Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • oh you like links, here ya go :p

    dojo32161 posted: »

  • if you don't break the ice she won't say anything, which is the best dialogue

    fuckin bitch

    * If you help Luke, Bonnie will tell you she's sorry when Clem is shot. If you cover Luke, Bonnie will say "just leave her". * Patricia use

  • edited August 2014

    The music heard when Kenny kills Carver sounds a lot like the music that plays during Kenny's sacrifice in "No Time Left

    Pride posted: »

    Sort of a dark trivia, but the theme that plays after Luke's death is a slightly remixed version of the theme that plays during Carver's dea

  • And Lee on his 37...

    True_Scum posted: »

    I think Luke's 27th birthday was foreshadowing his death, many famous people died on their 27, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix.

  • He lied about his age; he was actually 27

    24601 posted: »

    And Lee on his 37...

  • Yeah. I noticed that immediately in episode 3. The only thing is that if you pronounce it "Howe's" just like "Lowe's," you will be saying hoes, which would be kinda funny since 1) Howe's is a hardware store that most likely sold hoes and 2) "hoes" sounds like "hos" (so maybe Howe's was a strip club after store hours). Haha. Get it? Anyone... No one... No... Ok, I'll leave...

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Howe's Hardware is likely based off the real life hardware store, Lowe's Hardware. both having a similar name as well as sporting the same blue and yellow colour scheme.

  • Nah, that wasn't long. :)

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    * The protagonists can both determinately get a cut on the cheek in the third episode of each season. Lee can get a cut on his cheek if you

  • Ha, thanks. :) It did take a long time to write though lol.

    fallandir posted: »

    Nah, that wasn't long.

  • Luke had sex the day or a few days before the shootout. Then it was his birthday. Thereforeee he had birthday sex!!! XD

  • Another thing I noticed is, if you pick up the gun, Clementine starts crying, if you don't, she doesn't.

    Tinni posted: »

    It may have already been said, but if you don't pick up the gun while Jane and Kenny are fighting, you get to watch Kenny kill Jane. edit

  • Worth it, good post :>

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    Ha, thanks. It did take a long time to write though lol.

  • Thank you so much! :D

    fallandir posted: »

    Worth it, good post :>

  • Near! お元気ですか?

  • Oh my god your profile picture is amazing XD

    fallandir posted: »

    Nah, that wasn't long.

  • I thought it was pretty funny. "Maybe they shouldn't have..."

    "I ought to slap to you!"

  • Thanks! Happy Birthday to Luke!

    Oh my god your profile picture is amazing XD

  • edited September 2014

    If you choose to let Luke and Bonnie drown, instead of a dialogue option that says [I’m freezing, I need a fire] it is changed to [Stop fighting!] Also, instead of Jane telling Clem to “be careful” while putting on her jacket, Jane stops her from walking out the room, and says the same thing

    When Jane offers Clem food in episode 5, she only eats one spoon full

    The only people to be around the whole second season are Clem and Alvie

    In every episode, people expect Clem to do something, someone her age, couldn't do

    201. Carlos expects Clem to last a whole night in a shed without dying from infection or blood loss. Rebecca expect Clem to leave the cabin and survive on her own.
    202. Luke expects Clem to cross a possibly dangerous bridge, which didn't seem bad at first but look what happened. Rebecca expects Clem to sneak out off the lodge and find Luke and/or Kenny.
    203. Kenny expects Clem to steal a radio without anyone noticing. Everyone but Luke expects Clem to sneak into Carver’s office, turn on a PA system, carry a mortally wounded 200 pound man out off the camp (determinant), and climb back up to the roof, and remember this.
    204. Bonnie expects Clem to crawl through a ticket booth into a possibly dangerous room and possibly get stuck in the process.
    205. Bonnie expects Clem to go back for Luke, which would most likely case the ice to break, and also possibly cause her to fall in to, and drown, freeze to death, or be eaten by a walker

  • Happy Birthday to Luke! Did you hear? Luke's birthday party went swimmingly..heh heh.. get cause swimmingly.. yeah I'll go

    fallandir posted: »

    Thanks! Happy Birthday to Luke!

  • To be exact, when Lee use the remote after confirmed Dough with his family photo and had Doug turn on the TV, he can do that saying "open sesame". And Doug's exact words are: it's univeral, but not that universal. Lee will say that he's just kidding.

    24601 posted: »

    Do you remember this? When I replayed S1 yesterday I found (or I remembered) that Lee can use the remoter on the lock, saying something like

  • In episode 5, if you choose to Cover luke and save Bonnie from the ice, instead of Mike urging Bonnie to go, Bonnie will urge Mike to go.

    This really does show Bonnie is a complete bitch now.

  • Don't go! And in case you didn't know... party was breathtaking!

    Happy Birthday to Luke! Did you hear? Luke's birthday party went swimmingly..heh heh.. get cause swimmingly.. yeah I'll go

  • In ep 2 Carver says Clem that people tend to betrail each other and breaks the group or something like that. Could it be a forshadowing for ep 5?

  • edited September 2014

    I'm glad you liked my joke. I was afraid you'd give me the cold shoulder after hearing it

    fallandir posted: »

    Don't go! And in case you didn't know... party was breathtaking!

  • When Doug is killed by the walkers in S1E1, Carley gets a really angry face when she's shooting the walkers afterwards. And Doug is rather shocked and said "they got Carley" in a very sad tone if it's Carley who dies there.

    I feel sorry that they can't both make it through. They really care for each other, and they are both really good people. I like it when Lee and Carley start a romatic relationship, but I like it more to ship Douley. And actually Lee can tell Clem to give Carley the bullets while himself pull Doug back...

    And the last words between Doug and Carley are...weird...

    Carley: Doug, if we don't make through this, you should know...

    [pushing the gate closed]

    Doug: I should know what?

    Carley: Huh?

    Doug: You said I should know--

    Carley: SHIT!

    [shoot the walkers through the window]

  • Arvo's sister's name was Maud at the end of episode 4. For unknown reason, she was renamed in episode 5 to Natasha.

  • Maud was her name in the files, her name all along was Natasha.

    Dawidek posted: »

    Arvo's sister's name was Maud at the end of episode 4. For unknown reason, she was renamed in episode 5 to Natasha.

  • jane gets stabbed in the leg, and a minute later she RUNS after clementine in Episode 5

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah the injuries in general are weird in TWDG. Mike gets shot in the arm, but he uses it to carry the baby, Clementine gets shot, is completely fine, saying it hurts, she falls in the snow and gets up in 2 seconds (even though she didn't stretch her arm all the way when running up the hill), Carver gets shot in the arm, but uses that arm 3 seconds later to shoot Alvin with no problems. Kenny says they can't stop cos they might not be able to go after without the food, has cut stomach, but he is able to run up the hill.

    Oh well, this isn't ZA realistic simulator is it?

    jason200798 posted: »

    jane gets stabbed in the leg, and a minute later she RUNS after clementine in Episode 5

  • It seems not that weird in S1...Lee and Omid all get their leg cut and it seems to be like hell... Mark got shot in the shoulder and he can't even stand still... But I still wondering how Kenny stand the shot in the gut from Andy st. John, and did Kat take the bullet out?

    P.S. They say that if you shoot Kenny before he kills Jane, you shoot him in the hip. But I don't think it's in the hip. Kenny cover his shot wound with the right hand while falling to the ground, and where he put his hand is about axial symmetry with where he got the shot in S1. Furthermore, the blood stain circle on the snow ground doesn't get its center around Kenny's hip. It's aroung the chest.

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Yeah the injuries in general are weird in TWDG. Mike gets shot in the arm, but he uses it to carry the baby, Clementine gets shot, is comple

  • "It must be nice bein' a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do anything."

    Sure Bonnie...sure.

    • If you choose to let Luke and Bonnie drown, instead of a dialogue option that says [I’m freezing, I need a fire] it is changed to [Stop fi

  • Bonnie: It must be nice being a pretty little girl, no one expects you to do anything.

    Clem: Um, aren't I the one who makes ALL of the choices?

    Pride posted: »

    "It must be nice bein' a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do anything." Sure Bonnie...sure.

  • You gotta do what you can to get ass and survive...

    thats gross

  • Oh man.. with that you are never sure. I mean when you have two options Im used to the fact the when timer runs out youll get one of those options not a third one.

    ErenCoral posted: »

    You can go with Jane without forgiving her, just let the timer run out and she'll say " Come on, lets go "

  • I thought Kenny was talking about college being a waste of money, not school.

    Pride posted: »

    Both Clem and Lee hated math and loved history. She says it's her favorite subject when Lee asks her in Crawford, and he's a history profess

  • When I picked "I liked school" as Clem he said "I think it's a waste of money", so I thought he was talking about school in general :T

    I thought Kenny was talking about college being a waste of money, not school.

  • When Bonnie asks you if you regretted something you had to do you have 3 options depending on your choices.

    "I regret cutting Sarita's arm."

    "I regret looking for my parents."

    And one I haven't seen on here.

    Alt text

  • There's also I wish I had told Walter the truth about Mathew.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When Bonnie asks you if you regretted something you had to do you have 3 options depending on your choices. "I regret cutting Sarita's arm." "I regret looking for my parents." And one I haven't seen on here.

  • edited September 2014

    That's odd, since I lied to Walter and cut Sarita's arm but only the ''I wish I never took anything from Arvo'' came up for me :/

    P.S: Also, you're quite fast, it hasn't been 30 minutes yet that Nova has played that part xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When Bonnie asks you if you regretted something you had to do you have 3 options depending on your choices. "I regret cutting Sarita's arm." "I regret looking for my parents." And one I haven't seen on here.

  • ErenCoralErenCoral Banned
    edited September 2014

    Also if Alvin dies, you can get a gun from Carvers room and shoot Carver in the cheek and he seems fine... lol

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Yeah the injuries in general are weird in TWDG. Mike gets shot in the arm, but he uses it to carry the baby, Clementine gets shot, is comple


    What was the point of this thing?

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