The Case Against Clementine.
Now, I know what our bond with Clementine is. I know how much you all love her. But guys, I think this is it. It's time we let her rest. The endings telltale gave are all good.... Although I don't much care for either jane ending... But! CLEMENTINE HAS AN ENDING. A good one. Maybe you killed Ken, maybe. Jane, maybe both. But next season, if you let either Jane or Ken live, they'll die. They have to die, because they can already be dead. Now I choose to believe my clementine is forever with Kenny, on a great adventure together. But if they bring her back next season that dream is shattered. I don't want that. Not at all. What might be nice were if clementine were to have a cameo in season 3, with Kenny, with jane, or alone, depending on what you chose. But to bring her back as protagonist and kill Kenny or Jane? That's not something I think any of us want.
Let's hope Kenny and Jane will break the cycle of determent characters.
Your title is misleading, but I would agree with you. I'd rather leave Clementine's story alone for this season and focus fresh on new characters. OR those whose deaths have never been portrayed.
Christa. Arvo. Nate. There's only a few established characters who we're sure aren't dead, but I think it'd be easier for Telltale than having to reconcile 5 drastically different endings.
I'm gonna have to disagree. I prefer if Clem comes back next season. As protagonist? I believe so, but, it all depends on what Telltale are gonna do.
How would you have them handle Kenny/Jane? Say they left them? Say they died?
I'd rather keep Clem around. I don't know, but I just can't see this game without Clem being there in one form or another. I don't care for them to do DLC that doesn't involve her, but for the main game? No. I just don't feel like I would care nearly as much.
Not really sure. That's up to Telltale.
Me too.
Kenny is dead is play throughs???
wtf is a determent?
Characters who you have the choice of killing off, but get killed off anyway.
Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
Is it really that big of a deal?
I think you meant:
That video is bootiful.
There needs to be something to maintain continuity - at this point only Clementine is a sure bet of maintaining continuity. Whether or not you killed Kenny, Jane, or both, Clem is the only variable that remains constant. The baby doesn't count because it's a blank slate - it hasn't shared in the experiences of the previous seasons and as such it doesn't have a back-story informed by the previous seasons.
My Clementine is safe in Wellington. If she returns in Season 3, she is no longer safe. I want her to stay safe, so I don't want to see her in TWD anymore.
I do hope that they don't kill off the baby off-screen for angst. Christa's baby was enough.
Its great that you granted Kenny's last wish and stayed so he knows you and the baby are finally safe and he has a peace of mind.. Of course I couldn't bring myself to leave him so I left with him.
But I want to see Clem develop even more.. If they introduced another character I just wouldn't care.. Everyone would just be saying they miss Lee and Clem from season one and 2.