We NEED long term characters in the walking dead
So i recently posted a thread but didnt get any attention so i'm re-positing it but shortening it a bit.
So basically the main points was that Telltale have been killing off characters in the very season they appear, the only character who has lasted through 2 seasons is Kenny. Now here's the point, when characters are killed off within 1 season we have no attachment to them and really I dont feel that upset when they're gone. The only character who managed to make me really upset when they were killed off in 1 season was Lee, however that was because he was a shining beacon of hope for a young innocent child. Now clementine is older, we arent going to get as attached to characters as quickly as we did for Lee, because Clem is independent and doesn't need a guardian/father figure for her. This is why if feel that in the walking dead characters need to start lasting 2+ seasons. So here are the 2 main points
- Clementine needs a partnership that will last 3+ seasons, someone who will always have her back. I was hoping this was gonna be Luke but that was ended in a ridiculously stupid way. The new one I'm hoping for would be Clem and AJ.
A Small group of survivors which will last for about 2+ seasons
The reason I dont think this is unreasonable is because season 2 was a straight up bloodbath and many of the deaths didnt affect me. I feel it would be much more effective to have a group of 5 or so hardened survivors and maybe lose about 1 per season. Think about it, at this point in the apocalypse all the survivors should be battle-hardened bad-asses and not 10 or so people with them unable to function on their own.
I feel like I'd appreciated a story of about 7 people who stick together over 2 season and only about 3 maximum die. Not only would this mean that everyone in the group would be like family, they would mean so much more when they die and have a big impact on the way the group functions.Now think about this, in season 1 when we lot Kenny no-one cried over that, nothing really sparked an emotion in me, however because he spanned across 2 seasons, when I let him kill Jane and left him at Wellington i Cried, it was just as sad as Lee's passing, that's why I say about having a small group of about 5 survivors 7 including Clem and AJ. The group would small enough we start getting attached to people very quickly, with a group so small everyone would look out for each other and they would soon be like family. Which means if theres 1 death in a season it doesnt matter who it will be because you KNOW its going to hurt so bad.
- In a small group of hardened survivors all of them will have big personalities and will all be looking out for each other.
I cant be the only one who wants this for the walking dead. I would love to have this, I dont need a bunch of deaths to be entertained.
For the overall ending to it, I would love to see Clem and Aj or another person survive all the way to the need, i dont need a sad ending to cry. Anyone agree? Really wanna ge this out there as I want telltale to see this.
I would much rather have a small group go to hell and back over the space of a couple seasons only losing a couple people here and there than the scenario in season 2 where you get nearly nowhere and its all in vain if you chose to go with Jane. In my opinion the ending shouldnt have made you chose to kill Kenny, in my opinion Jane should definitely die, so you definitely make your way to Wellington, and then you chose whether or not to stay with Kenny, at least then it wouldnt be in vain no matter what you did.
Season 1 and season 2 were bloodbaths actually.
Almost everybody gets a chance to die or becomes determinant
Fuck Kenny!
Fuck Jane!
Hail our lord Luke!
But not every one is going to live to see tomorrow
Well, I guess season 2 just felt like that more so with having 2 characters dead and 1 missing within a very short space of time. I just feel like everyone left in the apocalypse now shouldnt be dying the moment we make contact with them, I mean we reach the log cabin, and within a day Pete's already dead and Nick's missing. Everyone left in the apocalypse should be born survivors like clem, and shouldnt ben like Ben, thats why I want characters to start having a longer lifespan.
Christa is probaply still alive, she will most likely make a re-appearance in Season 3. (She got lucky...real lucky)
I don't know who I would have chose between luke or Kenny in that scene. I think i'd have broke down. Between Kenny or Jane Kenny was the easy choice
One of the points i tried to make was that at this point in the apocalypse all the survivors should be born and bred badasses like Clem, that's why I expect the lifespan of characters to increase, but even then I want the lifespan to increase, because it allows us to get attached to the characters more, and it also is getting a bit unrealistic having shit hit the fan as soon as clem arrives somewhere. All I want is a bit of realism. Clementine cant and shouldnt be the only person capable for surviving 2 seasons, so why not have her with other more permanent characters, something like the walking dead show would be nice, have watched the first couple seasons but i havent seen a ton of death but still love it. I'm just trying to get across that the game doesnt need tons of death in order to be entertaining, every season doesnt have to be overly emotional either. Id like a core of about 3 people in a group of 7 people which you can tell are strong leaders and badasses. The other 4 will also be important, but will die over the next couple seasons. Survival of the fittest should still apply, and if theres a very strong character who looks like he/she is obviously going to survive she/he SHOULD survive, its okay in my books to have a character who is obviously going to live, infact its wrong to shock kill them off, i know its dramatic but if there is a character who is so blatantly strong, cool, calm and collected as well as great at survival they should live multiple seasons.
One of the points i tried to make was that at this point in the apocalypse all the survivors should be born and bred badasses like Clem, that's why I expect the lifespan of characters to increase, but even then I want the lifespan to increase, because it allows us to get attached to the characters more, and it also is getting a bit unrealistic having shit hit the fan as soon as clem arrives somewhere. All I want is a bit of realism. Clementine cant and shouldnt be the only person capable for surviving 2 seasons, so why not have her with other more permanent characters, something like the walking dead show would be nice, have watched the first couple seasons but i havent seen a ton of death but still love it. I'm just trying to get across that the game doesnt need tons of death in order to be entertaining, every season doesnt have to be overly emotional either. Id like a core of about 3 people in a group of 7 people which you can tell are strong leaders and badasses. The other 4 will also be important, but will die over the next couple seasons. Survival of the fittest should still apply, and if theres a very strong character who looks like he/she is obviously going to survive she/he SHOULD survive, its okay in my books to have a character who is obviously going to live, infact its wrong to shock kill them off, i know its dramatic but if there is a character who is so blatantly strong, cool, calm and collected as well as great at survival they should live multiple seasons.
ffs that quote is everywhere. But i'm not sure she will![:/ :/](https://community.telltale.com/resources/emoji/confused.png)
That is very good thinking, I agree.
Thanks, I just hope this happens opposed to the weakest somehow outliving the strongest just for shock factor. We need a longer lifespan with these characters. Notice how as soon as we reach the cabin, Pete dies and Nick goes missing, not to mention Christa already gone and Omid dead. Its just a non stop train of death and its getting a bit stupid. People should be looking out for each other more and people should also be living longer. I would honestly like to see season 3 be a semi-happy season. The first 2 have been non stop death and crying, which is good, but it cant keep happening, id like season 3 to be all about adventuring, survival and looking out for each other in tight spots, i'd like an action packed season with great character development and hubs but without all the deaths, sure throw in 1 death, but make it worthwhile and dont throw in about 4-5 deaths of useless characters, make the character go out in a blaze of glory like Lee, saving the rest of the group. Thats the type of season that would be great. I'm not saying get rid of all the emotion, but 1 season, season 3 should give us a break. Character deaths need to be regulated and not every season should be an emotional shitstorm. Am i being unreasonable saying this?
Why on earth would she get mentioned 3 times in one episode if TellTale has no plans?
I dunno, it makes sense, and dont get me wrong I want her back, but I think Mike will definitely come back, he could originally die but they patched it so he cant. They must have plans for him!!!!!
No, I agree. When you mention the show every episode isn't filled with death, and I say the best moments from the game some times are the ones where we get to really feel and learn about the characters. Maybe one of my favorite scenes in S2 was the campfire from No Going Back. It felt realistic and it felt like even though we could die tomorrow, let's just enjoy the night and have fun. Also, one of my favorite scenes from TWD show was when Daryl and Beth burned down the house. Scenes that don't really have alot of emotional rollercoaster happenings or death, just focusing on character development.
Yeah he and Arvo will come back so we can kill both of them >:( I hope
So...I take it I was the only one. ;_;
Nu I cried too
Dont get me wrong i was bummed out, but I didnt have the same response as I had in season 2 where we got to stick with him for that bit longer. I cried like a baby about Kenny in season 2. BUt in season 1 I was just, damn that sucks balls, man. Probably because I still had Lee
I would tear the heart from Arvo's chest. But Mike, I dunno, Luke had him right all along when he said he didn't trust him. I always liked Mike, until he pulled that shit. But overall i'd say I dislike him, I just hope he's matured and realises how much of a twat he was, I dont think he deserves to die...yet.
Yeah, I just hope for the sake of the series TellTale listen up. Season 3 needs to have longer living characters and be much mroe realistic
Kenny will return in Season 3 regardless of whether you shot him. If you did, he just falls unconscious and as soon as we were out of his view, magical plot fairies show up and with a few waves of their wands he's up alive and kickin' with a Dumbledore beard.
Yeah, like in the comics there's still the main cast whom are around for the majority, when the comics and TV series kill a main character you really feel it, like S1 of the game did. The main group does change in the comics sure, but it changes gradually, not like S2 of the game where you get a bit attached to agroup on one ep, only for the writers to kill them all but one and have a brand new cast next ep. S2 of the game is kindof like S3 of the TV series, killing people asap ;/
Yeah, I agree! There are more themes than death that we could potentially explore. Its still going to happen but more focus on other things as well could be great! Less characters that exist just to die. Sooner or later the more experienced survivors are all thats left.
I think you're definetly on the right track here and i just soooo agre with themadeiramagician, i loved every second of that moment cause that was like the only moment of episode 5 where i could learn about the other characters and really just feel for just a moment that things might be looking up or the group might have stabelized, and as he said it was just so realistic!!
They should totally do that more often! And i really feel that having longer lasting characters would be for the better of the show!
Edit: I would also like it to be more kindof slow paced, season 2 seemed rushy to me and just too much shit hitting the fan, barely any connecting or bonding moments with the group![:( :(](https://community.telltale.com/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
I hope minor side characters don't get killed off just because they did something that annoyed players. This happened with Vernon in 400 Days. Mike and Arvo should have a chance to return and NOT get killed off immediately - especially if they encounter a protagonist who isn't Clementine, as that person would have no idea that those two were responsible for shooting a child.
I don't think Vernon is officially dead to me. The cancer survivors said "The last time we let a stranger in we lost Brie, then Vernon with that goddammed boat." I think Vernon just took the boat and ditched them. Well, in my opinion.
I see what you guys mean, I mean when the game starts in Season two there is a 16 month time skip. Counting the time skip in episode 2 of the first season it would be about 19 months since the apocalypse began. Now that is about TWO YEARS. You would think the cabin group would know these tips like putting walker blood on as camouflage and them lasting longer in the game assuming they've been surviving two years probably together.
I agree with this. It gets tiresome in TWD when every single character continuously dies, and basically the writers are attempting to fill the void of the characters they just killed off, only to kill off the characters they are using to fill the void, to then introduce new ones to try and fill two emotional voids, etc. Eventually I just stop caring about the new characters.
Ohh you're right... This game has been a bloodbath. Jesus everyone is freaking death. My idea whoever survived this season, well if you left th alive Kenny and Jane I think they should be the exception to he determined (or how ever is spelled) rule where they live all season or don't die right away. Be it if you went with Kenny or with jane, or you left them. And if you kill them both well shit idk.but I wouldn't mind seeing a group that can survive. Jesus I understand why the season 1 group died fast it was like the begging and some shit, serious shit, happened. But Jesus that cabin group were idiots, Luke was the only one fit to survive, and he got fucked cuz of that leg. But the damn comic group went to wars and shit and they still stand.
exactly what i mean, shit only hits the fan when Clem arrives, think about it, Clem arrives, Pete dies and Nick goes missing within ONE DAY!
Yeah, I just really hope TellTale acknowledge this, do they look on their forums much? Is there anyway we could tweet it to them? Or is it just a lost cause?![:( :(](https://community.telltale.com/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
yup agree with Daniel here. Wherever Clem turns up adults suddenly seem incapable of surviving, they must have been at least a year into the apocalypse by the time Clem arrived at the lodge with pete etc. As soon as she arrives Pet gets bit, Nick runs off, Carver visits its ridiculous. Dont forget bonnie walking over to save luke when hes on cracked ice. Telltale throw outt all reason as soon as Clem reaches survivors, I mean how did Pete last over a year if he made such a rookie mistake. My answer? He cat, and thats why i feel its so inconsistent, they're all survivors, battle-hardened, so why do they so stupid when Clem arrives? Oh yeah...."drama", I wouldn't mind a season where its just death death death, otherwise im gonna start questioning how the human race is still left.
We need Christa back...I don't care if Clem doesn't "need" a guardian figure. She deserves one. Someone who's stable and level-headed and who she can fully trust. That's Christa. At least it was. Who knows what's become of her now...
I don't want hardened survivors. I want cripples and children and elderly and people with flaws who make mistakes and need help and who have to rely on each other to survive and who grow into heros. I want characters who feel real, not a group of 'badasses' like it's some lame action flick. That's one thing Telltale has going for it: character variation.
Although I definitely agree that too many characters die too quickly. And when you save someone, they should have an impact on the story, or at least on their own story. They shouldn't just be stuck in the background waiting to be killed in a more horrible way. Alvin, Nick and Sarah got zero character growth or development before their final inglorious deaths, Sarita was a prop waiting to be stuffed in the fridge for Kenny's manpain, Jane doesn't get any drawn out redemption like Kenny in the end.
I wouldn't put it past Vernon.
we dooooo