If you leave Wellington with Kenny, what if...

The baby dies later, somehow. I doubt it would but just imagine it did. Would Kenny go apeshit on Clementine? What would he do? We saw what happened when Sarita died (if you cut off her arm), he blames Clem and says shes a "stupid fucking kid" and "her blood is on your hands, Clementine". She just tried to help, and because of an accident he hates you, (for a while). He had that blind irrational rage he seems to get so often, so do you think he would forgive her or go crazy on her?


  • edited August 2014

    it could happen
    but i honestly feel he could never hurt clem. after he killed jane and clem called him out on it when they found the baby he says something on the lines of "I would never hurt you clem. I know im crazy but im trying to to change blah blah blah"

    we all say things when were angry and feel guilty about them later.

  • It depends on the situation in whole. If Kenny flat out saw it was an accident, he'd be pissed at Clem, but I think he'd eventually get over it. Kenny would probably also throw some really angry words at Clem if he did die by accident and he wasn't there, but I can't see him trying to kill her.

  • Then Kenny would blame Clementine, as he always does, trying to put the blame on someone else.

  • Do you think he would go to the extent of hurting her though?

    Then Kenny would blame Clementine, as he always does, trying to put the blame on someone else.

  • Of course, Kenny just being Kenny, the biggest douche of TWD universe.

    Colton posted: »

    Do you think he would go to the extent of hurting her though?

  • I noticed that if you stay at Wellington or Howe's, then the baby should be taken care of as far as formula and food go. But if you leave with Kenny, doesn't that just mean that you will still have just as hard of a time as when you were with Christa?

  • I think Kenny would blame himself. He'd hate himself for not just forcing Clem to stay with AJ at Wellington. Honestly, it was incredibly irresponsible of Kenny to even let Clementine have the option of going with him. I would have at the very least left AJ at Wellington. They put the baby at serious risk because they were both being selfish.

  • He wouldn't hurt Clementine physically.If the baby dies I think Kenny will blame his self.

  • Not this shit again......Look, You can't compare what happened with Jane and his relationship with Clem, He doesn't like Jane as it is and
    she is also a grown woman, Clementine and A.J are all he has to live for, no way in hell would he hurt her, even Kenny was boundaries...He would be extremely pissed but not THAT pissed.

  • edited August 2014

    I don't think the baby will die but I guarantee you that if you are with Kenny, something bad is gonna with happen Kenny and Clementine where he does in fact go apeshit or something and try to hurt her. Idk, but we WILL see a negative side if you choose to be best friends forever (Stay with Kenny) at the end.

  • I dont think when Kenny is angry he thinks right... i mean he threatened to slap you and pushed you. I dont think he would end up killing Clementine if she lost the baby but i think he would slap her and treat her like total shit. So i disagree with Kenny never physically hurting her i think he would.

    it could happen but i honestly feel he could never hurt clem. after he killed jane and clem called him out on it when they found the baby h

  • He wouldn't hurt her physically I think... But he would emotionally devastate her which is sometimes worse. Kenny is a motherfucker after all.

  • I don't think he'd ever physically hurt Clementine. They have too much of a relationship for him to do that. If something would happen to the baby, like the baby starves or it freezes or gets bitten. Kenny would be crushed, but I think he'd just blame himself.

  • Not to get off topic, but where do you think Wellington is? Earlier in the episode, it was mentioned to be near Michigan and there is a Wellington in Northern Ohio.

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny wouldn't hurt Clementine but If the baby dies he could become like Christa towards her..

  • As much as I hate Kenny, I dont believe he would deliberately physically hurt Clementine. Accidently, maybe. I saw a walkthrough where Clem was trying to pull him off Arvo and he punched her in the face. That kind of thing is what I would be afraid of.

  • Thats what I thought too and the baby would have an even harder time. They have nothing to care for him. It just seems too risky to me, for the baby's sake.

    brennanz76 posted: »

    I noticed that if you stay at Wellington or Howe's, then the baby should be taken care of as far as formula and food go. But if you leave wi

  • Thank you! Im glad Im not the only one who feels this way.

    Rynna posted: »

    I think Kenny would blame himself. He'd hate himself for not just forcing Clem to stay with AJ at Wellington. Honestly, it was incredibly ir

  • Kenny would never hurt Clem

  • Hell,if he does something to Clementine,then I won't even hesitate to kill him.But that would be out of character for Kenny,I mean he cares about Clem.He may be pissed at her,but to hurt her?I don't think so...

  • Well, not physically. I made it clear to him that he hurt my Clem's feelings when he blame her for Sarita.

    child123 posted: »

    Kenny would never hurt Clem

  • No. I don't even think he would be angry at her. He would blame himself and most likely be depressed for a while.

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