Season 3 Will Likely NOT Be Centered Around Clementine



  • haven't watched it but if its true, then I think it will be hard for Telltale to continue the story

    TWD FTW posted: »

    Yes it will. Ign's episode 5 spoilercast, watch it.

  • Because I don't expect to get closure. My closure would be a somewhat comfortable ending of Clem being with someone who will treat her well in a safe place. I can imagine she reaches a place like this if they don't continue her story, but if they do something will definitely happen to her - and it may not be good. I'm not saying they'd kill her off, but the more time you spend with a character, the more chances there are of something bad happening to them.

    If none provided closure as you say then why would you be content to leave her story?

  • When did telltale say this?

  • B-but I don't want to say bye to Clem. ;_;

  • edited September 2014

    I think Season 2 and Season 1 events should shape her NPC traits and characteristics.

  • If they can pull of using Clem as a NPC going foward that would be great. I want this series to continue and be successful, but does eveyone remember the cluster-f*ck that was MGS2 starring everyones favourite she-male, Raiden. Still, that game sold pretty damn well despite that and the series has continued for many many years.

    My only problem with this would be is if she is a character that you have dialogue results with, I mean how in the hell will they handle this? The basis of Season 2 was choosing who your Clem would become and it would suck if suddenly they create a 'cannon' personality for Clem, it would kinda sh*t all over the choices you made in Season 2.

    Anyway, I want the the Lee/Clem legacy to continue somehow, IMO S2/ep5 ended as a unresolved cliffhanger.

  • I can't find it. I tried googling "Playing Dead Telltale Games Season 2 Episode 5". Nothing came up. There's so many articles right now because the finale just came out. Do you know where I can find it? Thanks.

    Wacth the playing dead that came out yesterday

  • This is the latest playing dead that Clem_is_awesome is talking about

    I can't find it. I tried googling "Playing Dead Telltale Games Season 2 Episode 5". Nothing came up. There's so many articles right now because the finale just came out. Do you know where I can find it? Thanks.

  • Personally, I think it's possible that Clem will be the protagonist because they're waiting awhile till they release Season 3. It'll be out around 2015 or as late as 2016. So, who knows what they could come up with in that time? Maybe they can make multiple branching stories that either involve Kenny, Jane, or just solo Clem. I'd like to see Telltale put more time into a season to give us broader sweeping options. I'd be willing to wait awhile for that. I could see them going either way at this point. If they decide to not go with Clementine as the protagonist, I feel that my story had a good ending. I chose to go with Kenny and I'm very happy with my choice. Of course, I would like to see what happens to them, but it's not mandatory for me to enjoy another season. I think it's all up in the air at this point and no one can really know. I do think that Telltale will have a hard time dropping Clementine though, since she's been present for the entire series.

  • Thanks! :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This is the latest playing dead that Clem_is_awesome is talking about

  • ^ This.

    Pride posted: »

    It's too soon for you to make a sensible thread, people are still in denial. You're gonna get a lotta hate for it, but don't worry because y

  • In Clementine we trust!

  • Finally, people that aren't Clementine addicts lol. She's cool and all, but jesus give the girl a rest.

  • edited September 2014

    let me guess, they gonna focused it on AJ ... well if that happens im not buying it... im gonna pretend that season don't exist even if it's existing.. -_-""

  • I hope AJ's not in it either. In fact I'm hoping for a brand new cast of people, with maybe some cameos from previous seasons.

    Mich19 posted: »

    let me guess, they gonna focused it on AJ ... well if that happens im not buying it... im gonna pretend that season don't exist even if it's existing.. -_-""

  • yeah.. but they should make the other 400 survivors playable again, make it in season 3 like how are they are they dead after they were overrun by the zombies.. or they should make another DLC in season 2 again -_-

    NoWhey posted: »

    I hope AJ's not in it either. In fact I'm hoping for a brand new cast of people, with maybe some cameos from previous seasons.

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