Newest addition:
"English, motherfucker!!" ~ Kenny
All time favourites/most notable to me:
"You want to get violent you old fuck?! … moreWell, COME ON. You better have a plan to kill me though, because it's ME before anyone else here!" ~ Lee Everett
"I'm Still. Not. Bitten. And I never was! And you left me out here, to die!" ~ Clementine
"Go on now... you don't need to see this..." ~ Kenny
"I'll catch you if ya fall. Probably." ~ Luke
"Fuck Wall Street." ~ Vince
"How big is it?" ~ Dumbass-Carlos
"What do you think they are?? Ninjas?" ~ Alvin
"I'm really glad to have met you, Clementine."
—Kenny saying goodbye to Clementine at Wellington.
"Hmm, I ain't have had that much experience with y'all's fortitude, but we could prolly get through that. We gotta god damn train."
-Chuck to Kenny talking about the deisel truck.
And Last,
"Heh! You and what Homo-parade?!"
"THIS one!"
"Hah, that's good..."
Thanks You are always friendly.
"You ruined that dude's face"
Ahh ok my bad.
These Are Funny!
I wish Omid was here. - Clementine
"Piece a shit"
Idk, it just seemed like a cool battle phrase for Kenny, his stance reminds me of something...
"I'm really glad to have met you, Clementine."
—Kenny saying goodbye to Clementine at Wellington.
"Hmm, I ain't have had that much experience with y'all's fortitude, but we could prolly get through that. We gotta god damn train."
-Chuck to Kenny talking about the deisel truck.
And Last,
"Heh! You and what Homo-parade?!"
"THIS one!"
"Hah, that's good..."
Larry, to Kenny, to Larry in the Drugstore.
That Was Bad ass.
The first one Almost brought a tear to my eye.
(Spit) He is Evil. - Arvo LMAO
"You know what? Fuck you, Larry. Eat up."
You made me snicker.
Thanks. It certainly did for me.
Don't doubt it.
< Speaking Russian >
Anytime Lee called Clementine 'sweet pea.'
"Yeah..Balls deep in infinity"
English motherfucker!...
Pretty sure 90% of the people mentally added "do you speak it?!"
Listening, what do you want?
"Grgughughghgghghhhhgh" -Vitali while choking after Jane stabbed him in the back.
"I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's bullshit."
"I know where the fucking river is!"
"Duck you can't help, stay out of this or there will be trouble"
"Whose baby is it?"
Good one too
I did haha
"Fuck me?! Fuck you, motherfucker!" - a convict from Vince's story.
"What if we're dangerous"
Clem :"What if I am..." (pulls gun)
When Kenny stops the train because of the gas tank blocking the track and says "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"
Lee: Put the gun down b****!
You are not nice people.
I got lucky, real lucky.
Yes, it is if you chose to threaten him.
''Our cat is going to be pissed!''
Actually the subtitlees tur the last ''fuck'' into frak, if I am correct.
Chiiken nugets.
The way he died was really stupid. It was the writers just wrighting off characters.