
So, now that the boards have been drowning in Kenny/Jane threads and a few Mike/Bonnie/Arvo/Luke thread I was wondering if it wasn't time to talk about Clementine.

I'd like if people could explain how they see Clementine's personality now that Season 2 is over; why and how they think she were influenced.
Feel free to use the ending choices to explain how you see her personality, but I'd like for this to not turn into another Jane/Kenny argument. Please.

Personally I tried to play Clementine as close to the original Sweet Pea, merciful, forgiving, empathic, friendly. I had a few slips here and there, but generally I feel like I held up thos traits. "I don't want to hurt anyone" fitted her pretty well, I tried not to make Clementine use violence or weapons when I had a choice.

Your turn!


  • My Clem learnt from Lee to be a survivor! You can keep your humanity, you can keep trying to save people, but when the things are obvious, you do anything for suvival.

  • My Clem is still hopeful for the future, if hardened by her experience. While pragmatic about her survival, she does still stick her neck out and try to make the "right" decision. Even though she is with a person she doesn't care for, Jane, she still wants to help others by creating a new group.

  • My Clementine is all about being loyal and being a family(Because I stayed loyal to Kenny at the whole season.)

  • The problem is people cannot grasp what #MYCLEMENTINE means. It means YOUR CLEMENTINE, the Clementine you play as. Which is why there is no right or wrong ending, and no point in hating someone over what team they represent. Team Jane btw

  • Say, if there had been a third party to go with after the fight (Bonnie/Mike, Luke, Nick etc.) would your Clementine have went with them?

    jpj1421 posted: »

    My Clem is still hopeful for the future, if hardened by her experience. While pragmatic about her survival, she does still stick her neck o

  • edited September 2014

    Without a second of hesitation. Hell, if Bonnie, Mike and Arvo suddenly showed up saying that Arvo wanted to apologize, I'd grab AJ and hop into the back seat without looking back.


    Well, maybe that's a bit too strong. I did bring Lily back into the motorhome, so I would probably do the same with Jane. She's now on probation pending good behavior.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Say, if there had been a third party to go with after the fight (Bonnie/Mike, Luke, Nick etc.) would your Clementine have went with them?

  • Yeah, why did you sum up my OP?

    The problem is people cannot grasp what #MYCLEMENTINE means. It means YOUR CLEMENTINE, the Clementine you play as. Which is why there is no right or wrong ending, and no point in hating someone over what team they represent. Team Jane btw

  • Lee can sum my Clementine up for me "sometimes you have to hurt the people you love"

  • Sorry, too long, didn't read.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Yeah, why did you sum up my OP?

  • My Lee said to my Clem, ''Don't trust anyone'' which she replied ''I won't''. My Clem then didn't trust anyone in the start, when she just met them. Didn't trust the cabin group, Carver and Arvo and some more. She also do what she has to do to survive. My Clem can be rude to people who doesn't treat her very well, and she doesn't take any chances. Etc, when Mike, Bonnie and Arvo is about to steal the truck, my Clem pulled her gun out, for protection and i called for Kenny and Jane's help, because i thought Mike would hurt her. She's nice to people who treat her good, and if people are saying anything bad to Clementine, then my Clem will say something bad to them too. My Clem is most of a survivor, which she should be in a Zombie Apocalypse. Clem <3

  • 141 words are too long? Okay :p

    Sorry, too long, didn't read.

  • MyClem is smart, tough, sassy but most of all a survivor. She will always try and do the right thing. To save the lives of good people and to protect those who can't protect themselves.

    If however you hurt her or betray her you are finished. Which is why if in s3 we see Arvo, Mike or Bonnie they are dead no talking no excuses just a shot to the head.

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