Best character of season 2 EASILY.



  • Really? In the whole time we've seen Ken he's done more amazing things than how many times Kenny McCormick Dies in South Park, Edith is just a wannabe compared to the God like Beard "Mouth off about Clems Friends and I will Fuckin End you"

    Green613 posted: »

    Luck? We've seen Edith for 5 minutes and she's already way more amazing than Ken, we've seen Ken for 9 whole episodes and he's weaker than Edith, pls take ur ken and step on a lego with him.

  • Compared to Other characters those Newbies with Little potential don't stand a chance...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's obviously Randy, Patricia and Gill, duh.

  • First Kenny has a beard that can be destroyed easily by a razor and some shaving cream, Ediths got EARMUFFS which can be destroyed by nothing. Second Ken's a determinant character now meaning he's weak since he's able to die. Edith is one of 3 amazing characters that are the only characters alive no matter what, Clementine, AJ, and Edith. That is the holy 3 with Clem and AJ being our saviors and Edith being our god. Ken is nothing and always has been, Kenny fans have deceived themselves into believing in a false god.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Really? In the whole time we've seen Ken he's done more amazing things than how many times Kenny McCormick Dies in South Park, Edith is just a wannabe compared to the God like Beard "Mouth off about Clems Friends and I will Fuckin End you"

  • Dude, What are you on right now? Can I have some? 1. Indestructible Earmuff my ass, They can be burnt or torn apart by a razor, and BEARDS ARE COOLER AND MORE BADASS THAN EARMUFFS 2.Ediths Appearance is Determinant, If we do see her in Season 3 she'll be like Mike (probably) and She hasn't done shit besides talk and throw bags (Kenny has done WAY WAY WAY more than that) 3. You're confused , You have made a false Idol with barley any info because you're too desperate, Edith Can't help everyone she's not our savior, "She's the bitch of the bitch"-Gren Quote, She answers to someone higher who we don't know but by TWD science cannot be superior to Kenny, sorry...

    Green613 posted: »

    First Kenny has a beard that can be destroyed easily by a razor and some shaving cream, Ediths got EARMUFFS which can be destroyed by nothin

  • Seems legit.

    Hail Edith.

    edited August 2014

    I'm Jewish, and I find it disturbing that you compare Arvo, a dumb, hasty kid to a fucking madman who tried to erase my entire race from this world, if you could please take people's feelings into consideration before posting something like this, it would be appreciated, k? ^-^

    Arvo of course!

    edited August 2014

    You mean Ginger Carlos and Brunette Molly?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's obviously Randy, Patricia and Gill, duh.

  • Should've been Stalin instead of Hitler. :/

    Arvo of course!

  • This one is better.

    Alt text

    Arvo of course!

  • Okay but answer me this. If Edith is really so mighty and powefull then why does she answer to others in Wellington? She'd be running the place if what you say is true.

    Green613 posted: »

    All these characters pale in comparison to Edith, Edith is all might all powerful Also she has earmuffs which no one can beat especially these losers.


  • How do you know she isn't doing both jobs? YOU DON'T!

    Jayroen posted: »

    Okay but answer me this. If Edith is really so mighty and powefull then why does she answer to others in Wellington? She'd be running the place if what you say is true.

  • And black duck I think.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You mean Ginger Carlos and Brunette Molly?

  • You're a fool if you think Ken is more powerful than all mighty Edith, so here's my answer to you skrub. Wrong.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Dude, What are you on right now? Can I have some? 1. Indestructible Earmuff my ass, They can be burnt or torn apart by a razor, and BEARDS A

  • You should be careful when you do stuff like that. Some people could get offended.

    Arvo of course!

  • Yeah xD

    Green613 posted: »

    And black duck I think.

  • Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Ken is watching over me. I don't have time to be worried about a gatekeeper. Kenny is love, Kenny is life.

  • Man?

    Green613 posted: »

    Edith is the best man.

  • I meant man as in talkin to my boy up there^^^^

    hayd24 posted: »


  • Russia was on the opposite side of Hitler.

    Arvo of course!

  • He looks pretty angry to not want see more people ded.

    This one is better.

  • ^ this

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm Jewish, and I find it disturbing that you compare Arvo, a dumb, hasty kid to a fucking madman who tried to erase my entire race from thi

  • LOL

    hayd24 posted: »

    Russia was on the opposite side of Hitler.

  • Have you guys seen the fake thread of this loozer randy? We must put this fake god in his place and remove him, such a disrespect to our lord Edith ;___;

  • edited August 2014

    "Commie Piece of Shit" You've been Brainwashed or You have been on something, You're just wrong, more wrong than Telltale giving Nick a lame ass death...

    Green613 posted: »

    You're a fool if you think Ken is more powerful than all mighty Edith, so here's my answer to you skrub. Wrong.

  • No.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    "Commie Piece of Shit" You've been Brainwashed or You have been on something, You're just wrong, more wrong than Telltale giving Nick a lame ass death...

  • Really sorry, didn't mean to offend anybody.

    You should be careful when you do stuff like that. Some people could get offended.

  • You thought that was good....

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Edith is just Eddie with a sex change

  • Luke is better than Edith no matter what you say

    Green613 posted: »

    How do you know she isn't doing both jobs? YOU DON'T!

  • Step on a lego and die.

    ClennyJr posted: »

    Edith is just Eddie with a sex change

  • Alt text

    Jane's baby scheme definitely smacks of the sort of thing Jigsaw would cook up.


    You thought that was good....

  • Apparently is was raining Boats and.... URBANS.


  • I'm from Florida and shit like that has never come out of my mouth.

    Apparently is was raining Boats and.... URBANS.

  • I don't even remember an Edith ... when was she in the game

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