Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Jane's left handed? Since when did I not know this?

    poplee posted: »

    Jane is left handed. Kenny should have died from blood loss during the fight as Jane was squeezing his eye. In the dream Lee was actua

  • If you choose not to interfere between Kenny and Jane at all at the fight Kenny will still plunge a knife in Janes chest

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited August 2014

    Howe's Hardware is likely based off the real life hardware store, Lowe's Hardware. both having a similar name as well as sporting the same blue and yellow colour scheme.

  • Jane mentions she was part of a group near DC. (Alexandria, perhaps?)

  • If you mess up on the button events while cleaning Kenny's wound in the final episode you'll get additional short lines of dialogue from him, like: "It's okay Clem, I trust you."

  • She gave luke a handjob with her left hand.Sorry..I just had to write this!

    Jane's left handed? Since when did I not know this?

  • Uncle Pete: "Would you...would you promise me you'll watch out for Nick? I love that stupid kid, no matter what you think. He is a good boy."

    Alt text

  • @AWESOMEO would love your username

    Near_ posted: »

    If you drank the 'moonshine stuff' with Nick, she will mention it to Jane. It was pretty funny

  • It makes me sad too, but hey its the ZA. Anybody can go batshit crazy and do horrendous things if they're pushed over the edge.

    Foreverett posted: »

    Yeah she does. Although its funny (to me) to hear her curse, it makes me sad knowing she is loosing her innocence more and more... I love sassy Clem but i miss old and adorable Clem.

  • Dammit derPang. You're breaking my heart with that Luke detail. :'(

    Alt text

  • In s1 e1, if Lee stays silent throughout Larry and Kenny' s entire argument, Larry will end up apologizing for his comments about Duck.


    Near_ posted: »

    If you drank the 'moonshine stuff' with Nick, she will mention it to Jane. It was pretty funny

  • edited August 2014

    Sort of a dark trivia, but the theme that plays after Luke's death is a slightly remixed version of the theme that plays during Carver's death scene, when he's cursing the cabin group:

    "You bunch of fucking ingrates. You don't know how good you got it. Go on, let the sheep outta the pen. We'll see how long it lasts."

    Carver's death music

    Luke's death music

    I guess the use of Carver's death theme there was kind of a way for him to haunt us beyond the grave and a symbollic reference to his dying words, when he said they wouldn't last long outside of his community. His words haunted us after all, since Luke's death marked the end of the cabin group.

  • They do raped her. "They call y'all bandits, but you're all fucking rapist monsters..."

    Hbh128 posted: »

    You don't know she's gettin' raped. However it is possible she begged them to tell her where her kid was via sexual favors, as she does say

  • thats gross

    Yes...I fucked Luke's ass...along with Bonnie's...which is why she left the group...

  • reused because i met that car in woods when Jane and Clem went to look for Sarah in ep4

    Could just be a reused model, but Eddie's car can be seen in the roadblock by the rest stop. Also, Kenny's dying words are pretty sim

  • “This is Larry and I am sorry.”

    DeziM posted: »

    In s1 e1, if Lee stays silent throughout Larry and Kenny' s entire argument, Larry will end up apologizing for his comments about Duck.

  • edited September 2014

    It may have already been said, but if you don't pick up the gun while Jane and Kenny are fighting, you get to watch Kenny kill Jane.

    edit: yep, it was. Oh well, but anyways, it was pretty fulfilling to watch. Especially if you already know about Jane's mind game she was playing with Kenny and Clem.

  • I agree. When Arvo described his sister's need for pain medication, I got really interested in meeting his group. For them to keep Arvo and his sister around, two people Clem's group might call liabilities...they might have been a nicer group for Clem holding onto her humanity, if Jane hadn't insisted on robbing Arvo (regardless of what Clem does).

    Liayso posted: »

    And this is why I was so mad when Jane threatened Arvo back in episode 4. -_- The Russians probably weren't bad people. Then Jane and Cle

  • You also get a scene of Clem just staring down into the ice, motionless. Camera draws back to a very wide shot. The feels.

    True_Scum posted: »

    Okay i didn't know that, thanks.

  • Hmm, could be. But Jane will mention that there's not much food left at Howes, even though in the beginning of episode 3, Howes is shown to have a large amount of stored food. Maybe, some survivors abandoned Howes once they saw defense was hopeless. Probably just my fan speculation, but some defenders could have escaped with most of the remaining food (maybe taking a truck)?

    Bokor posted: »

    None of the original members of Carver's community survived. The cabin group and Carver are all dead. Tavia and the other guards are impli

  • Heh, I picked that line because I thought she was going to tell Luke and Mike to stop being jerks, for refusing to help with the baby. It sounded funny, but I was surprised she directed it at AJ.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Even if you tell A.J to stop being a whiny jerk he stops crying and smiles.

  • edited August 2014

    I thought the exact same thing. Maybe if Jane had decided to stay near DC she could have met up with Rick's group instead.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Jane mentions she was part of a group near DC. (Alexandria, perhaps?)

  • Well that doesn't imply that they've ever done the deed with her. You can shorten that sentence to "they do raped", I won't object to that.

    They do raped her. "They call y'all bandits, but you're all fucking rapist monsters..."

  • When Clementine, AJ and Jane go to Howe's, neither Tavia's or any 400 Days characters that were taken there's corpse appeared.

  • if you pick up the gun you can wait for the timer to run out and you'll still see kenny kill jane

    Tinni posted: »

    It may have already been said, but if you don't pick up the gun while Jane and Kenny are fighting, you get to watch Kenny kill Jane. edit

  • edited August 2014

    I think Luke's 27th birthday was foreshadowing his death, many famous people died on their 27, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix.

  • If you forgave jane and you're at howe's and the family comes to the store. If you make the leave you can tell jane that they have to look out for themselves first above else. She will then say 'a friend told me that once' referring to lee in the dream.

  • Him saying that Nick is a good boy could be foreshadowing Walter asking you if he's a good person. Your answer either saves or kills Nick.

    Uncle Pete: "Would you...would you promise me you'll watch out for Nick? I love that stupid kid, no matter what you think. He is a good boy."

  • " It's Larry and I'm fucken sorry."

    24601 posted: »

    “This is Larry and I am sorry.”

  • You can go with Jane without forgiving her, just let the timer run out and she'll say " Come on, lets go "

  • Remember when people thought Luke was related to Carver? :>

    Pride posted: »

    Sort of a dark trivia, but the theme that plays after Luke's death is a slightly remixed version of the theme that plays during Carver's dea

  • As I said in another thread, I'm currently replaying season 2 and I'm on episode 2. Just to see what happens I picked a different option when Carver catches you. Carver then grabs Alvin and says "Do you remember George? The man you killed when you wanted out?"

  • Thanks for the exact words~

    ErenCoral posted: »

    " It's Larry and I'm fucken sorry."

  • In Episode 5 of Season 2 - "No Going Back". Three of the five endings involve you going back....

    Cheeky buggers!

  • edited August 2014
    • The protagonists can both determinately get a cut on the cheek in the third episode of each season. Lee can get a cut on his cheek if you get into a fight with Kenny on the train, while Clem can if you choose to help Kenny when Carver is beating him, therefore she gets butted by Troy's AK.

    • There's a phrase called "Out of the frying pan, into the fire." Achievement one of 101 is called "Out of the Frying Pan" and achievement one of 105 is called "Into The Fire." Minor thing, but still neat nonetheless. :P

    • If you don't convince Kenny to join the campfire in 205, then when Mike goes over to Arvo and Arvo starts screaming, Kenny will knock Arvo out with his gun. (Speaking of which, has anyone tried to make Jane not rejoin the group at the campfire? If so, what happens then? Or does she always rejoin?)

    • Jane and Kenny can both die in 205. If you let Kenny kill Jane, you get an option to shoot Kenny after. He says "Do it. Just... just do it."

    • At the river in All That Remains, if you click on Nick three times you get these conversations.

    Clem: "Can I help?"

    Nick: "I got it."

    Clem: "Are you sure you're okay?"

    Nick: "Ask my uncle. He knows everything."

    and then if you click on him again, Clem goes up to him and he says...

    Nick: "I said I got it, okay?"

    • You can click on Pete 3 times at the river too.

    Clem: "What can I do?"

    Pete: "See if you can find anything else."

    Clem: "Like what?"

    Pete: "Like what might tell us who did this."

    Clem: "Is he shot too?"

    Pete: "Yeah. These fellas got lit up somethin good."

    Pete: "Take a look around. Just be careful."

    • If you sit with the cabin group in A House Divided and when the cabin group asks you what you think about Kenny, if you let the timer run out or wait a few seconds before answering you will get this conversation between Nick and Alvin.

    Nick: "They seem very accomodating for a bunch of people in a big house."

    Alvin: "The hell does that even mean?"

    Nick: "I'm just saying. It's suspicious is all."

    Alvin: "Jesus Christ, you're a goddamn nut, Nick."

    • If you stay silent when you get the option to show the photo to Nick and also stay silent when Walter asks if Nick is a good man, this will happen when Nick comes outside.

    Nick: "What's going on?"

    Clem: "You need to get out of here."

    Walter: "This world is hell. People like Matthew aren't coming back. This is IT. And now he's GONE. What did you do? Did you hurt him? Hm? Did you hurt Matthew?"

    Nick: "I didn't do anything. All right?"

    ...Whew, that was long. Sorry guys. :P

  • I'm not sure if Jane ALWAYS rejoins or not but, I got her to rejoin.

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    * The protagonists can both determinately get a cut on the cheek in the third episode of each season. Lee can get a cut on his cheek if you

  • Jane always rejoin the group.

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    * The protagonists can both determinately get a cut on the cheek in the third episode of each season. Lee can get a cut on his cheek if you

  • Ah, thank you! Huh, I figured so considering me and everyone else always got her to join. But thanks for replying. :)

    child123 posted: »

    Jane always rejoin the group.

  • The first time Kenny met Clem, he joked with her about spiders in the hair. (And when I saw Kenny's hair in S2, this came to me: Well, man, it's messed up enough for a group of spiders...)

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