What was your favorite line in The Walking Dead?

edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead

My favorite line was.
the walking dead



  • edited March 2016
    ![enter image description here](http://25.media.tumblr.com/c42f7969d07e922e50264d0d29c958e2/tumblr_mrnqq54diH1rqpajoo8_250.gif)

    ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/Wz4EkZJ.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://cdn.bleedingcool.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/IMG_0030.jpg?f6a06b)

    ![enter image description here](http://img.pandawhale.com/post-40693-morgan-jones-walking-dead-quot-tu09.jpeg)

    ![enter image description here](http://img.pandawhale.com/110712-Walking-Dead-Dale-quote-the-wo-O2HB.jpeg)

    ![enter image description here](http://img.pandawhale.com/110716-Walking-Dead-Andrea-quote-the-OVGM.jpeg)

    ![enter image description here](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140122173357/walkingdead/images/thumb/3/38/Alexandria_is_Burning.jpg/640px-Alexandria_is_Burning.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://www.omgbeaupeep.com/comics/mangas/The%20Walking%20Dead/105%20-%20The%20Walking%20Dead%20105/The-Walking-Dead-Comic-014.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140122173357/walkingdead/images/thumb/3/38/Alexandria_is_Burning.jpg/640px-Alexandria_is_Burning.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://static.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1493/14930800/2430345-4913727520-BfhLLW0CQAAM9zu.jpg%3Alarge)

    ![enter image description here](http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_limit,h_254,w_640/t_mp_quality/negan-the-walking-dead-delivered-that-iconic-line-but-just-how-differently-did-it-go-down-in-the-comics-jpeg-265099.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/a6/2f/3ea62f7b4b6c77cf2d3b79efa422af49.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/My_383aea_5319094.png)

    ![enter image description here](http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/v1426600581/1708783-wearethewalkingdead-the-walking-dead-what-began-the-zombie-apocalypse-jpeg-186317.jpg)

    ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/0N1BZPI.png)
  • edited August 2014
    1. Carver: Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut the Fuck Up
    2. Kenny:You're talking into my bad ear sweetheart Jane:Jackass Kenny:Aw I still can't hear ya
    3. Duck:Daddy says its called a Saltlick
    4. Pete-FUBAR
    5. Jane: Clem, Let's play a game, I spy with my little eye an asshole, your turn Kenny:Grow Up
    6. Mike: I'd eat the shit out of it Clem and Bonnie Stare Mike: You know what I mean
    7. Winston: Jesus, Are you fucking kidding me!?
    8. Pete: Sometimes you gotta play a role, even if the people you love hate you for it
    9. Carvers whole "Dog Crippled Fucks" Monologue
    10. Randy:What if we're dangerous Clem:Pulls out Gun What if I am? (Too bad that's only in the Jane ending but I got the Kenny ending and like it more
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2014

    Arvo: (Spits) He is an evil man.

    Jane: I spy... an a-hole.

    Nick: (Carlos voice) Luke he is becoming a danger to the group.

    Pete: I feel like ten pounds of s--t in a five pound sack.

    Omid: You ruined that dude's face.

    Ben's entire speech to Kenny, that was awesome.

    Doug: Holy Moly! (Chomping sounds) What?

    Duck: There were bugs under there... don't tell Clementine.

    Alvin: We got all that in the house we can bring her in an--

    Rebecca: Alvin!

    Alvin: But yeah, we can't do nothing.

  • Yeah, those are some of the best :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Arvo: (Spits) He is an evil man. Jane: I spy... an a-hole. Nick: (Carlos voice) Luke he is becoming a danger to the group. Pete: I

  • I also love this one, just because of the irony.

    Alt text

    • Clementine Upset you're f*cking insane.
    • Clementine So you get my friend killed just to prove a point.
  • This line won't win any awards but it really stuck with me.

    Lee to Clem in S1 E5: You'll be okay.

    I think this line gave her enough strength to survive the apocalypse.

  • edited September 2014

    S1 E1 Larry: And YOU, shut the fck up. They will FIND us and they will get IN here, and none of this will fcking matter.

    S1 E3 Clementine: He's just always blaming me for stuff. Lee: Like what? Clementine: Putting a bug on his pillow. Lee: Did you do that? Clementine: ...Yes.


    • Kenny Do you know what it feels like to get beaten almost to death peaseful it feels peaceful it was like i was floating away watching the whole thing happen to me. And then i woke up again.
  • Kenny's "English motherfucker!"

  • How could I forget about this line??? Amazing scene

  • Cool nod to Pulp Fiction. Loved it!

    Deviched posted: »

    Kenny's "English motherfucker!"

  • Ben Paul: I never made it home.

    That line rips my heart up.

  • Lee: I was uh...on my way to prison three months ago.

    Kenny: O_O No shit?

    Lee: No shit...

    Kenny:....It wasn't for touching kids, was it?

    Lee: Gah, come on man!

    Kenny: What? I gotta ask!

  • I choked a little

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I also love this one, just because of the irony.

  • Not really a line but

    -lee hi fives duck-

    (?) Duck thinks you are incredibly awesome

  • Kenny: "You know what it's like to get beat almost to death...Peaceful, it was like I was floatin' away watchin' the whole thing happen to me. But then I woke up again, and nothing's changed, I'm still takin' a beating every day."

  • Basically all of Carver lines lol

  • edited September 2014

    "Listen, okay? Listen. This is your chance, for you and this boy. I don’t trust myself to keep you two safe… Not anymore. Please. I’m begging you, please stay here. Stay here where it’s safe. Where you two’ll have a chance. You will meet people. You will make friends. People better than me… good people. That don’t have to look at you and feel ashamed at what they’ve put you through… Please, Clem… Where you won’t have to sleep with a gun next to you every night. Where you can be a kid for a while." - Kenny in 205.

    "To the loved ones we've lost along the way.. and to the hope we see them again. Someday." - Luke in 205

    "Everyone I grew up with. It all… happened to them. And now it’s going to happen to us. [..] I mean, what’s the point? We’ll just march to some new place and somebody else will die. It’s never gonna stop. And eventually it’ll be our turn." - Nick in 202

    "I wish I was like him. I wish I could just keep movin' all the time. But I'm just not... built like that." - Nick in 202

    When Rebecca asks how she'll ever be able to raise a child in the apocalypse and Clementine says it's possible. "I'm still here."

    I also love Luke's line about the magical asshole dog in the woods.

  • "I don't know what the fuck you're saying but I know it's bullshit!"

    I lose it every time I hear that line.

    • Kenny I'm real glad to of met you Clementine.
      That line always make me cry.
  • Omid: "Well, at least it doesn't look like a death trap."

    Omid's face after Christa gives him a dirty look.

    Luke: "Just take it slow, and I'll catch you if you fall. Probably."

    Clem's face after Luke says he'll probably catch her.

    • Lee: "Thanks for the help."
    • Ben: "It's just the blood..."
    • Lee: "Yeah... yeah... it was MY arm."

    Ben fainting

    What a cutie lol a true hero.

    Ben takes a nap

  • My all time favorite line from Lee: "You'd better have a plan to kill me though, because it's ME before anyone else in here!" Really defines the kind of man he is.

    And favorite line from Clementine: "We all wanted to be together and it just went bad. But we owe it to them to make the best of it!" Lee's legacy continues to live on.

  • Put the gun down Bitch!

  • -Kenny so am i still gonna be pretty after this heals.

  • Someone in the game needs to say this:


  • edited September 2014

    "They say the world is over, but I'll tell you a secret: it's not. People are more political now than they ever were before. In the end, we can't change the world. All we can do is continue to learn from each other; to empathize and use our heads." - Walter

    "Go find Luke and the others. They'll take care of you. They are good people. Better than me." - Nick

    "How can you trust people if they don't trust you?" - Carver.

    "I'm real glad I have met you, Clementine." - Kenny.

    "You don't end it 'cause it's hard. You stick out with folks you care about and make it out alive." - Kenny.

    "You will meet people. You will make friends. People better than me… good people. That don’t have to look at you and feel ashamed at what they’ve put you through…" - Kenny.

    "I'm still. Not. Bitten. I never was. And you left me out here to DIE." - Clementine.

    "Sometimes you gotta lay a role, even if you know that people you love will hate you for that." - Pete.

  • "I dunno what the fuck you're saying, but I know its bullshit!"

  • edited September 2014

    "I'm gonna punch the first sonuvabitch I see! and then I'm gonna take his gun, and use it to shoot the NEXT sonuvabitch I see!" Kenny has been playing too much Hotline Miami.

  • Lambs to the slaughter there's no shepherd to guide you... Carver

  • edited September 2014

    If I had to pick one:

    "I am still. NOT. Bitten." - Clementine

    Runner ups:

    "I had to shoot Lee. So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one whose lost people!" - Clementine

    "And then what?" "Get some guns and shoot our way out. I don't know! Whatever we can! We improvise." "Then that's not a plan. You don't plan to improvise."

    "First words I ever hear you say, and it's just some crazy, stupid shit." - Mike

    "I told you you probably wouldn't die. Nice job." - Jane

    "Tough is all we got, now. Get that through your fuckin' skulls." - Carver

    "I'll miss you." - Lee

    1. Rick: We are The Walking Dead!
    2. Kennys speech on Wellington.
    3. Lee: I'll miss you.
    4. Rick: They fucked with the wrong people!
    5. Clementine: I am still. NOT. Bitten.
  • I'll choose some of my favorite Clementine lines. The lowest number is the one i like best.

    1: Randy: Are you sure you wanna do this, little girl? I mean... what if... what if we're dangerous?

    [Clem pulls her gun]

    Clementine: What if I am?

    2: Clementine: Hey Alvie... Don't be a whiny jerk.

    3: Clementine: I know what you guys are talking about. You're talking about.. kissing stuff...

    4: Clementine: So? You want a cookie? You want a cookie for doing the right thing?

    5: Clementine: I'M STILL... NOT... BITTEN... I never was, and you left me out here to die!

    6: Clementine: I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one whose lost people!

    7: Clementine: Look! A can!

    8: Clementine: Let's take them!

    9: Clementine: That's not funny. I don't see why I'm the one that has to crawl into danger every time, just 'cause I'm the smallest.

    10: Clementine: Why is it always me?

    11: Clementine This is bullshit

  • ''He was weak and i don't mean just 'cause he was maimed,that wasn't his problem.He was weak of will,weak of character''

  • GOOD VIBE? Well Christ Daddy-O, I am sorry that the folks with food AND defenses didn't tickle your pretty pink ass! - Larry

  • You helped me when we first met, now i want to help you.

    Maybe it seems like you're all alone right now, but you're not.

    When everything started, I met my friend Lee. He tried to help me find my parents. He protected me more than anyone in my whole life. He died to keep me safe. i was so scared.

    He taught me to be strong.even when I'm scared. Because he wanted me to live. And your dad protected you because he wanted you to live. He would still want that. - Clementine

  • You want to get violent you old fuck? WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, because it's me before anyone else in here! - Lee Everett

  • That was the second most badass Clementine line.

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