.
I'll always be thinking of you! Even in the darkest of times.
R.I.P. mah man
Determinants don't live too long
Well, I liked Carver, very charismatic man.
Still an asshole and crazy fucker though.
At least you tasted good, R.I.P Mark
If only I knew how to upload glorious pictures like that.
R.I.P Kenny....
Im just reading all these comments and listening to this and im fucking crying
Uploading pics is fairly easy.
You search the link of the pic. It must have a valid ending (.jpg, .png...), otherwise you're not using the right link, but the link of the website instead.
Copy the link.
Hit the 'Comment' or 'Reply' button and you should see 8 options on the top. (From left to right: 'B' (for bolt text), 'I' (for text in italics), a globe (for links like a youtube video), a image (for uploading pics), and some other stuff like qoutes and paragraphs.)
Click the fourth button from the left (the image).
Copy in your link. Done.
If you want a youtube video to be shown:
Get the link.
Click the globe.
You first have the option for a additional link text (like 'watch this omg'). Then you have to enter the link of the youtube video ( You have to write 'www', with 'm' (for mobile) it won't work. Done.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
But I'd probably fuck it up, anyway.
We're getting the world's tiniest violin to play at all of their funerals.
No one wants to mourn anymore?