Why is it Kenny fans vs Jane fans? You're a Jane lover or a Kenny hater? I liked both and they both had their flaws. Kenny was predictable, angry, stubborn, with emotional rage-bursts and the occasional sentimental moment when he was emotionally manipulating me because we have a bond. Jane was slightly unpredictable, loner, questionable loyalty, impulsive, all bark no bite. I liked Kenny because he loved Clem and we've known him for so long. I liked Jane because she was the outside voice, the one looking at a situation from the outside and giving you a cold read on what is actually happening.
In the end I shot Kenny. Out of Mercy. I knew one of them was going to die. I had a feeling Jane did something stupid like hide the baby she was all "Trust me on this OK?" and I was like..."Meh, no. Seems stupid." But I shot Kenny. I put the man out of his misery. When Clem said "Not again" and Kenny ran off into the snow for the baby, I knew that man couldn't take anymore heartbreak. So, I went with what Lee said and made the tough decision and shot him because I liked him so much. He had even lashed out at me after Sarita...I remember the fist fight with Lee...I couldn't keep watching him devolve.
I went with Jane even though I didn't forgive her. Mainly because I don't think it's smart to be alone in the ZA. Especially not with an infant. I told her she was f-in crazy. Do I trust her? NO. She's impulsive and doesn't think things through. Do I like her? Sure. She's ok as along as I get a leather jacket like she promised.
I watched the other endings....Wellington is much more emotionally moving. But I'm pleased with all the decisions I made and where my Clem ended up. It was in a place of uncertainty but...I suppose so is Wellington, who knows what is behind those walls?
I know it's the internet so I shouldn't ask anyone to be rational but I'm sure there are a few people out there willing to admit, whether they killed Kenny or let Jane die, or went it alone....that ALL the choices were just whatever you thought the lesser evil was. Jane/Kenny were not perfect or absolute. I liked and was annoyed by both of them.
i salute to you sir, this fandom needs more people like you, although i actually do trust Jane, Loyalty is obviously not her strongest part, but i am quite sure she won't abandon Clementine, i forgiven her...because i had too, not going with her is plain impractical , and I'd rather just forgive and forget the whole thing because...FUCK IT, I'm alive, let's not screw this up(i also let the family in because why not)
Yes, no one is perfect. So can we please have respectful discussion and...
R.I.P Luke. But yeah I agree with everything you said. I shot Kenny out of mercy but didn't go with Jane because she made me shoot my friend for her own self reasons when it all could have been easily avoidable. Why would you even come up with a plan like that when in that moment what we needed was to support each other?
LOL PERFECT moment! Exactly.
Yeah, I like Jane. It's just everytime I think I know what to expect from her she surprises me. She surprised me when she pulled the gun on Arvo. She surprised me with the Kenny/snow fight. She surprised me with taking the family in because I let the timer run and didn't make a choice yes or no. She said Yes. In that instance I was pleasantly surprised. Showed she's got humanity left in her, but is self-aware enough to know when to get OUT of a bad situation.
EXACTLY. Jane's plan was STUPID...but I went with her because I felt as stupid and careless as her plan was...for me, going off alone with an infant was equally so. However, I watched the go it alone ending and I like that Clem stood her ground and put on her strong face and walked away confidently. It was pretty awesome. I can see how that ending would be satisfying if that's the one you chose.
Luke was great. I think his death scene was well done. It was dramatic and suspenseful and having Clem bang on the ice in a hopeless effort to save him, unwilling to accept that he was gone, was emotional.
But...remember, Luke wanted to LEAVE Kenny back at Carvers. That wasn't so 'standup' of that 'standup-guy'. He wasn't perfect either. It was really selfless of him to stay with Sarah even though she was being useless and he was awesome with Clem. I really liked him. Overall he was one of the best developed characters. "What's the most important thing Clem? Family." RIP LUKE.
Glad I hugged him when I had the chance...even if it was a little awkward.
I mean at least Luke didn't hide Sarita and pretend that she was dead so he could start a pointless fight. I'm just sayin'.
Yeah, when he suggested leaving Kenny behind it's because he wanted to get out of there and was thinking about the best for "the group"...but I think it was still "his group" only the people he liked/valued and not the group as a whole. It was just a crappy suggestion. In the moment it made me mad but I won't hold it against him. His character was certainly more good than bad and in the end he was thinking of Clem. Told her not to listen to Bonnie. He's was a cool guy.
Hahaha....also my opinion isn't perfect. Hahaha